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Nursing Certification Plan Sample

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Certification Plan
Preparing for national certification requires thoughtful planning. This paper will review the selected national board chosen for certification, the plan for passing the exam, and describe Michigan's nurse practice environment. Moreover, three strengths and weaknesses related to the exit exam will be examined with a plan to address opportunities that will lead to the achievement of certification as an adult-gerontology nurse practitioner in Michigan.
Certification Exam
Upon thoughtful critique of the two national certification boards, the American Association of Nurse Practitioner (AANP) certification board was selected. The reason for this was personal preference and current AANP membership. The online credentialing process …show more content…
A second strength was that I was able to recognize the many of the concepts that the questions targeted to ascertain knowledge and was able to successfully answer the best choice in some of the quesitons. A third strength was being able to identify first-line and second line treatments as they relate to the standards of care was fairly easy to recall. Other strengths included being able to differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary care. I was able to recognize first-line and second-line antibiotic therapy for common disorders such as urinary tract infection, upper respiratory infection, and ear infections. Upon reflection, these conditions have been validated from both classes and clinical experiences. Seeing these types of patients in the practicum setting has helped to apply the principles learned from the classroom. Understating these strengths will help to commit time for study on the areas that were not as solid. According to Quallich (2013), refraining from spending a lot of time on areas that are known and devoting time the areas that need more attention is one strategy for preparing for board exams. As a result, clinical strengths will continue to receive appropriate study time. However, growth in other areas will need to receive more dedicated time for

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