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My Physical Fitness


Submitted By gracielle
Words 474
Pages 2
My Physical Fitness as a College Student
“Health is wealth,” as the old saying goes. The most precious thing from everything we have is our life, and that includes our health as well.
Most of us college students take our health for granted. Amidst to the fact that we are only humans and we get tired too, we immerse ourselves into the stress and pressures of our school works, projects and examinations. There are points in our college life that we fill our tummies with only biscuits in order to finish something.
In a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest, probably my physical fitness as a college student is at 3. I started getting fat during my high school years and I blame my sweet tooth for that because I am really into sweets. The perks of being a young woman encouraged me to be more conscious of myself and my body as well. Upon entering college, I started having Zumba at home following a video I downloaded from Youtube. During my first few weeks in college, I make sure to make it a habit to have Zumba every morning for atleast 30 minutes. Luckily, I lost pounds. When the college life started to heat on with all the works needed to finish, sometimes I already skip exercises. However, during my spare time I conduct simple exercises just to sweat up a little bit and stretch.
I am not much strict to my eating habits because simply I love to eat. I am more strict on my intake of rice. I make sure that I only eat 2 cups of rice every day. I also drink tea every morning for easier digestion. I also limit myself from soft drinks and junk foods after a history of having Urinary Tract Infection or UTI. Whenever I have time to visit Bankerohan, I also buy enough fruits to eat for a week consumption. As of the moment, I am into water treatment which I have read in an article. And I can really say that I am feeling the good results.
Yes, college is indeed stressful but I never forced myself to finish something if I couldn’t anymore. Keeping a planner helped me track my schedule and manage my time wisely. I also surround myself with friends for a support system and to satisfy my sense of belongingness. Being far from my parents was never an issue to me as well because I never lose the communication. I never stress out my mind because I believe a healthy mind is a healthy body.
Surviving college is indeed challenging and in order to survive you’ve got to have your weapons. Among the weapons, the strongest one is your health because all other weapons are interconnected to this. So, treasure it and keep it.

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