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National Honor Community Service

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Pages 3
Since human labor is commoditized nowadays, it is easy to get consumed in ourselves and stop appreciating what people do, and have done, to make our lives better. Like the saying, "Rome was not built in a day", the world was not built by one person. It was constructed by groups of people whose cause was bigger than race and socioeconomic status. Because people united for a cause is a power unlike no other.
In National Honor Society, as the Historian, I always complete an 10 extra community service hours, in addition to the expected 15 hours. I genuinely enjoy the smiles and thanks I get after helping someone else. This is why I picked service, out of the four NHS pillars: scholarship, service, leadership, character, because great things can happen when people are concerned about others. I volunteer my free time coaching kids tennis on Sundays, and do, as of last year, unpaid sound work for all of my high school’s productions, events, and assemblies. I serve as a Mustang Mentor to incoming high school students and offering math and English tutoring during 5th period. On the tennis team, we pick up trash around the courts every Friday. We believe that keeping the environment clean plays an essential role in ensuring a healthy Earth for future generations. My involvement around my school has taught …show more content…
Being the oldest and largest service program for high school students, Key Club allows me to give back to my school and community while gaining hands-on leadership experience. While serving as the Key Club Secretary, I was also the Vice President of FBLA. FBLA, which stands for Future Business Leaders of America, is a career and technical organization that trains students to transition into the business world. My experience as officers of both student led organization has given me the opportunity to engage in social

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