...Written Analysis 5 For my popular culture topic I chose to analyze what others think about the TV show CSI. Though the previous four written analysis’ I have a better understanding of what they do think of the show after applying the aspects of this class. I found out through the first written analysis that many people believe that real life crime scene investigators really do everything that is portrayed in the TV show. However, that is just a myth. Real crime scene investigators are the individuals in the lab running tests on evidence that law enforcement collects and gives to them to test. They do not make arrests either. That is also left up to law enforcement. I also learned that forensic science has become a pop culture icon because of the show. It has made a lot of individuals to take college courses to learn more about it and to even change careers because they want to be just like the characters on the show. In the second written analysis I depicted that the show has a stereotype about crime scene investigators. The show portrays them as the crime solver. This is simply not true. Real crime scene investigators simply analyze the evidence in labs. Law enforcement is the ones who solve the crimes. They use the analysis of the evidence from the crime scene investigators to solve the crimes and to arrest the ones who committed the crime. In written analysis three, it was hard to decide if the characters in the show were heroes or not. But, if you look at the show...
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...rape and sexual violence. Table of Contents Introduction…………………………………………………………….3 Anti-Rape Movement………………………………………………4 Feminist Perspective…………………………..…………………..7 Amelioration Vs. Backlash……………………………………...9 Conclusion………………………………………………………….…11 Bibliography……………………………………………….…………12 Introduction The definition of rape has been something of dispute for the last number of years. Rape usually is understood to involve some sort of sexual penetration of a person by force or without consent. Rape is committed more by males, usually on a female. In the last three decades, feminist have worked and studied rape with the collective agenda to work towards changing rape in a social and legal manor. Feminist thought and activism have challenges the myth that rape is rape, showing that it is a common experience among girls and women. Although feminists have different theories on why rape occurs, and how to eliminate it, they share the notion that rape is wrong and work towards learning and teaching about rape prevention. This paper will touch on the anti-rape movement, the feminist perspective, and different hypothesis in learning about the different feminist theories of rape. Anti-Rape Movement Feminists have been working for decades towards raising awareness and changing the perspective of rape and sexual violence, with their main goal to eliminate sexual violence. The first wind of the anti-rape movement became apparent in the late 1960’s (Rose, 1977), since then feminist anti-rape literature...
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...Part A: Article Analysis For Part A of the exam you will be reading and analyzing a column by Margaret Wente published in the Globe and Mail (see the appendix at the end of the exam). Please respond to each of the following. For question 2 you should imagine that you are writing a letter to the editor of the newspaper that this article was published in. 1. Identify two rape myths that were discussed in class or in your readings. Highlight or underline the rape myths in the text. Use coloured highlighters or pens to differentiate the two myths. Please explain the false assumptions that the author is making. /5 Prior to discussing the rape myths that are used in this column, rape myths must first be explored in terms of how they entail. Rape myths are prejudicial and stereotyped beliefs about rape and synonymous situations surrounding sexual violence [1]. These beliefs are used as a tool to minimize the seriousness of sexual violence. They belittle the act and, in the process, influence self-blame of the victims. This, in turn, decreased the probability of these crimes being reported due to the increased level of victim blaming....
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...One of the articles evaluated is, “Illegal Aliens and Violent Crime: Some Amazing Facts”. This article was written in 2017 by Tom Tancredo of Breitbart, an online media source. It was presented as a national news story. The second article to be evaluated is a peer reviewed article titled, “Immigrants Commit Less Crime than Native-Born Americans”. It was written by Veronika Bondarenko and Skye Gould in 2017. This article was a national news story and appeared in Business Insider Magazine. Analysis of Article from Breitbart Before reading one word of this article it can be determined from the article’s accompanying photograph that it will play towards social conventions and sets the tone of the content. The picture is one of many poorly dressed individuals who look like immigrants packed into a room, small in size, some with their arms raised high in the air in what encourages the reader to envision thoughts of defiance. This picture serves the purpose of “priming the mind” for what is to come. This is only the...
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...The Impact of Acquaintance Rape for Female College Students Word Count: 3,027 Abstract Acquaintance rape, commonly referred to as "date rape," is sweeping across college campuses throughout the United States. Described as nonconsensual sexual contact achieved by force, manipulation or coercion between two people who know each other, it is a form of sexual violence that had been given little attention prior to the 1980’s. Recent studies indicate that one in four female college students will be the victim of acquaintance rape at some time during four years of college making it the fastest growing crime against females in college institutions. However, because there are widespread false impressions among all college students that acquaintance rape does not exist, is not “really rape” or is not a serious crime, many believe that it is not as traumatic to the victim as rape by someone unknown to them. These erroneous beliefs often leave the victims of acquaintance rape more devastated than the rape action itself. The purpose of this paper is to examine the facts surrounding female acquaintance rape on college campuses and the role that crisis intervention techniques play in the recovery from an experience that many experts describe as crippling. The Impact of Acquaintance Rape for Female College Students Every two minutes someone in the United States is raped, and the chance of the victim being a female college student is four times greater than that of any...
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...Reading Reflection According to the article “The Internet police in China: regulation, scope and myths” wrote by Xiaoyan Chen and Peng Hwa Ang, the authors focused on the analysis of the Chinese Internet censorship and the role of the internet police in China. With the emergence and the development of the Internet, the number of Internet users grew rapidly in China and reached 384 million in 2009, which is larger than the US Internet users. In order to keep the Internet community in order, the Chinese government has put a lot of effort to regulate and control the online space. The Internet police was one of the efforts that the Chinese government has been made to regulate and manage the Internet (Chen& Ang, 2011). The public Information and Internet Security Supervision Bureau (PIISS) was set up in 1998, which intended as an online police unit to manage cyber space. This bureau was established at provincial, prefecture and county levels, which contains around 20000 Internet police everywhere in Mainland China (Chen& Ang, 2011). “Internet police work can be understood as supervision of the safety of the computer network and Internet systems, administrative regulation on Internet activities and detection of computer and Internet crimes” (Chen& Ang, 2011, P. 42). For example, to detect and prevent the transmission of the computer viruses, and to protect the security of the important computer information systems are within the scope of the supervision of the Internet...
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...Crime is as American as credit cards, the NFL, Hollywood, and airbrushed magazine covers. However, crime has been around much longer than America has existed in the eyes of the world. The word crime is a pretty simple word to define. Yet, one crime is not the same as another crime. You cannot define theft the same as you could arson. You could not define assault the same as you could jay walking. There are many crimes that exist in society. These crimes range from almost insignificant to horrible to tragic. The same can be said for a person who breaks the law. It would be hard to call someone arrested for jay walking a criminal in the same context as someone arrested for murder. In life, there are many types of people. There are people who have never broken the law and have never had any sort of dealings with law enforcement. There are people that have broken the law and have had unfortunate dealings with law enforcement, yet those people are not criminals and just made a mistake. Then, you have the people that are true criminals. The true criminals of society are the people that hone their “talents and skills.” The true criminals of society are the ones that scheme elaborate plans to steal millions of dollars, the people that hide in the dark waiting for an innocent person to walk by so the criminal can rob them at gunpoint, the people that enjoy raping women or molesting children, and the people that kill other people out of jealousy, greed, or just plain enjoyment. Criminal...
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...Internet Journal of Criminology © 2014 ISSN 2045 6743 (Online) Male Rape: The Unseen World of Male Rape By Aliraza Javaid1 Abstract This research explores the phenomenon of male rape and how the police recognise it, together with uncovering male rape myths in a local police force. Whilst male rape research is expanding, it was found that the police have a lack of knowledge, understanding, awareness, and specialised training of male rape. Therefore, police officers’ attitudes, ideas, views, perspectives, and beliefs on specific topics pertinent to male rape are discussed. This project also seeks to comprehend gender expectations and stereotypes of men, so as to comprehend the prevalence of male rape, the negligence of male rape, and the under-reporting/recording of male rape. Moreover, because male rape is a part of sexual violence, feminist theory is used as a foundation for this project, since feminism seeks gender equality. Ultimately, this research emphasises the need for the police to adequately manage male rape victims and take male rape seriously, without any negative attitudes, ideas, views, perspectives, and beliefs. 1 MRes Social Sciences www.internetjournalofcriminology.com 1 Internet Journal of Criminology © 2014 ISSN 2045 6743 (Online) Contents Page 1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................3 2.0 Male Rape Victims in the Criminal Justice System..................................
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...‘’Rape’’ a social problem that continues to occur daily and is seldom reported, the rape of a women and children is a violent and alarmingly common crime, often committed by men the victims know and trust A rapist can come from any race, social class or environment. For many years South Africa has been considered the rape capital of the world, some analysis’s tend to blame this scourge on our countries history of apartheid and violence. Over the years the precise definition of rape has varied and thus there is no single agreed definition of rape. In 2012, the FBI changed their definition from "The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will." to "The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object or by oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim." The new South African law around rape came into effect in December 2007. This law is called the Sexual Offences and Related Matters Amendment Act, No. 32 of 2007 and considers that males too can be victims of rape. Rape is an act of Sexual Penetration of a victim, without their consent. Rape occurs when * Someone inserts their genital organs into the mouth, anus or genital organs of a victim * Any part of someone’s body, such as a finger, goes into the anus or genital organs of the victim * Any object, like a stick or a bottle is put into the anus or genital organs of the victim * The genital organs of an animal are put...
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...person knows that they harbor a harsher (or easier) stance on a particular group or type of crime they may then exert their own self monitoring system to “cleanse” or account for that implicit bias or work to counter or to question their ingrained responses. According to Bernice B. Donald, the 6th U.S Circuit Court of Appeals...
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...Kylie Murphy C.C.C. Annotated Bibliography “Five myths about gun control” By Robert J. Spitzer, December 21, 2012 1. I like this article because it states specific facts about gun control and not just opinions. It talks about all the myths about gun control, one myth is that gun control is a losing battle for Democrats. But, that is false because many democrats have voiced their opinion on the topic. Another myth is that guns are deadliest as murder weapons which has been also proven false because statistics show that gun suicide is more common than gun homocide. Another myth is that American schools have become shooting galleries. Horrible incidents like Sandy Hook and Columbine have happened but schools are still a safe place. Schools are starting to take a lot of precautions like lock down drills, metal detectors, and the presense of a resource officer. “…the odds of a child dying from a violent attack at school are about one in a million.”which may be very comforting to you but unfortunetely not to the families in connecticut and elsewhere. Another myth Robert talks about in this article is that gun regulations are incompatible with America’s gun heritage, but today four states have completely elimintated permits for handgun ownership and carrying. The last myth that Robert talks about is that the Second Amendment was intended to protect the right of Americans to raise up against a tyrannical government. If that was true it would defeat the whole purpose of the Bill...
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...PCousel can call Hector to adduce evidence on Claire’s prior sexual history. (i) The facts in dispute is consent. Claire denied having consented, testifying that she ever has and never would have sex when her daughter is present, not even with her husband. Hector’s evidence is of circumstantial nature and is relevant to both credibility and issue. His evidence can strengthen Claire’s testimony and if the Jury believes him, it is capable of proving Claire would not have consent sex in the presence of Gale. The probative value of his testimony is determined by the Jury. (ii) The evidence that Claire has only had sex with Hector in the ten years of the marriage has no relevance. The philosophy of CO 154 is to debunk the baseless prejudicial myth that women who had sex outside marriage had a dual propensity to consent to sexual relations indiscriminately and to be devoid of veracity (Tse Hoi Pan 2006)....
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...Theories of Crime Causation November 11th, 2010 Abstract The following will examine the differences between criminalists, criminologists and forensic psychologists. It will then transition into how what exactly is a white collar crime and a blue collar crime. Lastly the paper will discuss the differences between index-one and index-two crimes as defined by the UCR. Media Portrayal of Crime Introduction With the prevalence of crime being portrayed in the media world, it can be difficult for the modern American to decipher all the aspects of crime. Criminology, the study of crime and its causes, is a excellent way to find out just what makes a criminals mind tick. Although it may be hard to know just what makes a person commit a crime, having a better understanding of the base of criminal justice aspects may be of assistance. Criminologists, Criminalists, and Forensic Psychologists With a plethora of jobs out there relating to the field of criminal justice, it may become overwhelming to try and decide who does what and how they do it. To have a better understanding of such fields one must know exactly what each field does separately from the other. A criminologist uses sociological theories and methods to study criminal behavior and how societies respond to crime (Hall, 2010). This means the criminologist seeks to find out the mentality behind a crime and how that thinking affects the society as a whole. By creating theories as to why of how this crime was committed...
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...the public because of media interoperations such as “The Silence of the Lambs” and “Criminal Minds”. However the FBI calls its form of profiling “criminal investigative analysis”; another profiler, a prominent forensic psychologist, calls his work “investigative psychology”; and another calls his “crime action profiling” only further proving the lack of agreement in terminology (8). Often a criminal profiler is thought to be a perceptive unknown or an unconventional intellectual who can solve crimes by trusting a combination of intuition and strong insight into the criminal mind (9). Criminal profiling is a method used by criminal investigators to develop profiles for murders, rapists, and other violent criminals who haven't been arrested yet (4). Profilers rely on perceptive trail and error to predict others’ behavior. They use the growing knowledge from psychiatry, psychology, criminology, and sociology, and utilize each in the field of criminal profiling. (3) Like in every job, criminal profilers have specific responsibilities that their job entails. It is a world of investigation and research impacted by inductive and deductive reasoning, crime-solving experience and knowledge of criminal behavior, facts, and statistical probabilities (1). Profilers are there to help investigators examine evidence from crime scenes and victim and witness reports to develop an offender description including psychological variables such as personality traits, psychopathologies and behavior patterns...
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...Free University of Amsterdam Faculty of social sciences Department of political science Globalization: The end of state Sovereignty? Ofran Badakhshani: 1586513 Words: 1442 Ofran Badakhshani: 1586513 Written assignment for International Relations Index Introduction......................................................................................................................... 3 Globalization....................................................................................................................... 3 State sovereignty................................................................................................................. 4 Analysis............................................................................................................................... 4 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 6 Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 7 2 Globalization: The end of state Sovereignty? Ofran Badakhshani: 1586513 Written assignment for International Relations Introduction “A specter is haunting the world’s governments, the specter of globalization”. The world order and politics are facing a new danger; the sovereignty of the nation states is under question. According to some theorists there is a constantly growing dependency and interconnectedness between the...
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