...due to evolution these things get embedded in our system. So, in a way, I believe that the Nature aspects are in fact influenced by our environment. The Nurture aspects influence the Nature aspects and vice versa. The skills we are born with influence the things we pick up from our environment. Cause and effect.A big debate in psychology is nature vs nurture. The argument is as to whether a person's gene's (nature) mold them into an individual or whether their environment and how they are raised plays a part. The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest issues in psychology. The debate centers on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance and environmental factors to human development. Some philosophers such as Plato and Descartes suggested that certain things are inborn, or that they simply occur naturally regardless of environmental influences. Other well-known thinkers such as John Locke believed in what is known as tabula rasa, which suggests that the mind begins as a blank slate. According to this notion, everything that we are and all of our knowledge is determined by our experience. For example, when a person achieves tremendous academic success, did they do so because they are genetically predisposed to be successful or is it a result of an enriched environment? Today, the majority of experts believe that behavior and development are influenced by both nature and nurture. However, the issue still rages on in many areas such as in the debate on the origins...
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...Record: 1 Full Text Database: Book Review Digest Plus (H.W. Wilson) Title:|The Nurture Assumption (Book Review). | Authors:|Smith, Peter K.| Source:|Politics & the Life Sciences. Mar2000, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p12. 3p. | Document Type:|Book Review| Subjects:|NURTURE Assumption, The (Book)BOOKS -- ReviewsHARRIS, JudithCHILDRENNONFICTION| Abstract:|Reviews the book 'The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do,' by Judith Rich Harris.| ISSN:|0730-9384| Accession Number:|4986086| || Persistent link to this record (Permalink):|http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=pbh&AN=4986086&site=ehost-live| || Cut and Paste:|The Nurture Assumption (Book Review).| || Database: |Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection| AUTHOR: |Peter K. Smith| TITLE: |The Nurture Assumption| SOURCE: |Politics and the Life Sciences 19 no1 112-14 Mr 2000| The magazine publisher is the copyright holder of this article and it is reproduced with permission. Further reproduction of this article in violation of the copyright is prohibited. The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do Judith Rich Harris New York: The Free Press, 1998, 462 pp. US$25.50 cloth. ISBN 0-684-84409-5. US$15.00 paper. ISBN 0-684-85707-3. Simon and Schuster, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020, USA. Judith Rich Harris's book has generated very considerable controversy and publicity. The bottom line of her argument is that, when we think...
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...Nature vs. Nurture “Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that carry them far apart.” – Confucius, Analects, 500 B.C.E. (Myers, 71). Continuously the argument of nature versus nurture greatly impacts the world of Biology and Psychology. Genetics (nature) plays a vast role within a person’s life, but their environment (nurture) shapes their character as well. Both of these qualities create a unique individual and people would often argue it is fifty percent nature and fifty percent nurture, however people, circumstances, and spirituality all are part of your environment (nurture). Personally, in my opinion, nurture outweighs nature and specific people under certain circumstances have all affected my life to mold me into the person I am today....
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...Nature vs. Nurture Troy Crosland WGU Issues in Behavior Science GLT1 Nature vs. Nurture Issues concerning the nature vs. nurture debate are amongst the oldest in science. This debate centers around the argument of biological and genetic contributions as opposed to those imposed on human development from environmental factors. Many scholars such as Descartes and Plato suggest many of our individual traits are inherited from our parents, they happen naturally regardless of any influence from our environment. John Locke and many other prominent thinkers have promoted the idea of tabula rasa (blank slate), which promotes the idea that when born our minds are like a blank slate ready to be shaped by experience and influence from our environment. (Cherry, 2011, p. 1) The controversy surrounding the nature vs. nurture debate is over whether children develop various attributes based on their genetics known as “nature” or is it more associated to how they are raised which is know as “nurture”. (Sessions & Larson, 2011, expression 1) So why does it matter if we are born intelligent, or become intelligent? There are many reasons the nature vs. nurture debate continues, her are a few reasons: * Parenthood/Relationships: If specific attributes are due to environmental factors (nurture), parents and educators can implement the most effective methods discovered in order to get the best results. If said attributes are determined to be more influenced by genetics (nature)...
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...Since the beginning of recorded time one has been told that ‘you have your mothers eyes’ or ‘You’re tall like your father’ and it has been accepted that humans inherit their appearance traits from their parents, however where does one get their talent for hockey, their intelligence, or their habits; does one learn these from their environment or were they programmed by genetics? Well this brings to light the age old debate of nature vs. nurture. The Nature and Nurture debate stems into many areas that make humans what they are, with one of those factors being their religion, and when examining religion it is found that nurture trumps nature in shaping the beliefs of oneself. Since the Ancient Egyptians and even before (Mesopotamians) religion and spirituality have existed, there has been a consensual acceptance that there is a God, and when one closes their eyes for the last time, they become one with God, or in some cases; the devil or the ‘netherworld’. Through those times and the times of the Catholic church according to world renowned psychologist Dr Olivera Petrovich; “Religion has become the natural state-it is now hard wired by families into babies brains, it is atheism that is learned”. She bases the mantra of religion being parental based on a study of four hundred B.C. children of different faiths, and many aged four-six Japanese children. When asking all of these children about their faith they all without any guidance from their parents say they believe in God;...
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...Running head: NATURE VS. NURTURE/CULTURE The Ongoing Debate of Nature vs. Nurture/Culture Psychology 3520 Social Psychology Abstract In compiling information from our class text and a variety of journals in the Capella library, I have come up with some interest notions on the age old controversy of nature vs. nurture. Biologists declare nature as an innate trait given to all human being (e.g., reflexes and primary needs). Which makes us consider, is this all there is to human development? Is there something else at work? Are there other factors that play a key role in our development? At this turn we must consider nurture/culture. We as human beings are born into societies with all sorts of set norms, social structures and attitudes that manipulate the way in which we develop. The question we will be looking at is which one of these, nature or nurture has the most significant role in our overall development. Or is there yet still something else to add to the pot. Some say there are dimensions that intersect and work in conjunction with one another to form who we are as humans being. Viktor Frankl (1967) noted that the person lives in three interpenetrating dimensions: soma (the physical body), psyche (the emotions and intellect), and the noëtic (the soul). The noëtic dimension includes free will, responsibility, choice, spirituality, and the unique meaning capacity of Homo sapiens. Is it time to reinvent the wheel: Nature, Nurture and Noetic? Introduction The...
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...ESSAY: STAGE 1 NATURE VS NURTURE Intro Nature VS Nurture has been a long going debate for many of centuries. Many of people have argued for what side they think is correct. Psychologists such as; Many other studies have been done When in psychology we talk about Nature this means our genetics, what we are born with. Nurture refers to how we have experienced life and how as a child how parents have brought us up. Environmental factors also contribute to Nurture. Many studies have been done in this debate, in the studies there have been twins separated at birth. The twins were moved to opposite sides of the world with completely different family types. When the twins were reunited some aspects of them were the same but things like their beliefs and look on life were different Nature normally refers to our genetics. What we are born with; we may be born with a chemical imbalance causing us to be more depressed then happy or we may have a bad temper. Some genetic mental disease may run through the family such as depression or bipolar. Researcher’s studies people and their relatives because they share most genes so the studies they conduct see whether or not their characteristics are similar. Identical twins have the same genes, so this may be Nature but they usually are treated the same and grow up in the same environment. Nurture is usually the environment we are brought up in; we may be brought up on the streets which can cause us to become aggressive because you had to...
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...What are your thoughts on the Nature vs. Nurture argument? One of the biggest debates that continue to remain unsolved is the Nature vs. Nurture argument. My opinion is that the answer is not definitely one or the other but a mixture of the two. This argument tries to establish the role of genes and the environment in human nature. In some situations it is obvious that genetics have a greater role in shaping a person. An example of that is a person that desires to drink alcohol. Some people would say that the feeling is pre-determined by their genetics, while some people would believe that outside sources such as manufacturers and peers have a greater influence. This debate turns out to be one that is hard to explain because there are many factors involved. Some people express concerns that could be applied scientifically, some have true legitimacy that may not be answerable, and some just do not make sense. To make things more complex with this debate, it seems that things are blended together and there is no distinctiveness to separate the roles. Another issue is that some of the uncertainty comes from the genetic language itself. It seems like we try to sort out the contributions from nature and nurture when in fact the distinction is between what is in born and what we receive after birth. It will always go back to genes and the environment which keeps the debate on going. It is obvious the truth lies within nature and nurture, but it has been difficult to determine...
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...The psychological debate of nature vs. nurture is one that has been deliberated and refuted for many years. This debate is so controversial because although it is fact that genetic makeup does play a major role in developing a person, the nurture and environment in which a person is brought up in is also an important factor. The nature vs. nurture issue dates back to Ancient Greeks, through the times of Aristotle and John Locke, with each philosopher projecting their own individual thoughts on the matter. Although nature depicts the development of a person in terms of their appearance and certain personality traits, nature and the setting and situations in which a person grows up is more important in explaining the development of a person because ultimately a person is an overall reflection of the environment of which they were brought up in. Each person comes from different backgrounds, religions, and environments, which are all external factors that play a large role in the development of an individual. Diet, stress, prenatal nutrition, peer pressure, and television are just some of the more specific environmental factors that can affect a person. Clearly, there are many more aspects of the nurture debate that contribute to the argument that a person’s upbringing is what will influence their development. For example, NBC reported that in a study where teenagers played violent video games and non violent video games, the violent video games were proven...
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...Nature vs. Nurture When looking at the nature and nurture debate, overall, I believe that our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions as humans are more strongly influenced by our environment, or nurtured. However, looking from the other point of view, that they are influenced by nature is also very plausible. In general, the reason that the nurtured makes most sense to me, is that the environment everyone grows up in (which is what influences us, obviously,) is so varied from person to person. What is natural to someone from Sweden, will not be natural to an individual in India, or the U.S., or Argentina. Another great example of variance, which is very applicable to me since I am training to be and working as a chef, is the principal of taste aversion. This was discovered by John Garcia along with other researcher. In taste aversion, foods can give certain people bad thoughts via taste or other consequences from the food, where as others may love the same particular food. When I cook food for friends or family, even though I love it, my sister may despise it, while my parents also enjoy it. There is a variance from person to person and thoughts, behaviors, and feelings can influence a persons rationale even though their environment has been relatively identical to another person with a different rational. The environment of each individual is different, so it makes most sense that individuals are nurtured as opposed to having a natural rationale. A type of social learning, is...
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...Nature vs. Nurture Homosexuality, Addictions and Intelligence There have always been disputes on whether the decision to be homosexual or heterosexual was based on biological or environmental factors. These disputes are known as the Nature vs. Nurture argument. The two sides argue over how gender is chosen within a person. Based on reproductive organs, sex is easily determined at birth: male or female. Gender, however; is the sexual identity an individual takes on. It is possible for sex and gender to be different. For an example of nurture children who were both born with an injured or damaged reproductive organ, males usually can be raised successfully as females. In order to understand which factor is the deciding factor of a person’s gender, both sides of the case must be fully evaluated. DNA studies which appear to prove that gender is a genetic trait. Researchers have analyzed the makeup of the human brain of homosexuals and heterosexuals seeking a connection between gender and the brains physiology. They found when studying the part of the brain directly related to a persons’ sexual drive, that homosexuals had an enlarged hypothalamus, whereas heterosexuals had a normal one indicating a direct correlation between the brain and gender selections (AllPsych). In researching DNA’s role in gender identity, some scientist have identified the gene that determines a person’s sexual preference. Although there are mounting evidence of the existence of a “gay...
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...Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology PSYCH 101 Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology What makes you think, feel, and behave the way you do? Were you born predisposed to live the life you are currently living, or were you born a blank canvas upon which your experiences gave shape and expression to the person you are today? These are the types of questions the Nature vs. Nurture debate has posed and scientists have probed for over a century. In this paper we will look at some of the aspects of this debate the scientific community does not attend to, or dismisses, the origin and history of this debate, the essential characteristics around which this issue is debated, and where scientists are today in understanding this issue. What are your thoughts on the Nature vs. Nurture argument? Sir Galton wrote in his book English Men of Science (1874), “Nature is all that a man brings with him into the world; nurture is every influence that affects him after his birth,” (p. 12). I have been led to believe that our biology (nature), our environment (nurture), and our cognitive abilities all interplay and influence our resulting personality and other existing traits. We are, as Myers (2012) continuously asserts, biopsychosocial beings (p.124). These aspects of our existence work in accord to actuate the developmental potential written into our genetic code. Where I think there is a deficiency in the theories proffered, in attempt to answer the Nature vs. Nurture...
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...behavior: nature or nurture. Nature is simply the unmodifiable factors or genetics that an individual is born with; those who believe that nature is the primary shaping force of who we become are called nativists. While Nurture is the modifiable factors such as the environment or experiences that are unique to each individual; those who consider nurture as the primary driving force in human development are called empiricists. As many articles that are out there concerning the nature vs. nurture debate, there are that many differing opinions and claims that say that the question has finally been solved and that either nature or nurture is more responsible for determining an individual’s traits. Some of the newer articles also claim that they are equally responsible or that neither is solely responsible and that there are multiple other factors that play into the equation. Clearly the debate continues and it has not only two, but many sides. The nature vs. nurture debate can often get heated and is quite controversial. According to an article from Diffen (2015), “Some observers offer the criticism that modern science tends to give too much weight to the nature side of the argument, in part because of the potential harm that has come from rationalized racism. Historically, much of this debate has had undertones of racist and eugenicist policies — the notion of race as a scientific truth has often been assumed as a prerequisite in various incarnations of the nature versus nurture...
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...The start of this paper I think the best place to look is to the bible for what it says about our human nature as well as how nurturing plays a part inside the life of a person. When we look to the bible for understanding of human nature we are lead to see that our human nature is one of sin and death. Looking at Romans 8:13 for an example of this to quote part of it “For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die” this tells us that if we live by our human nature that it will only lead to death. However if we finish reading the verse it also says “but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live” this gives us hope that if we live by the Spirit there is hope in life. Furthermore we can see answers for how nurturing plays a key part inside our lives. Inside the bible we can see a lot of examples of what the bible says about nurturing a child to adult to bring them up right and proper. The best example I have found is inside Ephesians 6:4 to quote it says “bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord”. This is a great example of how to raise a kid inside a household. Moving forward to develop an answer to the first question on my opinion on the idea of the whole argument of Nature vs. Nurture took me on a road that really has left me with more questions than answers. What I have to say about this topic is based upon a lot of my personal experiences with addiction as much as with other addicts. To say out...
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...When it comes to the nature verses nature debate, I always find myself sandwiched between the two. I am neither against nature nor nurture; nor am I biased to one side. The psychological theories (e.g behaviourism, cognitive psychology, biological perspective) that augment their respective altercations, while valid and fundamentally true, can be misconstrued by others, since we all collect different experiences throughout our lifetime. We all (at some point in our lives) face the effects of nature and nurture to some degree—regardless of the impact. While it is true that some of us are raised with more nurture than nature (and vice versa), it may be erroneous to conclude we are solely one or the other. I view myself as someone who has been heavily influenced by nurture as many people I have met throughout my life have affected me in ways I never thought were possible; as a result, I am able to cognitively think about the friendships (nature) and make rational decisions as to what I should do. Incidentally,...
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