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Nervous System Research Paper

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The nervous system is the control center of the whole body. Nerves are alot like wires that carry signals or impulses throughout the body. Inside each nerve is a bundle of nerve fibers. Some nerves are longer than other nerves, these are the type of nerve that go from the top of your body to the bottom of your body. Nerve cells are called neurons. There are two main types of nerves: motor nerves and sensory nerves. Motor nerves are used by the brain to control all the muscles throughout our body. The brain sends signals via the motor nerves to tell us what to do what is certain situations. For instance when we are lifting weights the brain obviously knows to push harder instead of not push at all. There are the things that we do every day. …show more content…
They communicate and say things to each other. They do this by using axons and dendrites. When a neuron receives a message from another neuron, it sends an electrical signal down the length of its axon. At very tip of the axon, the electrical signal is converted into a chemical signal, (this is another perk of the nervous system it deals with electrical and chemical things) and the axon releases chemical messengers that we call neurotransmitters. There is a space between the axon and the cell that is called the synapse. These are all part of the communication process that is the communication between all of the cells of the body. Nothing in the nervous system does not come from the brain. The brain is the center of action for the nervous system . The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body.It is made up of more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connections called synapses.The brain is made up of many specialized areas that work together.The cortex is the layer that we can see and is on the outside. Both voluntary and involuntary actions are controlled by the cortex. That is where both of the previous systems that we talked about lie.The brainstem is lodged between the spinal cord and the remainder of the …show more content…
The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance. We would not be able to stand upright without it. The brain is also divided into several lobes. The frontal lobes are responsible for solving all the problems that we encounter everyday and judging them accordingly. The parietal lobes manage sensation, handwriting, and body position.The temporal lobes are involved with remembering all the stuff that were learned and we would not be able to learn them without hearing. The occipital lobes contain the brain's visual processing system. So basically to recap everything that i have previously stated. The nervous system has millions of cells that communicate with one another and give us our everyday reactions such as our five senses. Without our nervous system we would not be able to carry out our daily activities. The next part of the nervous system is the spinal cord. The spinal cord is the main pathway for information connecting the brain and peripheral nervous system. The spinal cord is a long, fragile tubelike structure that begins at the end of the brain stem and continues down almost to the bottom of the spine. The spinal cord consists of nerves that carry incoming and outgoing messages between the brain and the rest of the

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