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State-Based Warfare: The Sociology Of War

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Violence is almost as old as life itself as various organisms have and to this day compete to survive. Yet the general understanding of state based warfare only dates back to around 3500 BC while most knowledge on pre-state warfare isn’t much older than 15,000 years old. Renowned anthropologist and archaeologist R. Brian Ferguson’s evidence proves no “highly organized warfare” began before 10,000 years ago. What could have possibly sparked organized collectives to engage in armed conflict in recent times? There are different explanations from sociologists, psychologists and anthropologists; each of which have varying ideas on why war occurs. The sociology of war is a subfield of sociology and deals with how societies behave in war, what …show more content…
One school of thought that is of particular interest to those studying the sociology of war is conflict theory. This theory was established by Karl Marx, C. Wright Mills and Max Weber and includes the general notion that power holds society together. Conflict theory states those with power and wealth will do whatever it takes to keep it even if it means suppressing the poor because society is always in a state of dispute. Marx’s idea of conflict theory focused on two primary classes, the bourgeoisie who held the majority of wealth and power and the proletariat, the majority of common folk. This uneven amount of power can lead to war if the majority class is subject to conditions that are extremely unfavourable. Marx declared an armed proletariat revolution way the only way to destroy the bourgeoisie's power. More often than not, many civil wars occur this way such as Nelson Mandela’s fight against apartheid in South Africa or where slaves rebelled during the Haitian Revolution to later form an independent state., This divide in class greatly applies to the military-industrial complex of a country where …show more content…
When it comes to warfare, cultural and social anthropologists look at it as a relationship between states where excessive force is used to attain specific goals. While psychologists might explain warfare through death drive theory and instinct, an anthropologist tends to stray away from these ideas due to the fact that they usually don’t take into account the frequency and intensity of war, the societies, or the location. Furthermore, anthropologists Douglas Fry and Patrik Soderberg found most deaths due to violence with hunter gatherer groups were one on one quarrels or small “family feuds”*. War is also fairly recent and therefore must have a different explanation than it “being in our nature”. The majority of anthropologists that focus on war today generally have a cultural materialist approach where environmental and geographical factors come into play and cause there to be a competition for resources such as mates, food, land or trade. Often, wars occur because of the need for these resources such as the Bougainville Civil War over copper revenues or the civil wars in Liberia over timber. In fact, from the years 1950 to 2000, more than 90% of major armed conflicts have taken place in countries with biodiversity hotspots. Culture materialism can explain war in a cost versus benefit scenario, where if potential benefits outweigh costs, it may be

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