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Submitted By kcmimms
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Pages 2
I have always set high academic goals for myself and for the most part, have successfully accomplished these goals through hard work, dedication, and keeping a steady balance between academic work, Varsity sports, clubs, and volunteering in nonprofit organizations. Attached are recent documents of how I have been preforming in my studies. I have a clear and defined plan for myself to carry out for the remainder of my academic career. Growing up watching my family business evolve to where it is now and taking business related courses throughout my years of high school have interested me in pursuing a career in business administration. Although I have learned that dedication, hard work and being disciplined are values and principles to a successful career. I am willing to put myself in a field that I enjoy, understand, and will be challenged. My ultimate goal, after getting my education and gaining experience in the field, is to one day own a business. After touring North Carolina State’s campus and talking to the tour guide about the POOLE College of Management, along with the fact NCSU graduates are among the top twenty percent most recruited for employment. I know that North Carolina State University will best help me accomplish my ultimate goal.
Majoring in Business Administration at North Carolina State University will not only prepare me academically to achieve my career goals but it will also prepare me for the different types of people I will encounter while working in the business world. While visiting North Carolina State University I witnessed a wide range of cultural and racial diversity along with many displays of leadership. Exposing myself to various diverse groups while at NCSU will benefit me in the long run by learning about the ideas and views of different cultures which I can use to prepare me for the people I encounter in the future of my profession.
I am electrified about the hundreds of clubs, activities, Intramural sports and student involvement that NCSU offers. Not only will NCSU help me to actualize my ultimate goals but it will allow me to grow and excel as a team player within all involvement, and as an individual.

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