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Nature-Nurture Development

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Chapter 2/JQ 1 – Consider one feature of your own development (a trait, talent, behavior). Discuss the development of this feature using the idea of nature-nurture coaction. How has this particular feature of your personality influenced and been influenced by other people? My parents say I was a very demanding baby, a very independent toddler, and a competitive young child. They see my spirited personality as a results of genetics. However, one could add that those traits were also very much a part of my nurture experience. As the oldest child of four, I was encouraged to be independent. My brother came along only 2 ½ years after me so we were very close and our gender differences may have played a big part in our competitive relationship …show more content…
At the time, those traits appeared to be a good thing because they kept me involved and learning. Later in life though, those traits were not so helpful. I became competitive not only with others, but also with myself, as I pushed myself to go further and do better. I eventually got to where I wasn’t meeting my own expectations. I wasn’t happy with my own performance. I became my own worst critic! My self-esteem was greatly affected by my judgement of myself.
Chapter 6/JQ 2 – Describe what your friendships were like in elementary school. Did you have a best friend? What characteristics did he or she possess? I was homeschooled so friendship looked a bit untraditional for me. However, I did have a best friend. I had a first cousin that lived just a few miles away that I was extremely close to all through school. My best friend was a bit needy and sometimes jealous, but she was also faithful and trustworthy.
Chapter 7/ JQ 3 – Rate your level of self-esteem on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) in the following areas: academic, physical appearance, social (friendship relationships), athletic, and career success. Now rate each on a scale of 1 (not important) to 10 (very important) in terms of their significance to you. Where are the biggest discrepancies? How do these discrepancies affect your overall self-esteem? Academic – 9,

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