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No Pass No Drive Research Paper

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Those past few years there has been a lot of debate on passing the law No pass/No drive, and in certain state it is already established, but is it a good thing ? The law No pass/No drive is a law that apply to high school student telling that if you have too many absences unjustified or you are failing to many classes you will not be able to pass your driver license. Is a good thing for California.

I believe that the law should pass in California because it would help a lot of student who care about getting their driver's license, and it would give them a motivation to finish high school in a proper way. This claim is proven by the article no pass/no drive by Aryn Faur who says “Clynt Goins, a senior at McMinn High, said that he got warning from a school administrator that his driver’s licence would be taken away because of his poor attendance and grades. As a result, he started going to school more and took and went to summer school to retake the class he failed. Without doing it he said he would have never be able to graduate this year.” (6). This supports my position by showing that by temporarily taking away what they want it’s going to give them the motivation of doing things well to get it back. Indeed, if we have to take them something they really care about to make them do something , then they’ll do it. …show more content…
This claim is supported by most of the researchers who say that “Today, the United States has about a 25 % high school dropout rate.” (5). This proves my claim because if there is about one quarter of the United State that dropped out of high school we must do something. In light of these facts, it is hard to disagree with the position that we should pass this law in

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