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Narrative Essay On The New America

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America built a strong army before the war. The numbers of the military grew significantly and for two years America was still overpowering the other countries. But after the bombings everyone took a step back. Everyone had to were oxygen masks to breathe so they wouldn’t die from breathing the radiation and chemicals in the air. The world soon become terrified of each other. Thousands of people were dying each day and they knew the time had come to come up with a compromise.
So, the American government told the rest of the world about The New America and soon it was decided that they would move the rest of the surviving population underground. All of the survivors from the other countries flew on planes and arrived in America a few days after the compromise. Not everyone agreed with the compromise, but the government in each country told them it was mandatory. They could either go willingly or be forced. The New America had food, clean water, clothing for the residents, clean air to breathe, and most importantly safety and security.
When the government made the New America, they put multiples types of each animal in there so they wouldn’t go extinct. They made floors that …show more content…
“We are a damaged world!” His words echoed off the walls. “But the past is over. It is time for a new beginning!” Some people in the crowd cheered, while others scowled. The mother squeezed her daughter’s hand. She needed to feel something. Edwin took in another breath, he seemed nervous, and continued, “No matter what battle confronts us we will rise above it. Today is a sad day, but we are united together and we will conquer whatever our new world throws at us. Because today is the start of a new future for all of us. Finally, we are united! Do not forget the past, but do not hold on to it either. Learn from it!” The speech continued. Edwin talked about unity and how we have come together in a dark time, that soon would turn into something worth

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