...Unit 1 Exercise 1 Local Exchange When you send an email from New York to Japan, that email,is sent from your home to the local exchange point over the access network. Once it is in the local exchange it is then sent to aggregating points in different cities and counties over the regional network. Then it is aggregated and transported over the long-haul network so that it reaches the launching point at the country shoreline where it is then sent over the ocean network to Japan. Once there, the email is sent back over the long-haul or regional network to the local exchange and then on to the individual receiving the email. This occurs using mostly fiber optics so the speeds at which all this takes is at the speed of light which is approximately 127,000 miler per second. understand how to interface with the local exchange you must first understand the different networks that comprise it. The first network, being the access network. The access network is the network that connects the individual user or business with the telecommunications system. This is made up of a series of fiber-optic and copper cabling and passive and active equipment that connects you to the local exchange. The central office at the local exchange contains the switching equipment to direct your telephone, data , video, etc. to where it needs to go. The access network is very important to the local exchange since it’s the part that reaches the end user, who is you, and connects them. The metro network, sometimes...
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...ADAMTS-13 is a protease and it’s role is to cleave vWF (ulvWF). ADAMTS-13 INH ELISA allows us to detect the human autoantibodies (IgG) which is found in plasma and or serum against the ADAMTS-13. These autoantibodies inhibit ADAMTS-13 activity, hence non-cleaved ULvW gather in the plasma – one of the main causes of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). TECHNOZYM® ADAMTS-13 INH test allows us to differentiate between autoantibodies (acquired) and congenital (gene polymorphisms) TTP when paired to an activity assay. It is also used to control efficacy of plasma exchange therapy. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) is an uncommon blood disorder which is defined as clotting in the small blood vessels of the body which causes low platelet count (thromboses). The disease can also cause some of the following when TTP progresses: hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, neurologic abnormalities, fever, and acute renal damage/failure. Assays have been developed to measure von Willebrand factor cleaving enzyme (ADAMTS-13) activity. ADAMTS-13 activity can be low, and inhibitors to its activity can often be demonstrated in patients with TTP. These are confirmatory tests, as the results are not returned in time to make a prompt diagnosis. There is debate over whether the ADAMTS-13 activity assay can help in the management of patients with TTP. It does not appear to predict who will respond to plasma exchange. Studies have shown that the multiple domains of ADAMTS-13 are...
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...ATmega2560 has a flash memory of 128 KB reserved for storing code (4 KB of the flash memory is reserved for the bootloader), 8 KB of SRAM and 4 KB of EEPROM 2.2.6 Input and Output The Arduino Mega have 54 digital pins, each of this is can be used as an input or output with the use of pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions.. They operate at 5 volts. The digital pins can also give or get a maximum of 40 mA and includes an internal pull-up resistor (disconnected by default) that has a 20-50 kOhms resistance. In addition, some pins have particular functions: • Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX); Serial 1: 19 (RX) and 18 (TX); Serial 2: 17 (RX) and 16 (TX); Serial 3: 15 (RX) and 14 (TX). Used to collect (RX) and transfer (TX) TTL serial data. Pins 0 and 1 are also connected to the corresponding pins of the FTDI USB-to-TTL Serial chip. • External Interrupts: 2 (interrupt 0), 3 (interrupt 1), 18 (interrupt 5), 19 (interrupt 4), 20 (interrupt 3), and 21 (interrupt 2). These pins can be modified to prompt an interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a change in value. See the attachInterrupt() function for details. • PWM: 2 to 13 and 44 to 46. Gives an 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function. • SPI: 50 (MISO), 51 (MOSI), 52 (SCK), 53 (SS). These pins can provide SPI communication, even though given by the hardware, it’s not currently included in the Arduino language. The SPI pins are also cracked out on the ICSP header, which is physically well-matched with...
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...the cost of collision. • Intent signals are sent until the cable is clear so that data will travel and reach its destination carefully. • RTS/CTS provide virtual carrier sense which protects against hidden terminal collisions. The steps that are to be used in the algorithm are as follows: • Assemble the frame for transmission. • Create two simulations and start the simulation environments. • Then node senses the channel, if channel is idle then transmit RTS frame. • Otherwise wait for random backoff time. • After transmitting RTS, if CTS received then application data is transmitted. • But in case if CTS is not received then again it uses random backoff time. These steps are followed using CSMA/CA with RTS/CTS. 3.2.1 CSMA/CA Algorithm 1. CW=CWmin 2. Choose random backoff counter b uniformly for (0,CW] 3. Sense the channel 4. If idle Transmit the frame 5. Else Wait for IFS time 6. Goto step 3 7. If collision Then Backoff time Backoff_count>=16 8. Goto step 3. 3.2.2 CSMA/CA Flowchart The flowchart of CSMA/CA describes about the sequence of operations that are to be performed during CSMA/CA protocol. Figure 3.1 Flowchart of CSMA/CA Protocol 3.2.3 State flow diagram of CSMA/CA Stateflow combine the graphical and tabular representations, including state transition diagrams, flow charts and state transition tables. The stateflow diagram of CSMA/CA is given below. Figure 3.2 Staeflow diagram of CSMA/CA ...
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...Introduction: With the advances of micro electro mechanical system technology, wireless communications and digital electronics, Wireless Sensor Networks have been used in everywhere such as battlefield surveillance, environment supervision and traffic control has become a reality. Wireless Sensor Networks consist of large number of sensor nodes which collect and route data to the external sink with a certain transmission regulation. Due to the limitations of bandwidth memory and computing capability of such nodes the applied routing topology should ensure the minimization of energy consumption and hence maximization the lifetime of the network. When the energy is limited, our main aim is to find a route which can minimize the energy consumption and maximize the network lifetime. In typical WSNs applications, data about a particular event is collected by the sensor nodes and then sent to the Base Station. Since nodes are deployed densely, the high density of the network may lead to nodes generating and transmitting redundant data, which results in unnecessary energy consumption. Data aggregation can be the solution for this problem. Data aggregation basically eliminates redundant data and reduces the communication load. Clustering method has been extensively exploited for increasing the network scalability. In this paper we propose an energy efficient load balanced data gathering routing protocol to minimize energy consumption and thus enhance the network lifetime. The cluster...
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...The implications of the above results are discussed next. As it can be seen in Figure 1, ESSENDON1 drug seemed to not to be effective in the Forced Swim Test experiment. The data shows that there is a higher percentage of immobility in the control group (mean = 54.3 +12.4%) compared to the ESSENDON1 test group (mean = 47.5 +7.6 %). This indicates that the test group demonstrated to have less escape - related behaviour and was found to be more anxious than the control group. Moreover, the t–test (p=0.6497) indicates there is ~65% chance that the immobility is the same and hence there is no significant differences between the two groups. The bar graph of the Elevated plus-maze test in Figure 2 demonstrates the effectiveness of ESSENDON1. Through immediate observation, the...
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...Watchdog detects malicious misbehavior's by promiscuously listening to its next hop’s transmission. If a Watchdog node overhears that its next node fails to forward the packet within a certain period of time, it increases its failure counter. Whenever a node’s failure counter exceeds a predefined threshold, the Watchdog node reports it as misbehaving. The watchdog is capable of detecting malicious nodes rather than links. These advantages have made the Watchdog scheme a popular choice in the field. Many MANET IDSs are either based on or developed as an improvement to the Watchdog scheme the Watchdog scheme fails to detect malicious misbehavior's with the presence of the following: 1) ambiguous collisions; 2) receiver collisions; 3) limited transmission power; 4) false misbehavior report ; 5) collusion ; and 6) partial...
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...__________________________________ Score: _______ Section: ___________ Instructor: _______________________ Date: ________ Activity 4.1A HYPOTHESIS TESTING I. Problem Solving: A. Formulate the null and and alternative hypothesis of the following statements. 1. The Department wants to know if the average working hours in preparing full meal is 3 hours. Ho: ______; ______________________________________________________ H1: ______; ______________________________________________________ 2. A teacher wants to know if there is a significant difference in the performance task of STEM and ABM strand in Personal Development subject. Ho: ______; ______________________________________________________ H1: ______; ______________________________________________________...
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...MANET is the infrastructureless network without any access point or base station. It consists of the mobile nodes and has dynamic topology. MANET is self configured and self organizing network. In the ad hoc network nodes are free to move anywhere and any pair of nodes can communicate directly if they are in the transmission range of each other otherwise the communicating nodes depend upon the other nodes present in the network for the communication. So, MANET follows the multi-hop pattern for the communication. In the ad hoc network, the nodes can act as the router as well as host. The nodes in the network dynamically exchange the data without their dependency on any wired backbone network. The nodes in the network are differentiated by their processing, energy consumed, memory resources and most important by their high degree of mobility. Routing protocols play an important role in order to transmit the data from one node to another. The goal of the ad hoc network routing protocols is to establish the valid and efficient routes between the nodes so that the messages are delivered within time. The routing protocols must be able to deal with high degree of mobility. Depending upon their network structure the routing protocols are classified into three types: Proactive protocols, Reactive protocols and Hybrid protocols. Proactive protocols are table-driven routing protocols. Each node stores the network topology information and routing information is exchanged periodically. When...
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...NT1310 Physical Networking Unit 6 Exercise 1 Thomas Westbrook Due Date: Unit 6 Exercise 1: Connector Installation Twisted -Pair Cable * Measure the cable you want to put ends on, using a cable cutter trim off the excess * Use a cable stripper to strip about 1 ½ inches of the jacket from the end, then rotate the stripper around the cable twice to cut through the jacket * Remove the stripper and pull the trimmed jacket from the cable, so that you can see the inner conductors. Separate any visible jacket slitting cords that are present, trim it backto the edge of the jacket. * Untwist all the inner conductor pairs and spread them apart so that you can see each individual conductor * Line up the individual conductors so that the color matches the color-coding standard you are using * Trim the conductors so that the ends are even with each other, make sure that the jacketof the cable will be inside the connector. The total length of the exposed connectors after trimming should be no longer then ½ inch to 0.625 inches * Insert the conductors into the connector, make sure that all conductors line up properly with the pins as they were in the previous step. If they don’t line up, try again. Make sure to do this step carefully, it’s the last one before crimping * Carefully insert the connector and cable into the crimping tool. It has two dies that will press into the connector. Push the pins in the connector into the conductorsinside the connector...
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...| Unit 3. Exercise 1. | | Specifications - Definitions | | Unit 3. Exercise 1. | | Specifications - Definitions | NT1310: physical networking April 15, 2014 Authored by: Nicholas Rapisardi NT1310: physical networking April 15, 2014 Authored by: Nicholas Rapisardi 1. Application (in terms of cabling infrastructure): The application layer is the OSI layer closest to the end user, which means both the OSI application layer and the user interact directly with the software application. When determining resource availability, the application layer must decide whether sufficient network or the requested communication exists.. (OSI_model#Layer_7:_application_layer) 2. Unshielded twisted-pair: UTP cable is a popular cable used in computer networking that consists of two shielded wires twisted around each other. In the image to the right, is an example of the different network cables you're likely to encounter. (/jargon/u/utpcable.htm) 3. Shielded Twisted-pair: Twisted Pair (STP) has a fine wire mesh surrounding the wires to protect the transmission; Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) does not. Shielded cable is used in older telephone networks, network, and data communications to reduce outside interference. In the picture to the right, is an example of what these cables look like inside. (jargon/t/twispair.htm) 4. Fiber-Optic cable: A fiber optic cable is a network cable that contains strands of glass fibers inside an insulated casing. These...
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...Montie Ramsarran August 11th, 2014 NT1310 Mr. Amos Unit 9 Exercise 1 Light Source and Components-Definitions 1. Forward Biased LED: A bias voltage that is applied to a pn-junction in the direction that causes a large current flow; used in some semiconductor diode circuits. 2. Incoherent Light: Light in which the electric and magnetic fields of photons are completely random in orientation. Incoherent light is typically emitted from light bulbs and LEDs. 3. Laser: Acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. The laser produces a coherent source of light with a narrow beam and a narrow spectral bandwidth (about 2cm). Lasers in fiber optics are usually solid-state semiconductor types. Lasers are used to provide the high-powered, tightly controlled light wave lengths necessary for high-speed, long-distance optical fiber transmissions. 4. Output Pattern: A setting that selects the output pattern for comparison outputs. This enables outputs for changes in levels rather than just upper/lower limit comparisons to set value. It can be set according to the control applications. Note: The settings must be as follows for correct zone outputs. 5. Output Power: The useful signal or power delivered by a circuit or device. 6. Modulation Speed: (1) Coding of information onto the carrier frequency. Types of modulation include amplitude modulation (AM), frequency modulation (FM), and phase modulation...
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...Activity 1 As a child with hashimoto’s thyroiditis my body’s development is slower than others. But I do not use my condition as an excuse not to work as hard as everyone else. One of the methods that I have used in the past was mind-mapping because I went through a stage where I felt as if mind maps was a reflection of my brain. It was all over the show and it was really messy. I also tried physical studying. I would use diagrams and physical objects such as cue cards to help me study. I found it difficult to adapt to certain study methods and it got frustrating. In actual fact I became despondent always thinking I won’t be able to find the proper study method. I then tried studying with music. This method also failed as I am someone who gets distracted easily. I moved on and tried studying everything out of my workbook in a parrot fashion...
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...Radians)& 0 &0.25& 0.5&0.75 &1 & 1.25& 1.5& 1.75 & 2& ... &$2\times \pi$\\ \hline $y=\sin x$ & &&&&&&&&& &\\ \hline \end{tabular}\\ %& 2.75& 3&3.5& 4 &4.5 &5 &5.5& 6 \noindent Once they finish filling in the values of $y$ as many as possible, then they can plot the ordered pairs on a Cartesian plane. The $x$ values should be very close to each other to avoid strait lines from point to point. Joining the points plotted from 0 until $\frac{\pi}{2}$, a curve is going to be formed. Hence,...
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...then there exist two natural number $m$ and $n$ such that $\sqrt{2} = \frac{n}{m}$ where $m \neq 0$ and the greatest common divisor of $m$ and $n$ is 1. Now, $\sqrt{2} = \frac{n}{m}$ implies $2 = \frac{n^2}{m^2}\ \Rightarrow n^2 = 2m^2$. The number $n^2$ is even because is equal to 2 times something, also $n$ is even, since even number times even number is always an even number. This means that $n$ can be written as $2k$ for some $k\in \textit{N}$. Substituting $n = 2k$ in $2 = \frac{n^2}{m^2}$ yield $2 = \frac{4k^2}{m^2} \Rightarrow m^2 = 2k^2$,...
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