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NFL Game Day Concussion (CTE)

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These are all real cases of NFL football players whose brains had CTE. Boston University’s case study revealed the brain tissue of 90 of 94 deceased former NFL players have been positive for CTE. Unfortunately, to identify CTE in the brain, a sample of the brain must be examined and tested. This means the person must be deceased before they can be positively diagnosed with CTE.
The NFL at first denied the connection of CTE and other degenerate diseases to concussions. But eventually after all these findings, the NFL was forced to do something. The NFL has since issued concussion guidelines, which include a telephone hotline to report when a player is being forced to play contrary to medical advice. The NFL Game Day Concussion Protocol has been put into place to further protect players. The NFL, college, and high school teams are also limiting the number of contact practices allowed during the season.
I think the helmet sensors could be useful. The sensors could help indicate whether the impact was great enough to cause a concussion and if the player should then see a doctor. But the sensor wouldn’t …show more content…
Something needs to change to prevent more harm. Engineers have recently designed a new helmet with three layers of energy-absorbing insulation. This helmet reduces the force of the impact and the kinetic energy of the impulse created by the impact. The design is still being tested and improved and is not yet being used during play. Sadly, I don’t think there is a sure way to avoid sports-related concussions without banning contact sports. However, there are things coaches can do to minimize the head injuries caused by hard impacts and unnecessary roughness. Helmets should be tight around the head to avoid rattling and the chin strap should fit properly. The coach can also teach the players from a young age to play by the rules and have good

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