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Cardio-Respiratory Exercise Benefits

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The benefits of the cardio-respiratory fitness in everyday life

The benefits of having a healthy heart is that oxygenated blood will be pumped around the body consistently with no arrhythmia.
The benefit of having healthy lungs is that you are able to access the whole of your lung to be able to inhale as much oxygen as possible when doing sport. If you unhealthy lungs from smoking, you are susceptible to asthma and lung cancer (90% of lung cancers are from smoking cigarettes.) Having asthma will make you have a shortness of breath when doing sport, you can use an inhaler to alleviate this problem, so you are able to live a normal life still.

Heart disease
Heart disease is caused by a plaque build-up on your artery walls. Over time the plaque …show more content…
For someone who has suffered a stroke, depending on how severe it was, they might be able to do some exercise at low intensity for around 10-15 minutes. With the exercises being simple movements to regain muscle coordination. Obesity
You become obese from eating too much unhealthy food / having a poor diet, this will make you have excess fat everywhere in your body. This can cause Arrhythmia because there is fat around the heart, so the heart can’t pump as much blood to the body. Obesity causes high blood pressure. The effects of obesity is that you’re susceptible to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. This will affect someone’s everyday life because it means the person can’t eat certain foods (if they have diabetes) and they’ll fatigue easily.
To prevent this, the person should do exercise every day for at least 40 minutes at a medium-high intensity to burn off the excess fat. Moreover, they have to quit the fast food / ready-made meals and start eating healthy by making high protein, carb, vitamins and minerals, low sugar, low salt meals.

Different …show more content…
Complete everyday takes with ease
Strength is in someone’s everyday life because they need strength to be able to lift / move anything in the house, whether that would be picking up a 2 litre bottle or moving a chair.
Flexibility can improve someone’s posture, makes muscles pliable, so there is less chance of injury. You need flexibility in everyday life for simple activities like reaching to get to the top shelf while shopping or bending down to pick up something that has been dropped on the floor.

Avoid Injury
Strength helps avoid injury in sport because the performer’s muscles, bones, ligaments and tendons become stronger. This means that their strong muscles and tendons would be able to protect their joints and bones from impact. For example, being tackled in rugby or being slide tackled in football. An example for everyday life is if the person falls over, if they have strong bones, they wouldn’t

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