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Myers-Briggs Type Specialist

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Carroll and Ronnie Leavitt developed the study done in 1982 on personality characteristics between physical therapist with different careers. They used the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test (MBTI) which is a personality test, and an information handout that triggered occupational information to 1982 graduating class at the University Of Connecticut. These forms gathered details which showed the personality differences in the physical therapists (Rovezzi- Carroll, 1984). This research is important because it shows that choosing the therapy field that is suitable contributes to job satisfaction and stability. The results of the data proved that specialty and general physical therapist differed greatly. The MBIT showed that the students wanting to become a generalist physical therapist would rather have routines and practiced old skills instead of developing new skills. On the contrary, students planning on becoming a specialties therapist received a better score in the Perceiving and Intuitive area. This meant they developed better ideas. …show more content…
According to the data generalists preferred routines. This goes hand and hand with roles of a generalist therapist considering they work in a hospital. They will most likely go through the same process on a daily basis (Rovezzi- Carroll, 1984). However, the students that were wanting to become a specialist physical therapist enjoyed learning new skills and furthering their knowledge. These therapist work with different types of people based on their specialization. They never go through the same routine like the generalists would in a hospital. Specialization therapists work in a lot of different places like — Rehabilitation centers, schools and, athletic facilities. These therapists usually create their own work hours and adapt to their surroundings easily (Rovezzi- Carroll,

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