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Nonprofit Organizations: The Make A Wish Foundation

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Nonprofits have been around for decades. The purpose of the nonprofit is to abet society. In the U.S. there are an ample amount of nonprofit organizations. These organization do abet society; however, each nonprofit has a different target market, resulting in a certain group to be help and others to be neglected. An epitome of a nonprofit organization would be the Make A Wish Foundation. The Make A Wish Foundation having an anguish beginning, in addition programs have foster citizens, an appropriate finance, and proper operations it is transparent in how this nonprofit has become very successful.
The Make A Wish Foundation had an anguish background but strives to abet children. The non-profit focuses on supporting children with a disease by …show more content…
The only program that Make A wish has is “Wish Granting” program ( The Wish Granting program is “[to] grant wishes to children with life-threating medical conditions to enrich the human experiences with hope, strength, and joy” to make a wish a child has become reality, so their life could be enjoyable ( Their program purpose is imbedded in their mission statement which is very significant cause it demonstrates that the organization is concern on the cause they are fighting for. The fight, to reiterate, is for children that have an incurable disease. With them having only one program for the whole organization it is crucial that the only program is successful. To say the least, the organization’s program, Wish Granting, is done very well. The non-profit, in the year 2016 “Make- A- Wish- granted more than 15,300 wishes” ( Having 15,300 in 2016, is an incredible accomplishment, in addition the number of wishes keeps increasing every year. Along with the number wishes increasing, many celebrities and athletes have started helping with the cause. Epitomes of celebrities whom have help are Lea Michele (actress), Kasey Kahne (NASCAR driver), and even up to a whole football team ( All across the country people are coming together to help the innocent children who are unfortunate in having a deadly disease. With more and more celebrities keep participating the …show more content…
The money is distributed amongst the administrative, fundraising and as well as the money that is use for the wish. In the year 2016 the Make A Wish foundation “accumulated $69,759,835 in donations” (charity navigator). Out of all the money that is accumulated, according to Charity navigator 74.3% of the money is then use for the wish(charity navigator). The money for the wishes, covers flying the patient and family to certain location or getting them tickets to attend the event. A wish on average is granted “every 34 minutes” ( With the wish being granted almost every half an hour it is salient that most of the money is being use for the cost. Although 74.3% is being use for the organization purpose, 10.5% of the accumulated donations are being used for administrative (charity navigator). The administrative cost does not include any volunteer, who donates their time, it includes people who actually work for the non-profit. The administrative cost has to do with mangers or the corporate office employees. With a least 85% of the company money being use towards the wishes and the administrative expenses, it leaves roughly 15% of the money to spare. The 15% of the money is use for fundraising expenses (charity navigator). The fundraising aspect is to promote the organization and to foster people to donate. This could include billboards, ads, or even commercials. With the

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