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Technology Synthesis Essay

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Synthesis Essay
Picture yourself in a world where problems like distracted driving and depressed lonely people can be solved by self driving cars and conversational interfaces. Sounds great doesn’t it? Well if it does, just know that this apparent far fetched point in time is not that far off. In early 2018 there was a chip developed by researchers at MIT that works in a similar fashion to the human brain. This technological breakthrough has been under discussion for years, projections predicted this occasion to happen right around this time of 2018-2019. It’s been said that once computers obtain the ability to operate like the human brain is when all the hypothetical situations people have and perhaps should be worried about will be put under …show more content…
The advancement of Artificial Intelligence can be compared to a baby taking its first steps, for the most part it will go as planned. every once in a while the baby falls or picks up bad habits. The ultimate biggest fear for some involving the advancement of Artificial intelligence is the fact that professionals claim that is a point in time when computers no longer compute in a binary state. According to MIT news the research done at MIT is attempting to develop a computer chip that works in a synapses state. A computer chip with artificial synapses will prompt a huge shift in the personalization of technology. This accessibility is the stepping stones needed to potentially launch an overtake of chatbots in real life. I believe that in the near future, chatbots will be incorporated into everyday life in many different aspects of life. MIT news claims that this chip “is a major step toward building portable, low-power neuromorphic chips for use in pattern recognition and other learning tasks”(Chu). Although it may only appear to be just another computer learn to perform tasks, if you look back a little more than a decade the means by which everyday life was operated compared to now could not have been foreseen by many people. At the time nobody or not many people knew that one day smartphones would be depended upon so much by a large majority of people across the globe.These smartphones are depended upon by a large majority of people across the globe for one specific

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