Premium Essay

My Opinion


Submitted By Jamxwong
Words 693
Pages 3
Report My favorite idol that inspired me is an American professional basketball player, he has a nickname call “Black Mamba”, and he is Kobe Bryant (born August 23, 1978). Kobe plays for Los Angeles Lakers team of the National Basketball Association. Kobe has 5 NBA championship rings in his 17th career. Kobe Bryant also is a 15-time All-Star, 15-time member of the All-NBA Team, and 12-time member of the All-Defensive team. As of March 2013, he ranks third and fourth on the league's all-time postseason scoring and all-time regular season scoring lists, respectively. Why he is my idol? Reasons are I love his fierce passion about basketball, great leadership and he not a quitter, never give up until success, and dare to face the problems. First time I’m trying to play basketball, i was 9 years old. I saw Kobe’s game highlight and I can see his passion to basketball, which was driving me always. I can directly say to everyone, I never give up basketball because of Kobe. Now, I’ll not give up easily, and try to move on until success. Because I learn from Kobe, don’t be a quitter, and be a leader, face the problems directly and solve it by yourself, that’s what leader does. Kobe always inspire everyone include me in everything of my life. The characteristic that can describe me from the activity is creativity. I love creativity. Reason is I believe that creativity can make our life more interesting. As I know, creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. I always love to use some simple thing to create a new product that can be used in our daily life. For example, I try to use an old shoes box to do a photo frame before, and it works, simple and green. Other than that, every time I and

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