...introduction of the smartphone has changed the way our society functions in a mere decade. The debate about whether smartphones have an impact on society is long over and the answer is obvious, the debate has now focused on whether the impact is more positive or negative. Though the smartphone has made communication much easier, it has also created a less social society favors communication over the phone rather face to face (Ferren). I found this research topic interesting because I am one of many people that have grown up in the age of technology. The exigence of this paper is rooted in my interest in the future communication skills my generation and the impacts that smartphones have on not only myself but those around me. The purpose of this paper is to inform an audience about the impacts of smartphones on society, the purpose is not to persuade or convince. The smartphone has become so large and so ingrained in our society it has already began to leave it’s print, the nature of that print is unraveling currently and whether it will be positive or negative is still largely up for debate. There is no argument that though smartphones have increased our availability of communication, every second spent on a phone is a second not spent observing the world and the “usage of these devices may be stealing the most valuable moments of life away” (Perlow). One of the most common arguments that support the idea that smartphones have a negative effect on society is...
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...Running Head: SMARTPHONES AND THEIR EFFECT ON OUR SOCIAL INTERACTIONS Smartphones and their Effect on our Social Interactions Ashley L****** NMCC Abstract We walk through this world with our heads down. Immersed in the technological realm, we disregard the real. We converse with our hands rather than our mouths, tapping keyboards and touchpads to the rhythm of our thoughts. This is the way we communicate in the 21st century. In the last decade, advances in information technologies have substantially altered the way humans interact. Between email, texting, social networking, instant messaging, and Skype, people now have the resources that would make it possible to spend days or months without coming face-to-face with another person, yet still remain connected with the world. I love my smartphone. I am in awe at just how much phones have advanced in the last 20 years. From the first one that was gigantic in size, then leading to a smaller simple flip phone to these beautiful, amazing slim pieces of hardware that can do more than I could have ever imagined a phone doing. Smartphones are something to be amazed with. Smartphones can certainly make our lives easier for us as we use them for everyday tasks such as communicating, checking our calendars, using as alarm clocks, as calculators, setting reminders and so much more. However, as smartphones keep advancing with new ways to make our lives easier, are they hindering our natural need for social...
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...component, but also a motivational component in the form of constructive feedback. In organizations, feedback is considered as a first step to improvement and personal development. This makes it an important resource fuelling our motivation at work (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007). However, if information is likely to be negative, media choice can be crucial in delivering the feedback (Fulk & Mani, 1986). In our western society it is not done to send negative personal feedback by e-mail. In such a situation, F2F interaction is preferred. The question is, what is in best concern of the employee? The space between the sender of the feedback (manager) and the receiver (employee) is regulated by the context of the interaction and by the history of the relationship between the two (Lave, 1993). Positive feedback is not that difficult to deliver because it usually makes the receiver happier. Media choice is also no issue, since positive messages are less ambiguous and more easily interpretable than negative messages. However, many people have a natural reluctance in communicating undesirable feedback, which is in the literature known as the “mum effect” (Rosen & Tesser, 1970). This effect can be explained in the expectations of the sender that the news (s)he is going to deliver can be psychologically unpleasant for both the receiver and the sender (e.g., Maynard, 1996; Tesser & Rosen, 1975). Before the communication begins the sender anticipates how the reaction of the receiver might be; defensive...
Words: 5577 - Pages: 23
...The Impact of Smartphone in Employees Performance in AMA University A Research project Submitted to the College of Business and Finance In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject ITMA 570 Prepared by: Introduction Smartphone technology are growing so fast more than any other electronic equipment in the world and has improve our access to information technology. Smart phone applications for quick access and ease of service anytime anywhere . The usage of this technology on the personal and professional level is becoming a widespread nowadays. Casual observation shows that smart phone have taken the way people communicate in their workplace and affect their working performance. This comes as no surprise in the information technology world nowadays. Despite their popularity. One must consider whether smart phones are merely a workplace appropriateness or source of distraction. For instance, a worker attending a meeting can retrieve whatever information he/she needs while he/she is in the conversance room; however, that same worker can disrupt the meeting each time his/her phone rings. Arguably, there are pros and cons for the performance of the employee of using the smart phone in their work performance, but it is important to relies the potential liability that smart phone effect the employees performance. We are in a litigious society with a rise in the organization liability, Thompson and Bluvshtein (2008) (1) report that " … employee use of technology is resulting...
Words: 2832 - Pages: 12
...the culture of smartphones and why he would never get one for his kids. He says smartphones are the reason kids today are meaner. Louie also explains the negative emotional effects of they have on adult; using them to avoid confronting negative emotions. Louis argument is very well said; he provides a vast amount of explanation, that anyone who owns a smartphone can relate to, whether they want to or not. The first stance Louis takes, explaining his hatred for smartphones, is how smartphones are making kids meaner. He states that at some point kids are going to be mean or say something mean to some one, but in seeing the reaction of the person they gain a sense of empathy. That if the child had done the same thing using their phone, they otherwise wouldn’t learn. Also in doing that they might find some sort of pleasure in making someone feel bad. In Louis explanation of this he credits himself with a strong use logos, by playing out a situation that shows a shows the negative effect of smartphone can have o a developing young mind. Also using ethos by using the audiences own sense of empathy to relate to the lack there of empathy, in these kids using smartphones. His statement makes since, because we can all agree that it’s a lot easier to intentionally offend or verbally attack someone through the screen of you phone or computer, than it is face to face. Louis next point that he makes is how adults use smartphones as a distraction to avoid confronting negative feelings. He...
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...The negative impact of overused the tablets on children Purpose Statement The study aims to discover the physical and mental negative impacts of overusing laptop tablet on children. The paper also discusses the solutions and recommendations to the stated problem Rationale of the study Tablets have positive, as well as negative impacts and, therefore, there is a need to understand the negative impacts to mitigate them. Technology needs to be relied in moderation. With presences of current technology, there is a need to take care of children’s physical, as well as growth. Methodology This study will use quantitative method, questionnaire to collect the data. In this regard, structured questionnaires will be distributed to parent who have children aged between 2 years and 9 years of the study. The information collected will then be analyzed using quantitatively to find out the view of the parents regarding to over use of tablets and smartphones. Study group The target group for the study is the parents. In this regard, structured questionnaire will be distributed to parents who have children aged between 2 years and 9 years. For instance, I will distribute questionnaires to my sisters who are now parents and their children use tablets. I will also distribute the questionnaires to my friends and classmate, and professor as we have agreed with them. Expected goals and outcome The expected outcomes in this study are • How to monitor and control children using tablets....
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...Author, College of Engineering & Information Technology Al Ain University of Science & Technology, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates E-mail: tariq.soomro@aau.ac.ae Tel: +971-3-7024883; Fax: +971-3-7024777 Abstract The intention of this study is to investigate how Smartphone‘s are impacting the society and also how Smartphone‘s are going to transform the culture, social life, technology landscape and other diverse aspects of modern society. The intention of this study is to understand all the positive and negative aspects of Smartphone on the society. The study will primarily focus on impact of Smartphone on business, education, health sectors, human psychology and social life. At the end, the study will summarize the impact and conclude based on wide range of impacts that Smartphone‘s have on society. The paper will also recommend solutions, in order to reduce the negative impacts of Smartphone‘s and realizes more benefits of this exiting technology. Keywords: Smartphone,...
Words: 6276 - Pages: 26
...Effects of smartphones in class The number of kids with phones has just been blown out of the water the last couple of year. Four years ago, if any of the students in class had a phone, it was a dial-phone that maybe they could text on. And now , it’s all smartphones. It’s been an issue in schools, colleges, and universities across the country for quite some time. In fact, cellular phones were an early problem when students were distracted by phone calls and texts messaging, but now smartphones can do just about anything your computer or laptop can, but in an easily concealable handheld device. Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to our respective teachers and my fellow friends. Today I will be talking about the effects of smartphones. Smartphones is a cellular phone that performs many of the functions of a computer, typically having a touchscreen interface, Internet access, and an operating system capable of running downloaded applications. Nowadays, most of the students own smartphones. According to an article posted in Trends in Ed, 50% of students own it. The use of phones is usually discouraged on the first day of class by teachers and professors, or talked about in the class syllabus with consequences for even the first infraction. After all, since smartphones pretty much allow you to do anything you want these days, having them in the classroom might be distracting students more than ever. Smartphones allow students to text, check, and interact...
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...Negative Impact 1. High cost Since Smartphone are able to do much more than your typical mobile phone, it makes sense for them to be more expensive. The price of hi-end Smartphone is more than 20,000 baht. Then, you need to pay for other accessories, such as cases or headset. You have to pay for data package, internet package of each month. You’ll also have to pay for some of the apps that you use. So this all cost can be your expenses when you have Smartphone, you have to planning for you money for spending of each month. 2. Security and confidentiality The Security and confidentiality is one of the most concerned for negative impact. If Smartphone has been stolen or your phone is sold or sent to repair without its memory erased. It is high risks that the thief may use your data in the wrong way. If you keep the password of ATM or credit card in your phone, the thief can use your password to access the process and stolen your money easily. So, you have to be more careful to set up some security in the phone 3. Negative health affects It’s true that the Smartphone can bring the extremely convenient life. But some people seem to be Smartphone addiction, they cannot put down the Smartphone. They spent more time all of days with Smartphone, it caused disturbance in sleeping; if you go to bed so late ,it will increase your tiredness or headache. Since the screen is too small, if it use for long time. It will cause eye straining. 4. Family and Social...
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...Sade’ McMullen Professor Rozga English 1102 October 21, 2013 The world today revolves around technology. Everywhere we look, something new is being created. Whether it’s the new iPhone, tablet, or even inventions like paper towel dispensers. As I looked for another outlet to compare the LCK monologue to, I came across one about bathroom technology by a comedian, Demetri Martin. Martin explains his hatred towards new technology, except his is about bathroom technology. In the LCK monologue, he talks about his hatred towards smartphones and how they are effecting today’s society I feel the claim being made is that many of these new advances serve no purpose and isn’t needed in today’s world. In the LCK monologue, he explains how kids want a smartphone because all their peers have one and they want to look cool in order to not be an outcast (LCK smartphones). Martin also tells a story of how the inventors of technology thought it would be cool to have all these automated devices in public restrooms. Martin does not like the devices because of how complex it is to use them. He believes the devices make people look stupid just trying to get them to work properly.(Martin Bathrooms) In LCK monologue, he believes society has become lazier and we let technology do a lot for us. For example, kids playing video games all day long instead of going outside to play with the neighborhood kids. Since the inventors built the new devices in bathrooms, it makes people look lazy as if they...
Words: 986 - Pages: 4
...JÖ N K Ö P I N G I N T E R N A T I O N A L BU SI N E SS SC H O O L JÖ N KÖ P IN G U N IVERSITY F actors A ffecting C onsumer R esistance t o Innovation -A study of Smartphones- Master Thesis within Business Administration Author: Kamran Khan Kim Hyunwoo Tutor: Desalegn Abraha Jönköping May 2009 Abstract Background: In mobile phone industry, Smartphones are gaining popularity as an effective communication tool, providing users with “Smart” functionalities of both cell phone and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Experts in mobile industry expect that smartphones are going to be dominant in mobile phone market. However, Smartphone industry is facing a different reality, with its declining sales and less market share, forcing research companies (Gartner, Canalys, etc.) to change their expectations. This situation leads us to another important and often ignored perspective of innovation challenges, i.e. consumers' resistance; as consumers' adoption and purchase decision makes a significant difference in the success of innovative products. Problem: Innovation has been called as a key factor for companies to survive and grow in the long run, especially in the dynamic & complex markets and uncertain economic circumstances. Despite the successful outcome of innovations, inhibition or delay in the diffusion of innovation may translate this success into market failure, where resistance has been called as one of the main reasons for inhibiting or...
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...In the society with technology, there are more and more people depend on their phone. In the influence some people will be silent due to they depend on smartphone. Another influence that people always use smartphone, and they will develop some abominable behavior in their life. Finally, whether adults or young people, there are a lot of people’s life system are destroyed by using smartphone everyday. Therefore, smartphone bring some negative influence to some people. Some people always using smartphone will reduce communication face to face is the one effect about smartphone will let people communication ability get weak. Cell phones are affecting people’s life. “Extraversion may have a significant relationship to mobile phone usage behavior. Specifically, extroverted people spend more time calling and send multiple text messages” (Hong 2153). In the other word, extroverted people will spend more time on their phone, rather than communicate face to face with other people. Sometimes, the social anxiety also influences people’s communication. “People with higher social anxiety scores tend to not overuse mobile phones in voice-calling (Whiteside & Lynam 669-689); rather they spend more time in indirect communication through text messaging with others” (Bianchi & Phillips 39-51; Billieux et al., 1195-1210; Butt & Phillips 346-360). In the other words, people who have social anxiety are more likely to text messaging with others, they even do not calling with other people...
Words: 2433 - Pages: 10
...Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze the technology industry with a particular focus on the Smartphone industry. The companies that will be compared in this paper are Apple and Samsung. This paper will begin with a brief overview of the history of each of the companies as well as their initial business strategies and core competencies. In addition to this, it will be addressing globalization, the drivers to globalization and the affects that it had toward the business strategies of each of the two companies. Furthermore, the paper will look at the technological advances that have occurred in the industry and how that has impacted the companies, along with how it has shaped each business in order to keep up with the rapidly evolving and expanding market. Lastly, it shall explore what the companies are planning for the future and some of the trends that are occurring within the industry that may be influencing Apple and Samsung. Brief report of Companies Apple Apple Inc., formerly Apple Computer, Inc., is a multinational corporation that creates consumer electronics, computer software, and commercial servers. The company was founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on April 1, 1976 and was later incorporated the company on January 3, 1977, in Cupertino, California. In 1985, Jobs left Apple and founded NeXT, acquired the graphics division of Lucasfilm (Pixar), and joined the Disney’s Board of Directors. It was not until 1997 that Jobs returned to Apple and...
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...Impact of smartphones on students’ work habits The modern day student is now equipped with smartphones and it is a rare site to see a student who doesn’t have a smartphone or a computer. As the age limit for owning these things are also being brought down as we now see small kids and primary students having these devices when they were once only bought after a certain age. The age limit for having these devices are going down and therefore the chances are that the modern day high school student has probably grown up being surrounded by smartphones and technology that he/she is proficient in its use by the time they are all grown up. These smartphones, being a major part of the modern teen society, plays major roles in their lives. Teenagers and students use them for entertainment, playing games, watching movies, and texting and calling our friends. As you can see smartphones play a major role in a teenager’s life and the typical teenager is usually inseparable from their mobile companion. Therefore it is only natural to include this device into a school students education, as they can learn of a device that they are so used to living with as well as the potential for learning material to be presented on a much more interesting basis due to the interactive capabilities of a smartphone. The question is, although using smartphones in the education department sounds appealing and intuitive, will it actually aid with education or provide the students with further distractions that’s...
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...I’m not for making use of tablets, cell phones, games, as a distraction or to even occupy our kids. You are the parent and should want to interact with them, spend time making memories. There are heavy opinions about the use of cell phones or tablets. I’m going to tell you about the consequences of giving these things to our children when not being used as a learning tool or monitored by parents. “Newer generations are growing up with this technology, and while it does have its benefits, primarily in education and access to information, it can also be detrimental to children during a very important time of growth. Too much computer use can affect children's physiological and psychological health as well as social skills.” (2008) Negative effects from Computers on Children. Having children as younger than 8 years old on a tablet for periods throughout the day might do more harm than good. These devices have them glued to the screen while riding in a car, or out in public, even at home. It takes away the social part of going out and meeting new people. They see it as an activity when really an activity is going outside and playing, making things up having an imagination, building things, even board games. Growing up then to now it has totally changes. From not relying on a cell phone to connect with friends, we as adults know what it’s like not to always have a device at our finger tips Technology is all about always having it no matter where you’re...
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