...History of Community Nursing Matrix Historical Time Period Nursing Role in Community Major Health Issues Partnerships Used Watson’s Theory Past Period 1 1800-1900 (America’s Colonial Period) In 1800-1900, during America’s colonial period and the new republic, public health committee was concerned about the health and care of individuals in the community; in the early years of 1800, the care for sick people and the ideas of public well-being were influenced by the traditions of British immigrants. That was the motive for establishment of a system to care for sick, poor, aged, mentally ill and dependent patients based on the English model. Using the Law of 1601was a great medical privilege for poor communities, blind individuals, and those who did not have families. At that time, the problems surrounding poor communities included death, birth defects, and many other kinds of sicknesses; that was also the beginning of the industrial developments and mechanizations and population growth, which contributed to increased incidence of disease. In 1856, Florence Nightingale organized hospital nursing practice and nursing education, emphasized the benefits of public health nursing, and highlighted the job of nurses which includes health promotion and disease prevention. (Dieckmann, 2008, p. 21) In the early 1800s, nurses were responsible for providing care at home and mostly focused on ethical improvements rather than illness or disease prevention. The year 1813 was the starting point...
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...Select a topic based on the role of the nurse in community and public health. Locate at least three scholarly peer-reviewed journal articles on your topic. Discuss what evidence-based model or theory was used in each article and the end result. According to the Department of Health and Human Services (MacKay, Fingerhut, & Duran, 2000), more than 900,000 adolescents become pregnant each year. Three hundred thousand of these annual pregnancies occur in mothers under the age of 15, 78% are unplanned, creating multiple negative consequences for the adolescent and society.”(Pierangeli,L. 2006) This study addresses the community health nursing role in trying to reduce the number adolescent pregnancy by teaching students about abstance to prevent teenage pregnancy that abstained will also prevent STD. If a child hears the message about abstinence before they become sexually active it is received better. Therefore it reduces both STD and teenage pregnancies. “Worth the Wait is an abstinence education program designed for sixth through eighth grade students. It focuses on healthy relationship building, goal setting, and the challenges of parenthood. The WTW program consists of three main topic areas. They are: ‘healthy relationships,’ ‘parenting can wait,’ and ‘making good decisions. ”(Pierangeli, L. 2006) The Theory of Planned Behavior(TPB) (Ajzen, 1988, 1991; Ajzen & Madden,1986) is used in this study as a framework for reviewing the literature. The TPB is...
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...Persuasive Letter Lydia Broeker NUR/ 405 September 24, 2013 Lianna Garrett, RN, MSH, FNP September 24, 2013 Mr. Jorge Rifa’ City Council and Administration. 2535 Commerce Way Commerce, California 90040 Dear Mr. Rifa’ and Councilmember’s: I understand the concerns of the quality of air and environmental safety of your resident’s has been a priority on your list of concerns. I recognize and appreciate the efforts the City of Commerce has done by addressing the concerns of the added pollution caused by the trucking traffic and railroad yards. I understand there has been many letters written from the City of Commerce to the Los Angeles City Council regarding the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that was prepared for the Southern California International Gateway (SCIG) project which addresses the potential growth of the railroad yards that is needed to accommodate the increased rail and container traffic. The increase in traffic will also increase the poor quality of air emitted in the City of Commerce. The lead agency is the public agency which has the principal responsibility for approving a proposed project such as the SCIG. The railroad yards and trucking transportation is the main industry of this city that increases the revenue, but the environment must be a safety priority to your residents. How can the city continue to increase their revenue without continually putting the residents at an increase in health risk due to the smog...
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...Windshield Survey Nursing Undergraduate Studies NUR/405 Helen Woolf University of Phoenix Avisha Labban |Housing and Zoning |Eastern Time Zone, sits 12 feet above sea level, 757.7 square miles | | |width | | |Jacksonville Transit Authority provide public transportation such as | |Transportation |buses, cars, trains and taxis | | |Jacksonville International Airport | | |90% of residents drive privately owned vehicles | |Race, Culture and Ethnicity |57.1% Caucasian | | |30.1% Blacks | | |6.6% Hispanics | | |3.9% Asian ...
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...Windshield Survey Reflection Shane P. Donald NUR/405 May 19, 2014 Cynthia Januale Windshield Survey Reflection A windshield survey was conducted of the Fall Creek community just north of downtown Indianapolis, Indiana. The focus of the survey was an initial assessment and overall impression of the community where the participating family lives. According to Stanhope and Lancaster, (2012, p.190) community is defined as a "social network of interacting individuals, usually concentrated in a defined territory". Individuals, grocery stores, and hospitals are just a few examples of what makes up a community. Community health refers to "the meeting of collective needs by identifying problems and managing behaviors within the community itself and the relationship between the community and the larger society" (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012, p. 401). Indicators used for assessment of community health include infant mortality rate, number of motor vehicle crashes, childhood poverty rates, lung cancer rates, and other data used to develop a broad definition. The Phrase "community as a client" refers to the focus of nursing in an integrative model for community health promotion. It is important to remember that community oriented care is population focused, addressing the complex mix of health problems, clients, and levels of care within the system. Partnerships in the context of communities as the clients refer to shared responsibility for outcomes between nursing and the...
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...Health Education Plan NUR/405 October 10, 2011 Health Education Plan Educating the public is a role every nurse must participate in to promote, maintain, and restore health among a community. To accomplish such requires community members receive and have a practical understanding of health-related information (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008). One method to accomplish such is to develop a health educational plan. The purpose of this paper is to create a health education plan based upon information collected from a windshield survey and Friedman family assessment conducted by a nurse in the community of Palmdale, California. Areas that will be discussed include, a description of the educational need based upon assessment findings, educational goals and objectives, educational methods that will be used to implement the health educational plan, and the methods applied to evaluate the educator and process used in the development and implementation of the health education plan. Identification of a Health Educational Need In conducting a windshield survey and Friedman family assessment, the nurse identified multiple educational needs. The priority educational need in common and identified among both the family and the community of Palmdale, California is the need for education on the maintenance of chronic illnesses. Determining what chronic illness to focus on in terms of development of the health educational plan however, presented more of a challenge. When observing...
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...Family Nursing Diagnosis Susan Kenney, RN NUR/405 June 9, 2014 Beth Edwards, MSN, FNP-BC Family assessment, roles and structure The family I have been working with consists of three sisters who live in a house owned by the eldest of the three, C.H. C.H. is a 64 year old Caucasian female who was born with cerebral palsy and mental retardation. She has never been able to walk, and her mentation never progressed past the age of an approximately 4 year old child. She lived at home with her parents and two sisters and one brother until the age of 11 when she was institutionalized in a facility notorious for the mistreatment and neglect of its residents. The facility has long since closed, and in 1991, C.H. was placed with our organization, Community Vision Inc. (CVI). Her parents were both deceased by that time, and her sister D.H.C. assumed legal guardianship, with sister N.W. helping with her needs. CVI is a non-profit organization that assists disabled individuals to live as independently as possible, and enables them to purchase and live in their own homes if possible. We provide caregivers and in collaboration with social services and interdisciplinary personnel facilitate the supported individual to live to their maximum potential. Each person has their own individual service plan with health, safety, and vocational goals, and staffing is provided as required to meet the individual’s needs. Assessment of C.H. and her living situation The home the sisters...
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...Windshield Survey Reflection Jessica O. NUR/405 Healthy Communities: Theory and Practice March 28th, 2016 Cynthia Januale Community can be defined in many ways. According to Meriam Webster (n.d), there are 12 different ways that community can be defined. Community can best be defined as “a group of people who live in the same area (such as a city, town, or neighborhood)” ("Community," n.d). To most people, community is the area and people that surround the place they live and/or work. Community health is defined by Stanhope and Lancaster (2014) as “the meeting of collective needs through identification of problems and management of behaviors within the community itself and between the community and the larger society.” Community as client refers to the fact that the patient themselves is not always the only client. The community they live in and the resources available to them are also a part of the patient and the care that they need. Partnerships with different medical associations, community programs and other parts of the community as well as other people and citizens of the community are essential to the patient and their well-being. If there are no resources to help the patient’s needs, the patient becomes more at risk. The participating family’s community (La Verne) appears to be a somewhat upscale neighborhood with small town feel and values. The city appears to be very involved in its’ citizens well-being and has their best interest in mind, especially the...
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...Evolution of Community and Public Health Nursing Identify a minimum of 3 major events (or influences) in the evolution of community and public health nursing and describe how each event led to advancement of the field. For each event, describe the following: Key health issues at the time Perspectives and goals of community and public health nursing Roles and functions of community and public health nursing Community and public health partnerships at the time |Event or Influence: World War I | |Key health issues |Infectious and parasitic diseases, typhoid fever, diphtheria and scarlet fever were the main issues | | |addressed. | |Perspective/goals |The goal was to improve sanitation and reduce occurrences of the diseases. | |Role/functions |Keller and Strohschein (2012) states “in 1911 efforts to control typhoid fever in Yakima County, Washington, | | |and to improve health status in Guilford County, North Carolina, led to establishment of local health units | | |to serve local populations. Public health nurses were the primary staff members of local health departments. | | ...
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...洛杉矶 洛杉矶·攻略 ——遗落在人间的“天使之城” 关键词 费 天 用 数 好莱坞电影 湖人 迪士尼 比佛利山庄 5000元 4天 舒适 可乐 经济型床位 当地矿泉水 一顿饭 15元 100元 10元 100元 关于 · ABOUT 位于美国西海岸的洛杉矶拥有得天独厚的地理优势,地中海气候使得 洛杉矶除了冬天极少下雨,沙滩、阳光、海风就足以使这座“天使之城” 成为度假的天堂。 作为美国第二大城市,洛杉矶是美国的文化娱乐中心。几乎全世界的 观众都被大片中的“美国梦”洗脑,而洛杉矶,正是筑梦的地方。在好莱 坞的环球影城惊险骑行,参观著名电视节目的录制过程,游览优秀的电影 工作室,在盖蒂中心狂欢,或是陶醉在迪斯尼音乐厅,都是洛杉矶的专属 旅程。 洛杉矶的夜生活丰富多彩,可以观看顶级的演出节目,在小酒吧里狂 欢,或是边听音乐边聊天,而且还有机会同一些好莱坞炙手可热的明星面 对面,西好莱坞地区是酒吧和俱乐部集中的地方,热爱夜生活的人不要错 过。 因为昼夜温差很大,10到20摄氏度都是正常现象,去洛杉矶游玩的旅 客记得要多带件外套,以免晚上着凉。 舒适程度 物价指数 心愿单 · I WANNA…… 目录 · CATALOG 概述 亮点 有问必答 线路推荐 景点 活动 住宿 餐饮 购物 交通 出境信息 小贴士 背景 跟着它们去旅行 01 02 03 03 04 07 08 08 09 09 11 12 12 13 洛杉矶那些不可错过的小事 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 在拍摄《老友记》的房间里留影一张 近距离接触米老鼠和唐老鸭 去迪士尼音乐厅听一场表演 在斯台普斯球场为洛杉矶湖人队呐喊 逛一下UCLA的校园 日落时分坐车经过日落大道 踏踏圣莫妮卡海滩的浪花 亲眼看一下山上HOLLYWOOD的标志 印象 · IMPRESSION 相关攻略 zjyff7 光影在玻璃幕墙间闪烁,令你忍不住问自己:这是盗 梦空间吗?我是在自己创造的世界里吗?为什么一切 显得那么的不真实,所以才叫天使之城吗?因为天堂 本来就是不真实的吗?但洛杉矶的蓝天白云,加州温 煦的阳光,又把你拉回了现实的世界,对,这就是加 州!这就是洛杉矶! ——《美国洛杉矶之旅》 01 洛杉矶 亮点 · HIGH LIGHTS No.1 大片诞生的地方 No.4 看一场湖人主场赛事 湖人队图片 by The Official Site of the Los Angeles Lakers 来到洛杉矶湖人队的地盘,去斯台普斯球馆看一场湖人队的主场赛事 已然成为NBA球迷们的朝圣之旅。现场球迷的尖叫绝对能够震撼你的耳 膜,场上奔跑着的黄色球衣也会令你热血沸腾。 环球影城 by 凌哲贤 钟情于好莱坞大片的朋友一定不能错过环球影城。各种电影中出现的 场景在这里一一还原,特效的表演让观众目瞪口呆! No.5 艺术之旅 No.2 第一座迪士尼乐园 迪士尼音乐厅 by 颓圮的华年 不管是世界最为富有的艺术机构之一的盖蒂艺术中心,亦或是有强烈 的盖瑞金属片状屋顶风格的迪士尼音乐厅,“天使之城”也可以是艺术之 都。 迪士尼乐园 by 凌哲贤 在世界上最大的综合游乐场,回到唐老鸭和米老鼠的世界,像个孩子 一样尽情地体验纯粹的快乐。 No.3 圣莫妮卡海滩 No.6 “星”光熠熠 . 圣莫妮卡 by 凌哲贤 来到东海岸怎么能不去踩踩沙滩呢!吹着海风,喝点小酒,欣赏流浪 吉他手的演出,人间天堂也不过如此。 ...
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...Business Agriculture and Technology Spring Semester January 05-April 08, 2015 Day Section Class Schedule 8:30-9:30 CSC 103 (Sec-A) SM #402 CSC 103 (Sec-B) MSS #407 CSC 103 (Sec-C) KD #408 CSC 103 (Sec-D) GM #421 CSC 103 (Sec-E) DAS #501 CSC 103 (Sec-F) PB #502 CSC 103 (Sec-G) DMAH #503 09:3510:35am CSC 103 (Sec-B) MSS #407 CSC 103 (Sec-C) KD #408 CSC 103 (Sec-D) GM #421 CSC 103 (Sec-E) DAS #501 CSC 103 (Sec-F) PB #502 CSC 103 (Sec-G) DMAH #503 CSC 103 (Sec-H) HR #606 ENG 101 (Sec-A) SR #607 ENG 101 (Sec-I) NZM #504 ENG 101 (Sec-J) ENG 101 (Sec-I) NZM #504 ENG 101 (Sec-J) ART 102 (Sec-N) KK #506 ART 102 (Sec-S) MAH #507 ART 102 (Sec-O) SAC #508 ART 102 (Sec-U) NKD #402 CSC 103 (Sec-H) HR #606 ENG 101 (Sec-B) SR #607 ENG 101 (Sec-D) ATMSA #405 ENG 101 (Sec-H) NF #603 ENG 101 (Sec-G) SR #607 ENG 101 (Sec-C) LAM#604 ENG 101 (Sec-D) ENG 101 (Sec-F) JU 10:40-1 ll:45l:40am 12:45pm CSC 103 CSC 103 (Sec-A) SM (Sec-I) #323 MSS#402 CSC 103 (Sec-J) MMR #520 CSC 103 (Sec-K) PB #521 CSC 103 (Sec-U) PPP #601 CSC 103 (Sec-T) DAS #602 2:00-3: 00pm CSC 103 (Sec-I) MSS #402 CSC 103 (Sec-J) MMR #520 CSC 103 (Sec-K) PB #521 CSC 103 (Sec-U) PPP #601 CSC 103 (Sec-T) DAS #602 ART 102 (Sec-H) MMI #403 ENG 101 (Sec-H) NF #603 ENG 101 (Sec-C) LAM #604 3:05-4: 05 pm ART 102 (Sec-A) NKD #403 ART 102 (Sec-B) KK #401 ART 102 (Sec-C) MMI #507 ART 102 (Sec-T) SAC #508 ENG 101 (Sec-N) SI #621 4:105:10pm CSC 103 (Sec-L) MAH #502 CSC 103 (Sec-M) MAB#503 CSC 103 (Sec-N) MSS #504 CSC 103 (Sec-O) DMAH #505 CSC 103...
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...Grammarly Report generated on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:11 Grammarly DOCUMENT Page 1 of 9 ISSUES FOUND IN THIS TEXT 0 Contextual spelling 0 No errors Grammar 0 No errors Punctuation 0 No errors Sentence Structure 0 No errors Style 0 No errors Vocabulary enhancement 0 Checking disabled Grammarly Report generated on Mon, 27 Jul 2015 20:11 Grammarly NUR/405 Family Nursing Diagnoses Janet-Lee Matthie NUR/405 07/27/2015 Bonnie Schoettle NUR/405 Family Nursing Diagnoses Within a community, a family is usually considered to be the hallmark of society, with establishing a set of rules, beliefs, and values to lAccording to Stanhope and Lancaster (2012) States that, a family nursing assessment, identifies family problem areas and from strengths that help to build interventions, so as to promote and maintain good health. Assessment of the Family: The family that I choose to conduct an assessment consists of a family of four (4), Two (2) adults and two (2) children ranging from age five through nine. J.H Sr. age a forty (40) doting father and husband solely carry the family's financial responsibility on his own, from a salary typical of a minimum wage. J.H recently diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus and sometimes appears melancholy due to his recent diagnosis, but tries to muster a smile when someone is looking. K.H age thirty-five (35) and a stay at home Page 2 of 9 Grammarly ...
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...Week 2 Assignment Windshield Survey Summary and Reflection (Part 1 of the Programmatic Assessment) Fleurette Duverglas University of Phoenix NUR/405 - HEALTHY COMMUNITIES: THEORY AND PRACTICE Professor Sharon Baker November 17, 2014 Windshield Survey and Reflection Introduction The fundamental objective of conducting a community assessment is to attain the complete scenario of the region and identify the requirements of the specific community. This assignment is reflection of my windshield survey conducted in North Miami Beach. The client includes a family that consists of five members. The assessment of the community is based on precise and inclusive examination of various aspects that includes history, health care issues of the region, data on the population of community, mediums of communication available, vital statistics, governmental efforts, and attitude and perception of the community members. The community health nursing requires a holistic approach, and the selected five member family needs to be considered with respect to. (Annerbäck, 2012). Community is specifically defined as the “social group of any volume whose members inhabits in specified locality, share government, and often have a similar cultural and historical heritage”. Furthermore, community health can be understood as congregation of combined requirements through identification of problems and administration behaviors within the community itself...
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...Community Health Reflection Community Health Nursing Reflection Veronica Hubbard NUR/405 June 25, 2012 Cindy Januale Community Health Nursing Reflection Community health nursing is a specialty field of nursing which care is provided to people in the community setting. A community health nurse can provide care to children and the adult population. As a result of the economic depression, more people in the community are becoming jobless, homeless, low-income, and uninsured. So the need for community health nurses has drastically increased. The child community health nurses’ role is concentrating on health promotion and prevention strategies. According to Contemporary Nurse Journal (2011), “the role is broaden to include multifaceted case management, home visiting, outreach programs, early identification and primary intervention of clients with psychosocial and mental health issues, group facilitation, the traditional one to one client contact and multidisciplinary team function (p. 72). The role for a community nurse in the adult setting is to prevent health problems in at risk individuals, promote disease prevention strategies, to provide care and available resources to needy individuals and families in the community. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2012), “community health nursing practice is the synthesis of nursing theory and public health theory applied to promoting, preserving, and maintaining the health of populations through the delivery of...
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...Watson Job Aid Wanda S. Morano NUR/405 July 16, 2012 Sandra Winters Watson Job Aid The new professional model of caring-healing practice will provide holistic care. The knowledge and principles instilled in nurses from prior years has provided guidance and research for present day nurses. The caring-healing practice is enveloped the whole, the person, the family, (to include children and distant family members), community and nurse and the hospital team). The values, ethics and moral ideals that support this practice is needed to establish a balance between all the ideas. Values should cover self-esteem, respect for others and love. What a person believes to be true are your values. These values are what needs to be used in the caring-healing practice. Morals are feelings based on what you believe to be right or wrong. Morals under the caring-healing practice cover the need to be empathetic, holistic when providing individualized care, dignity and being committed to caring and providing care that heals. Whether with a personal touch, sitting with someone, or just being in their presence, or visiting someone when you say you will visit them. The philosophy, theory and science that inform their creation and utilization cover a broad scope of things. Caring and healing should be based on health and wellness. There are things that need to be followed in the creation and utilization. People need to work with a disciplinary, collaborative team...
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