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Nonprofit Leadership Skills

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Management and leadership skills are crucial to have for overall success of a nonprofit organization. Before taking on the challenge of managing an organization, it is important to understand the procedures leaders are obligated to adhere to when making decisions for the direction of the organization. The future of nonprofit organizations depends on the leadership’s ability to stay committed to their mission while incorporating new ways to better serve the community. Leaders and management of organizations are expected to practice accountability to demonstrate responsibility for actions (Renz and Herman, 2011). Without the practices of accountability organizations are at risk of exposing their programs and employees to scandals, fraud and corruption. Accountability is crucial for the growth of the organization and the community; it ensures longevity in partnerships, funding and public’s trust.
I suspect governing boards will strengthen over years due to accountability and its influence on the operation of the organization. As board members strengthen their knowledge and skills to address the community as it evolves, the leadership skills will evolve as well. Also, as boards become more diverse in their skills and approach, they acquire better methods to operate the …show more content…
Strategic planning ensures employee compensation aligns with the structure of the organization (Renz and Herman, 2011). Renz and Herman (2011) suggest executives and professionals must carefully analyze a reward system before implementation, it is crucial that the rewards are aligned with the organizations goals. To reduce chances of employee turnover, management must create a system that ensures employees receive competitive compensation along with benefits and rewards that demonstrates appreciation for

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