Premium Essay

No Cell After the Bell


Submitted By lovergalandrea
Words 2003
Pages 9
No Cell after the Bell “No cell phones! Unbelievable, right?” Wrong! Almost everyone in today’s society owns a cell phone. Even though cell phones have become a fixture in everyday life, they still have no place in the classrooms. Some people may argue that these phones are essential in case of an emergency or for safety, but this does not change the fact that cell phones can be a distraction, can cause antisocial behavior, increase theft, and can be used for non-educational purposes like cheating, cyberbullying, and sexting. Most students are easily distracted in the class room; therefore, by allowing students to bring their cell phones to school will not only distract teachers, but also other students. An example of this is a cell phone ringing. If someone’s phone rings in class, it will cause everyone to lose focus of what is going on and pay more attention to the person whose phone rang. Other students are distracted by the many features on their phones’. Cell phones nowadays are like mini laptops. In “Updating Policy on Latest Risks for Students with Cell Phones in the School,” Vanessa St. Gerard discusses the negative and positive uses of cell phones in school. St. Gerard argues, “As technology continues to advance, more issues with cell phones and other electronic devices in schools will surely arise” (45). St. Gerard also points out, “Cell phones are not designed for simply making and receiving phone calls anymore. Advanced technology now developed for cell phones allows them to play music, take pictures, record video, provide Internet access, and send and receive text messages” (44). Having all these features on one’s phone can be a distraction. When students engage in such activities, they tend to fall behind in their class work. In his article, “Recent Court Rulings Regarding Student Use of Cell Phones in Today’s Schools,” Thomas Diamentes talks about

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