...W imię jedynej i słusznej wiary… Tak przewrotnie skonstruowany tytuł odnosi się do najobrzydliwszej możliwej parodii trybunału jaki kiedykolwiek istniał – do inkwizycji. Etiologia słowa inkwizycja jest stosunkowo banalna bo pochodzi od łacińskiego inquisitio co oznacza tyle co śledztwo czy badanie. Inkwizycja została powołana do życia przez papieża Grzegorza IX w 1232 roku do tępienia wszystkiego co w jakikolwiek sposób okazywało się niezgodne z dogmatami i oficjalną doktryną kościoła katolickiego. Zalążków inkwizycji należy doszukiwać się znacznie wcześniej. W którym to pewien kapłan dopuszczając się zniszczenia krzyża oraz krytyki życia kleru został wezwany przed oblicze tamtejszego biskupa. Pomimo tego, że rozmowa miała charakter czysto pouczający kapłan kilka dni później postanowił popełnić samobójstwo, skacząc do przy parafialnej studni. Kolejnym przykładem istnienia inkwizycji jeszcze zanim została ona oficjalnie powołana do życia w wieku XIII jest pewien intrygujący przypadek wypędzenia grupki heretyków z miasta Arras podczas synodu. Sam proces oskarżonych o herezje miał wyjątkowo pokazowy wydźwięk. Trzeciego dnia synodu, biskup Kościoła udał się na swoistą procesję do kościoła katedralnego w którym to miał otworzyć obrady synodu. Chwilę później wprowadzono podejrzanych heretyków i rozpoczęto przesłuchanie. Wspomniany biskup bardzo celnie zbijał wszelkie argumenty heretyków posługując się wyśmienicie pismem świętym dzięki czemu wzbudzał on ogólny podziw. Wydawać by...
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...ROOT LIST |1 |A, An |not, without (apathy) | |2 |Ab, a |from, away, apart (abnormal) | |3 |Ac, acr |sharp, sour (acrid, acid) | |4 |Act, ag |do, act, drive (active) | |5 |Ad, a |to, toward (advent) | |6 |Ali, altr |another (alimony) | |7 |Am, ami |love, friend (amicable) | |8 |Ambi, amphi |both (amphibian) | |9 |Ambl, ambul |walk (ampulate) | |10 |Anim |mind, spirit, breath (animal, | | | |animate) | |11 |Ann, enn |year (annual) | | | | | |12 |Ante, ant |before (antebellum) | | | | | |13 |Anthrop |man (anthropology) | |14 |Anti, ant |against, opposite (antivirus) | |15 |Auc, aug, aut |originate, increase (augment) | |16 |Aud |hear (audio) | |17 |Auto |self ( autocracy) | |18 |Belli, bell |war (bellicose) | |19 |Bene, ben |good (benefactor) | |20 |Bi |two (binary) | |21 |Bibilo...
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...CLIVE CUSSLER PAUL KEMPRECOS OGNISTY LÓD (Przełożył: Maciej Pintara) AMBER 2002 Prolog Odessa, Rosja 1918 rok Późnym popołudniem wiatr nagle zmienił kierunek i przygnał do portu gęstą mgłę. Szare wilgotne opary spowiły kamienne nabrzeża i kłębiły się nad monumentalnymi schodami. W ruchliwym porcie czarnomorskim nagle zrobiło się ciemno. Odwołano rejsy promów i statków pasażerskich. Mnóstwo marynarzy zostało bez zajęcia. Kapitan Anatolij Towrow szedł nabrzeżem w przenikliwie zimnej mgle. Słyszał wybuchy pijackiego śmiechu w zatłoczonych knajpach i burdelach. Minął główne skupisko barów, skręcił w zaułek i otworzył nieoznakowane drzwi. W nozdrza uderzyło go ciepłe powietrze przesycone dymem papierosowym i zapachem wódki. Tęgi gość przy stoliku w rogu przywołał go gestem. Aleksiej Fiodorow był szefem odeskich celników. Kiedy kapitan zawijał do portu, spotykał się z nim w tej spelunie, gdzie przesiadywali głównie emerytowani marynarze, a wódka nie była droga. Towrow czuł się samotny po śmierci żony i córki, które zginęły w czasie rewolucji. Fiodorow wydawał się dziwnie zgaszony. Zwykle tryskał humorem i żartował, że kelner zawyża rachunek. Teraz bez słowa zamówił kolejkę, unosząc dwa palce. Co dziwniejsze, zapłacił bez żadnych targów. Zniżył głos, poskubał nerwowo czarną szpiczastą bródkę i rozejrzał się niepewnie po innych stolikach, gdzie ogorzali marynarze pochylali się nad wódką. Uspokojony, że nikt nie podsłuchuje, uniósł...
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...2013 Aleksandra Brzeska Aleksandra Danielik [ANALIZA KAWY ] Na świecie oraz w Polsce RYNKU Spis treści KAWA................................................................................................................................. 3 GATUNKI KAWY ................................................................................................................. 4 RODZAJE KAWY ................................................................................................................. 9 Kawa naturalna .............................................................................................................. 9 Kawa rozpuszczalna ....................................................................................................... 9 Uprawa i przygotowanie kawy .......................................................................................... 10 OBRÓBKA KAWY .............................................................................................................. 11 Zbiory kawy .................................................................................................................. 11 Metoda obróbki „sucha” (naturalna) ............................................................................ 12 Metoda obróbki „mokra” ............................................................................................. 12 Usuwanie owocni ..................................................................................................
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...u o S E n e x pre ss PA Q4 8 rk t or Ai rp ctio L LV AN NS IC New Lots Av AY KW NP AR SO BIN RO KIE AV E Far Rockaway L JAC Z • J •L B Ju roa nc dw A • tio ay C• n Canarsie Rockaway Pkwy ND Br S H WY N O ST R AN D GATEWAY NATIONAL RECREATION AREA– JAMAICA BAY A DE AV V A •S AY B R O A DW PA RK SI Beach 105 St LD R NE AN CH CH B EA Y W PK F Y WA GH HI S F F NG KI FOR D •F •N •Q CONEY ISLAND VD BL PT AY AW S CK BRID GE RO Isl ten AS ta N TO IL T HA M AV LT BI ER ND VA D LV B N LA Y H ay an d Ra ilw ST MT RIN GIL E PAR K H MEM ODG WAYE O BRID RIAL S GE 16 NEW DORP BEACH ROCKAWAY PARK MA E Y E PW N EE X LI OR N SH AV TO T N H E ES EA IG N W C R LI R AV O B ER LL D AV LV KI R D U UR FO ST N TH ED 15 C AR B E Y S78 W S78 PK Atlantic Tottenville N TOTTENVILLE BEACH VD LA Richmond Valley Nassau BL IS S56 Pleasant Plains AN EY Prince's Bay YL AV CHARLESTON H EA S55 X17 X19 S78 S55 Huguenot N WOODROW ROSSVILLE O ...
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...Northern California Geolo Geology of Northern California Frank DeCourten Department of Earth Science Sierra College Standing more than 10,000 feet (3,000 m) above the surrounding terrain, Mt. Shasta is the largest volcano in northern California and symbolizes the dynamic geologic processes that have shaped a spectacular landscape. 63829_02_insidecover.qxd 11/25/08 12:53 AM Page ii ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TO ASK Northern California.1 Introduction Ⅲ What are northern California’s physiographic provinces? Ⅲ What is the Farallon subduction zone? al Ⅲ What two types of plate boundaries exist in northern California today? th Ⅲ What are terranes, how do they originate, and why are they important in northern California? Northern California.2 The Sierra Nevada: California’s Geologic alifornia’s Ge Backbone Ⅲ What is the Sierra Nevada batholith? rra batholi Ⅲ What kinds of rocks surround the Sierra Nevada batholith? ra Ⅲ When and how was the modern Sierra Nevada uplifted? e Ⅲ What types of gold deposits occur in the Sierra Nevada? e? Ⅲ What is the Mother Lode? Northern California.3 The Klamath M Mountains t ath an Ne evada Ⅲ In what ways are the Klamath Mountains and the Sierra Nevada similar? ds ro o ath M Ⅲ What kinds of rocks comprise the ophiolites in the Klamath Mountains and what tectonic events do they signify? ineral occu th ntai Ⅲ What mineral resources occur in the Klamath Mountains? Northern California...
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...Securing Cisco Routers (SECR) Glossary A AAA ABEND Access Access attacks Authentication, Authorization, Accounting. Allows all facets of user security to be defined on a central server. Abnormal END. Abnormal termination of software. 1.) In dealing with network security it is an all-encompassing term that refers to unauthorized data manipulation, system access, or privileged escalation. An all-encompassing term that refers to unauthorized data manipulation, system access, or privileged escalation. Unauthorized data retrieval is simply reading, writing, copying, or moving files that are not intended to be accessible to the intruder. Limiting the flow of information from the resources of a system to only the authorized persons or systems in the network. See ACE. access control Access Control Entry access control list See ACL. access device access layer Access Method Hardware component used in your signaling controller system: access server or mux. The point at which local end users are allowed into the network. 1.) Generally, the way in which network devices access the network medium. 2.) Software within an SNA processor that controls the flow of information through a network. Defines access rights and privileges for the network users. The access policy should provide guidelines for connecting external networks, connecting devices to a network, and adding new software to systems. The remote computer system which connects a personal computer to the Internet. Access Virtual...
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...Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO Bert Hubert Netherlabs BV Gregory Maxwell Remco van Mook Martijn van Oosterhout Paul B Schroeder Jasper Spaans Revision History Revision 1.1 DocBook Edition 2002−07−22 A very hands−on approach to iproute2, traffic shaping and a bit of netfilter. Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control HOWTO Table of Contents Chapter 1. Dedication.........................................................................................................................................1 Chapter 2. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................2 2.1. Disclaimer & License.......................................................................................................................2 2.2. Prior knowledge................................................................................................................................2 2.3. What Linux can do for you...............................................................................................................3 2.4. Housekeeping notes..........................................................................................................................3 2.5. Access, CVS & submitting updates..................................................................................................3 2.6. Mailing list..............................................
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...Lêi Më ®Çu Bíc sang thÕ kØ 21 xu thÕ quèc tÕ ho¸ ngµy cµng m¹nh mÏ, ph©n c«ng lao ®éng ngµy cµng s©u s¾c, hÇu hÕt c¸c quèc gia ®Òu më cöa nÒn kinh tÕ ®Ó tËn dông triÖt ®Ó hiÖu qu¶ lîi thÕ so s¸nh cña níc m×nh. ViÖt Nam ®ang trong giai ®o¹n ®Çu cña qu¸ tr×nh thùc hiÖn c«ng nghiÖp ho¸, hiÖn ®¹i ho¸ ®Êt níc th× ngµnh dÖt may lµ mét ngµnh ®ãng vai trß quan träng kh«ng thÓ thiÕu trong c«ng cu«c x©y dùng ®Êt níc ®i lªn chñ nghÜa x· héi. Bªn c¹nh vai trß cung cÊp hµng ho¸ cho thÞ trêng trong níc, ngµnh dÖt may hiÖn nay ®· v¬n ra c¸c thÞ trêng níc ngoµi, ngµy cµng gi÷ vÞ trÝ quan träng trong nÒn kinh tÕ ViÖt Nam. S¶n phÈm cña ngµnh hiÖn nay ngµy cµng ®a d¹ng phong phó, kh¶ n¨ng c¹nh tranh cao trªn thÞ trêng, thu ®îc mét nguån ngo¹i tÖ lín cho ®Êt níc. Víi tèc ®é t¨ng trëng vµ kh¶ n¨ng më réng xuÊt khÈu cña ngµnh, §¶ng vµ Nhµ níc ta ®· nhËn thÊy cÇn thóc ®Èy h¬n n÷a xuÊt khÈu dÖt may vµ c¸c mÆt hµng kh¸c v× ®ã lµ gi¶i ph¸p tèt nhÊt cho nÒn kinh tÕ cña níc ta. Nhµ níc ®· kÞp thêi cã nh÷ng quy ®Þnh nh»m t¹o thuËn lîi cho s¶n xuÊt hµng xuÊt khÈu, cô thÓ lµ chiÕn lîc ph¸t triÓn kinh tÕ theo híng thÞ trêng më, chuyÓn ®æi c¬ cÊu kinh tÕ vµ ®Èy m¹nh c«ng nghiÖp ho¸-hiÖn ®¹i ho¸ ®Êt níc. ChÝnh nhê nh÷ng chÝnh s¸ch vµ nh÷ng quy ®Þnh míi ®ã ®· ®a l¹i cho ngµnh dÖt may nh÷ng ®éng lùc vµ ®Þnh híng ph¸t triÓn míi. Trong thêi gian qua, ngµnh dÖt may ViÖt Nam tuy cha h¼n lµ ph¸t triÓn m¹nh mÏ nhng còng ®ñ ®Ó chøng tá lµ mét ngµnh kinh tÕ mòi nhän...
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...MIHĂILESCU �HUMANITAS BUCUREŞTI Coperta seriei IOANA DRAGOMIRESCU MARDARE Citatele în limbile latină şi elină au fost traduse de MARIANA BĂLUŢĂ-SKULTETY Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României WEBER,MAX Etica protestantă şi spiritul capitalismului 1 Max Weber; trad. Thor Lemnij; postf.: Ioan Mihăilescu. - Bucureşti: HLUnanitas, 2003 ISBN 973-50-0390-2 1. Lemnij, Thor (trad.) IL Mihăilescu, Ioan (postf.) 316.323.6 284 MAXWEBER DIE PROTESTANTISCHE ETHIK UND DER GEIST DES KAPITALISMUS Verlag von J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Tiibingen 1934 ©HUMANITAS, 2003, pentru prezenta versiune românească EDITURA HUMANITAS Piaţa Presei Libere 1, 013701 Sector 1 Bucureşti-România, Tel. 021/222 85 46, Fax 021/222 36 32 www.humanitas.ro www.librariilehumanitas.ro Comenzi CARTE PRIN POŞTĂ, tel. (021) 223 15 01 • ISBN 973-50-0390-2 INTRODUCERE Cel născut în universul cultural european modem va trata în mod inevitabil şi justificat problemele de istorie universală punîndu-şi întrebarea: ce înlănţuire de factori a dus tocmai pe solul Occidentului şi numai pe acesta la apariţia unor fenomene culturale care totuşi - cel pu ţin aşa ne place să ne închipuim- se situează pe o di recţie de dezvoltare de însemnătate şi valabilitate univer sală? Numai în Occident există "ştiinţă" ajunsă la stadiul pe care îl recunoaştem astăzi drept "valabil". Au existat şi în alte părţi� mai ales în India� China� Babilon� Egipt, cunoştinţe empirice, reflecţii cu privire...
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...House of Commons Health Committee Modernising Medical Careers Volume II Written evidence Ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 8 November 2007 HC 25-II, Session 2007-08 Published on 14 November 2007 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £20.50 The Health Committee The Health Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department of Health and its associated bodies. Current membership Rt Hon Kevin Barron MP (Labour, Rother Valley) (Chairman) Charlotte Atkins MP (Labour, Staffordshire Moorlands) Mr Ronnie Campbell MP (Labour, Blyth Valley) Jim Dowd MP (Labour, Lewisham West) Sandra Gidley MP (Liberal Democrat, Romsey) Dr Doug Naysmith MP (Labour, Bristol North West) Mike Penning MP (Conservative, Hemel Hempstead) Mr Lee Scott MP (Conservative, Ilford North) Dr Howard Stoate MP (Labour, Dartford) Mr Robert Syms MP (Conservative, Poole) Dr Richard Taylor MP (Independent, Wyre Forest) Powers The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via www.parliament.uk. Publications The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the Internet at www.parliament.uk/healthcom Committee staff The current staff...
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...##RTFHeader ##HelpLanguageID=0x0409 Date Version, Reason Log: v0516200900, Cleaned up all tags. v0526200900, Removed surplus tags. v0529200900, space issue at #30. ##HelpTopicID=0x0999 Help Topic Undefined. ##HelpTopicID=0 The Default button returns all settings on the current page to their factory-set values. ##HelpTopicID=1 The OK button saves your changes and closes the page. ##HelpTopicID=2 The Cancel button closes the page without saving any changes and reverts to all previous settings. ##HelpTopicID=3 The Apply button saves your changes, but keeps the page open so you can make additional changes. ##HelpTopicID=4 The ? button displays help text. ##HelpTopicID=5 The _ button minimizes the current window. ##HelpTopicID=6 The X button closes the current window. ##HelpTopicID=7 Make changes to Devices and Button settings. ##HelpTopicID=8 Enable/Disable Touchpad, Pointing Stick and/or Buttons. ##HelpTopicID=9 Set various options for Touchpad and Pointing Stick buttons. ##HelpTopicID=10 Make changes to Touchpad and Pointing Stick settings. ##HelpTopicID=11 Change Touchpad settings. ##HelpTopicID=12 Change Pointing Stick settings. ##HelpTopicID=13 Change Scrolling settings. ##HelpTopicID=14 Change External Mouse settings. ##HelpTopicID=15 Check this box to place the Dell Touchpad icon in the System Tray. ##HelpTopicID=16 Click this button for driver version information. ##HelpTopicID=17 Vendor Device...
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...Dream Dare Win www.jeywin.com Annual Report 2007-08 Ministry of Finance Government of India Dream Dare Win 1 www.jeywin.com Dream Dare Win www.jeywin.com FOR PUBLIC CONTACT PURPOSE: Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs North Block, New Delhi - 110 001 Phones: 23095120, 23092453 Website: http://www.finmin.nic.in/the_ministry/dept_eco_affairs/index.html Department of Expenditure North Block New Delhi - 110 001 Phones: 23095661, 23095613 Website: http://www.finmin.nic.in/the_ministry/dept_expenditure/index.html Department of Revenue North Block New Delhi - 110 001 Phones: 23095384, 23095385 Website: http://www.finmin.nic.in/the_ministry/dept_revenue/index.html Department of Disinvestment Block 11 & 14, CGO Complex Lodhi Road, New Delhi -110 003 Phones: 24368528, 24368523, 24368044 Website: http://www.divest.nic.in Department of Financial Services Jeevan Deep Building, Parliament Street, New Delhi 110 001 Phones: 23748721, 23748734 Website: http://www.finmin.nic.in Dream Dare Win 2 www.jeywin.com Dream Dare Win www.jeywin.com Contents Paragraph No. INTRODUCTION Page No. 1 CHAPTER - I Department of Economic Affairs 9 Economic Division 1 11 Budget Division 2 12 Capital Markets Division 3 15 Infrastructure Division 4 19 Fund Bank Division (including UN Branch) 5 23 Foreign Trade Division 6 26 Aid Accounts & Audit Division ...
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...THIRD EDITI ----- --·-- --·-- - - -- - O N -- SU PP LY CH AI N MA NA GE ME NT Stra tegy , Plan ning , and Ope ratio n Sunil Chopra Kellogg Schoo l of Manag ement Northwestern University Peter Meindl Stanfo rd University --------Prentice I-I all Uppe r Saddl e River , New Jersey ·--· PEAR SON -- · - · - - - "ibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data :::hopra, Sunil Supply chain management: strategy, planning, and operation I Sunil Chopra, >eter Meind!.-3rd ed. p. em. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN: 0-13-208608-5 1. Marketing channels-Managemen t. 2. Delivery of goods-Management. i. Physical distribution of goods-Management. 4. Customer servicesvfanagement. 5. Industrial procurement. 6. Materials management. I. vfeindl, Peter II. Title. HF5415.13.C533 2007 658.7-dc22 2006004948 \VP/Executive Editor: Mark Pfaltzgraff ii:ditorial Director: Jeff Shelstad ;enior Project Manager: Alana Bradley E:ditorial Assistant: Barbara Witmer Vledia Product Development Manager: Nancy Welcher \VP/Executive Marketing Manager: Debbie Clare Vlarketing Assistant: Joanna Sabella ;enior Managing Editor (Production): Cynthia Regan flroduction Editor: Melissa Feimer flermissions Supervisor: Charles Morris Vlanufacturing Buyer: Michelle Klein Vlanager, Print Production: Christy Mahon Composition/Full-Service Project Management: Karen Ettinger, TechBooks, Inc. flrinter/Binder: Hamilton Printing Company Inc. fypeface: 10/12 Times Ten Roman :::redits...
Words: 138607 - Pages: 555
...HOW TO ACCESS TRADE FINANCE A GUIDE FOR EXPORTING SMEs EXPORT IMPACT FOR GOOD © International Trade Centre 2009 The International Trade Centre (ITC) is the joint agency of the World Trade Organization and the United Nations. Street address: ITC, 54-56, rue de Montbrillant, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland ITC, Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland +41-22 730 0111 +41-22 733 4439 itcreg@intracen.org http://www.intracen.org Postal address: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Internet: HOW TO ACCESS TRADE FINANCE A GUIDE FOR EXPORTING SMEs Geneva 2009 ii ABSTRACT FOR TRADE INFORMATION SERVICES 2009 F-04.03 HOW INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE (ITC) How to Access Trade Finance: A guide for exporting SMEs Geneva: ITC, 2009. x, 135 p. Guide dealing with the processes involved in obtaining finance for exporting SMEs – explains the credit process of financial institutions from pre-application to loan repayment; examines the SME sector and barriers to finance, as well as the risks in lending to the SME sector as perceived by financial institutions; addresses SMEs’ internal assessment of financial needs, determining the right financing instruments, and finding the appropriate lenders and service providers; discusses how to approach and negotiate with banks; tackles cash flow and risk management issues; includes examples of real-life business plans and loan requests; includes bibliography (p. 134). Descriptors: Trade Financing, Export Financing, Export Credit, Risk Management...
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