Premium Essay



Submitted By Eiczs
Words 603
Pages 3
Assalamualaikum and a very pleasant morning to honourable judges, accurate time keeper, and of course, my unforgotten wonderful audiences.
The use of laptop or notebook computers is widespread and many people use them regularly as part of the work process. Though the definition can no longer be used in a single direction, thanks to its ability to store songs, watch movies on, store snaps, files, and many more. But primarily it is used widely for work purposes. It brings a sense of style and status.
The liberty to carry anywhere- unlike a desktop and more importantly to carry your work anywhere! The ability to connect to your mobile or camera and instantaneously exchange data is a boon. Just imagine the advantage of plugging into the internet when you are out of your home or work place! And now the market is flooded with new and wide range of laptops. Everyone seems to speak about only 3GB, 4GB. They are becoming more and more affordable and are slowly replacing desktops at schools. Colleges, offices and even homes! But all good things have their flaws too.
There are three main categories of risk associated with laptop use...
a) The equipment is designed for portable use and as a result compromises have had to be made. This leads to smaller keyboards and screens, differing pointer devices or mouse, as well as lack of adjustability. As a result, laptops tend to be uncomfortable in prolonged use.
b) The work environment where laptops are used tends to be less "user friendly" than the office environment. Areas are often constricted; such as on trains, in cars, at home etc, which does not allow the user to work comfortably for any lengthy period of time.
c) The arrangement of the keyboard and screen usually leads to the user working with their head and shoulders bent forward, adopting an awkward arm, wrist and hand position in order to key information in or to read

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...Firdawsi in the Shah-nama skillfully employs foreshadowing to create suspense, emphasize the tragedy, and portray the mood. Foreshadowing is very important and change the way a story is read. Firdawsi did a great good of foreshadowing when he wrote the Shah-nama. The Shah-nama is a tragedy that tells the story of Rustam and Suhrab. Rustam is a mighty leader who unknowingly kills his son Suhrab. Creating suspense in any story is very important to keep a reader entertained and actively reading the story. One way this can be done is by foreshadowing. In the Shah-nama, Firdawsi, the author uses foreshadowing to create suspense. “Let us dismiss such fancies from our hearts, for he will come to fight with me tomorrow.(4) This creates suspense because Suhrab is expecting another battle tomorrow. One can be lead to believe that the fight will be epic battle. One can also be lead to believe that Rustam will find out the truth. In conclusion this is how Firdawsi used foreshadowing to create suspense. A tragedy will often be the topic of a poem. Firdawsi used foreshadowing to emphasize the tragedy in the Shah-nama. “My mother told me I should recognize my father”(5). This is where Rustam figures out he might have a connection to Suhrab. The reader can also predict that the truth will come out and Suhrab will provide proof that he is Rustam’s seed. This also emphasizes how tragic the kill of one’s child can be. As you can see foreshadowing is important in a story especially when emphasizing...

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...ALIF ( ‫) أ‬ 1. Aban : ‫ : َﺑَـﺎن‬perbuatan yang sangat jelas, nama putra khalifah ‫أـ‬ ‘Utsman bin ‘Affan 2. Abiy : ‫ : أﺑﻲ‬yang memiliki kepribadian yang kuat yang pantang ّ َِ tunduk terhadap tekanan 3. Abyan : ‫ : أﺑ َﻦ‬yang lebih jelas ‫َ ْﻴ‬ 4. Adib : ‫ : أدﻳْﺐ‬sastrawan َِ 5. Ahmad : ‫ : أﺣ َﺪ‬yang banyak dipuji-puji, nama yang diberikan oleh Allah ‫َ ْﻤ‬ kepada Nabi Muhammad dalam al-Qur’an 6. Arib : ‫ : أرﻳْﺐ‬yang cerdik dan berakal َِ 7. Arhab : ‫ : أر َﺐ‬yang lapang dada ‫َ ْﺣ‬ 8. Asad : ‫ : أ َﺪ‬singa (lambang keperkasaan) ‫َﺳ‬ 9. Asmar : ‫ : أﺳ َﺮ‬yang berkulilt coklat, abu-abu ‫َ ْﻤ‬ 10. As’ad : ‫ : أﺳ َﺪ‬yang lebih bahagia ‫َ ْﻌ‬ 11. Asyqar : ‫ : أﺷ َﺮ‬yang berambut pirang ‫َ ْﻘ‬ 12. Asyhab : ‫ : أﺷ َﺐ‬warna putih yang bercampur hitam, sebutan lain bagi singa. ‫َ ْﻬ‬ 13. Ashil : ‫ : أﺻﻴْﻞ‬yang asli ِ َ 14. Anis : ‫: َ ِﻴْﺲ‬ ‫أﻧ‬ yang dapat menenangkan hati dari kerisauan/keterasingan 15. Akram : ‫ : أآ َم‬yang lebih mulia ‫َ ْﺮ‬ 16. Aman : ‫ : َ َــﺎن‬rasa aman ‫أﻣ‬ 17. Amin : ‫ : َ ِﻴْــﻦ‬yang dapat dipercaya ‫أﻣ‬ 18. Amir : ‫ : أﻣﻴْﺮ‬Emir, pemimpin, yang memerintahkan َِ 19. Anwar : ‫ : أﻧﻮر‬yang lebih bercahaya َ َْ 20. Arkan : ‫ : أر َﺎن‬pondasi, pokok ‫َ ْآ‬ 21. Awwab : ‫ : أ ﱠاب‬yang amat taat kepada Tuhan, julukan bagi nabi Daud ‫َو‬ 'alaihissalam 22. Ayib : ‫ : ﺁ ِﺐ‬yang kembali ‫ﻳ‬ 23. Ayyub : ‫ : أﻳﻮْب‬yang banyak kembali, nama nabi ‫َﱡ‬ 24. Islam : ‫ : إﺳﻠﺎم‬keislaman َْ ِ 25. I’tisham : ‫ :اﻋﺘ َﺎم‬berpegang teguh ‫ِ ْ ِﺼ‬ 26. Iklil : ‫ : إآﻠﻴْﻞ‬mahkota...

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