...Community Health Nursing Reflection Community health nursing is a specialty field of nursing which care is provided to people in the community setting. A community health nurse can provide care to children and the adult population. As a result of the economic depression, more people in the community are becoming jobless, homeless, low-income, and uninsured. So the need for community health nurses has drastically increased. The child community health nurses’ role is concentrating on health promotion and prevention strategies. According to Contemporary Nurse Journal (2011), “the role is broaden to include multifaceted case management, home visiting, outreach programs, early identification and primary intervention of clients with psychosocial and mental health issues, group facilitation, the traditional one to one client contact and multidisciplinary team function (p. 72). The role for a community nurse in the adult setting is to prevent health problems in at risk individuals, promote disease prevention strategies, to provide care and available resources to needy individuals and families in the community. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2012), “community health nursing practice is the synthesis of nursing theory and public health theory applied to promoting, preserving, and maintaining the health of populations through the delivery of personal health care services to individuals, families, and groups (p. 16). Nursing diagnosis & interventions People in the community...
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...Community Health NUR/405 November 10, 2014 Community Health Public health nursing is essential in maintaining the health of communities and educating about healthy living. Knowing and understanding the terms and definitions, dealing with the community and public health nursing is important to understand the picture as a whole. This paper will include pertinent definitions regarding community, and include a reflection of the family I have chosen to follow for this project. Community is defined as a group of people in the same geographical area, who share the same values, culture and norms (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). The client is the community, in which the nurse conducts business with the population of the community as a whole. According to Stanhope & Lancaster (2012) community health “is the meeting of collective needs by indentifying problems and managing behaviors within the community itself and between the community and the larger society”. Lastly, community partnerships involves actively participating members of the community, by allowing them to participate rather than be the subjects, members of the community have more of a chance to take control of their health and influence others. All of the above definitions have an important role in public health nursing and understanding the community as a whole. The family I chose for this project is a blended family, which included three of the children living in the house and two others who are there during...
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...Nursing Professional Reflections Elham Kowsar Antelope Valley College Mrs. Cox Nursing Science 201 A good nurse needs certain skills in order to operate effectively in a psychiatric setting. Although there are many attributes essential to excellent nursing care, this paper specifically focuses on empathy, self-awareness, and building of trust in the professional relationship between a nurse and her patient. In the mental health setting it is important to understand the difference between empathy and sympathy. Empathy and sympathy may appear to be interchangeable, but they are not. Both words are derived from the Greek language. Empathy means “in feeling” and is based on, and acceptance of, individual uniqueness. Sympathy means “with feeling” and is largely an affective reaction which involves sharing emotions and merging or losing oneself in another person’s experience. Empathy is intimately linked to closeness, which can prove to be difficult to attain for some nurses. The structure of empathy is described as a feeling, portrayed non-verbally, and includes thoughts and emotions related to understanding patients' situations. Nurses' own attributes and previous personal and professional experiences impact their ability to empathize, while knowledge about people and how they are feeling is important for developing empathy. Empathic feelings are difficult to generate when nurses have no context for a similar experience or when the patient is...
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...Nursing Expertise Self-Report Scale 1. I am an: RN 2. My job is: Staff Nurse 3. Length of time since graduating as an RN: More than 3 years 4. Length of time working on your unit: More than 3 years 5. Previous experience in nursing prior to graduating as an RN: Under 6 months (1=Strongly Agree, 2=Agree, 3=Unsure, 4=Disagree, 5=Strongly Disagree) 1. I often know ahead of time that my patient will take a turn for the worse. 1 2 3 4 5 2. I frequently draw on past experiences when making patient care decisions. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Quality nursing care results from strictly adhering to policy and procedure. 1 2 3 4 5 4. When I do patient care, only a few pieces of information stand out as critically important. 1 2 3 4 5 5. I am consciously aware of the process of decision making in patient care. 1 2 3 4 5 6. Emotional attachments get in the way of good nursing care. 1 2 3 4 5 7. When something goes wrong with my patient, I seem to know automatically what to do. 1 2 3 4 5 8. Sometimes I find it difficult to identify objective reasons for certain patient care decisions. 1 2 3 4 5 9. The best way to give good nursing care is to get close to the patient. 1 2 3 4 5 10. I find it time consuming to set priorities in patient care. 1 2 3 4 5 11. I make my best decisions about patient care when I remain objective. 1 2 3 4 5 12. In an emergency, things happen so quickly that I don’t know what to do. 1 2 3 4 5 13. I base my patient care decisions...
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...Annual Maine Nursing Summit Reflection: Building a Culture of Health The 16th annual Maine nursing summit, which took place this past Wednesday in Augusta, imparted beneficial information and hope to both seasoned and future nurses alike. With the focus of the summit centered on Building a Culture of Health Begins with ME, each presentation sought to relay invaluable insights regarding kindness, moral distress within nursing, the current controversial political issues regarding healthcare and insurance, peer to peer support and many other pertinent topics. Although each presenter and poster presentation offered enlightenment, Joanne Chapman and Leslie Knight’s presentation, Enhancing a Culture of Safety: Peer to Peer Support to Improve Health and Wellbeing of...
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...Before starting the nursing program I tried to prepare myself for a difficult, demanding, grueling, in-depth, and time consuming experience. I expected to have to read and study a lot. I also thought it would be very organized, structured, and well-defined, so to facilitate comprehension of such a crucial profession. Even with all the preparations and expectations I still was not truly prepared. No matter what you do, I'm not sure that anyone could ever really be prepared. Even though I was not totally prepare, the time I took to try and prepare for the difficult, demanding, grueling, and time consuming nature of the program did help and forced me to prioritize and somewhat stay disciplined. However, as time goes on I'm finding it harder to...
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...Community Health Nursing Reflection NUR/405 2012 Diane Schlicke RN MSN Community Health Nursing Reflection The role of the community health nurse in the participating family’s community is to focus on the health needs of the aggregate or group. Community health nursing refers to a systematic, comprehensive focus on wellness, health protection, and disease, and injury prevention for the population residing in a specific area. The nurse functions as advocate, case manager, consultant, health care provider, educator, and collaborator with other agencies for healthy outcomes of the entire community. Nurses involved in the health of a specific community such as the family participating will assess the members living in the demographic area, and monitor the environment for potential predisposing factors that may lead to illness. The conclusion of the community assessment by the nurse directs, which types of services required to maintain the health of the population. The nurse may determine that preventive health care will benefit the community, (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). The initiation or campaign for infant and children vaccinations may be a priority in this community because the 30 to 50 age range of adults who may be childbearing. The community’s amenities for maintaining a healthy lifestyle are vast. Walking trails, bike paths, ice skating rink, and playing fields offer recreational activities that will appeal to most of the population. Informational sessions for...
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...Community Health Nursing Reflection NUR/405 Cynthia Januale Community Health Nursing Reflection This assignment was very interesting and unique compared to other assignments that I have had in the past. Visiting and studying the community that I chose gave me quite the insight on various issues that, had it not been for this assignment, I may not have picked up on before. “In any setting, the role of public health nurses focuses on the prevention of illness, injury or disability, the promotion of health, and maintenance of the health of population” (The Role Of Public Health Nurses, 2012, para. 2). In the community I chose to survey, as with any community, the role of community nursing focuses on the items listed above and in addition, I believe that because of the lower to middle income level of this community, focus should also be on better health care accessibility to the residents. Community Nursing Diagnosis’ and Interventions Three possible community nursing diagnoses for the community that I observed were as follows. Risk for accidents related to the poor vision by oncoming traffic as evidenced by the multiple cars lining the streets. Children and others are walking to and from the store and through the neighborhood to the park where they play and oncoming traffic may have difficulty seeing pedestrians because of the amount of cars parked on the side of the road. Possible interventions for this problem include wearing reflective clothing so that they...
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...Community Health Nursing Reflection NUR/405 August 7, 2012 Community Health Nursing Reflection According to Phyllis Meadows (2009), “Community health nurses are valued for their adaptability and willingness to provide care in many settings, including community health clinics, churches, homeless shelters, and schools,” (p. 19). Community health nurses aim to improve health outcomes and improve the infrastructure used to monitor and manage disease within the community. Healthy People 2020 has established benchmarks and monitored progress over time to improve health outcomes. Each community has unique needs and the role of the community health nurse is to work with and provide comprehensive care to patients within the community. This reflection addresses the role of the community health nurse with the participating family and their community in Spring Mills, Pennsylvania. Community health nurses working in the Spring Mills, PA are faced with numerous challenges in this small rural community. Construction and manufacturing account for 42% of the industry of Spring Mills. With these professions comes increased risk of work related injuries and illnesses. Educational services account for only 3% of the industry, wholesale and retail trade account for 10%, accommodation and food services 15%, and 30% account for a combination of professional, scientific, and technical services. Community health nurses play a role in ensuring safety in the workplace by creating and implementing...
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...Community and Public Health Nursing Reflection Cynthia Clayton NUR/405 January 14, 2012 Sandra Winters Community and Public Health Nursing Reflection Community and public health nursing provide health education, care management and primary care to individuals and families who are members of vulnerable populations and high risk groups. Public health nurse integrate community involvement and knowledge about the entire population with personal clinical understandings of the health and illness experiences of individuals and families within the population. Community and public nurse focus on the prevention of illness, injury or disability, the promotion of health and maintenance of the health of the populations, they work with communities, target health promotion and disease prevention, they act as teachers, counselors and plays an important role in preventing wide spread illness and disease. Community and public health nurses’ goal is to promote, preserve, and maintain the health of populations through the delivery of personal health services to individuals, families, and groups, and also the prevention of disease and disability, to promote and protect the community as a whole. According to Stanhope & Lancaster (2012), nursing has numerous roles including identifying vulnerable individuals and families through outreach and case findings, encouraging vulnerable groups to obtain health services, developing programs that respond to their needs and teaching vulnerable individuals...
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...one of the best decisions i’ve ever made in high school was taking a cna(certified nursing assistant) program. this course taught me so much more about life than any regular class or off period could have. not only did it teach me how to care for people, it introduced me to a profession that i hope to pursue for the rest of my life. the first time i walked into a hospital, not as a patient or a visitor, but as a student i immediately knew that it’s where i belong. getting to explore all of the different departments and meeting all the nurses and doctors with heroic stories of saving people opened my eyes to a different kind of world. i realized that i didn’t want to sit behind a desk for the rest of my life, i wanted to do something meaningful,...
Words: 309 - Pages: 2
...NURSING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE USING JOHN’S REFLECTIVE MODEL: On a particular occasion during my placement in a surgical and medical ward at a local hospital, I had been buddied with a nurse for an evening shift. We had just had handover from the nurse on the previous shift and among the information handed-over, the patient, in addition to her current diagnosis, also had a history of other co-morbid diseases including heart and blood pressure abnormalities. As such, she was on a number of heart regulating medications which included some beta blockers. As part of time management, we went through the patient's care plan and medication charts to determine what needed to be done and at what time regarding this patient. This guided how we were to execute care during the shift and in a timely manner. Her care plan had indicated that the patient's observations were to be done TDS (three times a day) It was during this process that we decided that it was not necessary, at this point, to take the patient's vital signs as these had been done just a few hours before we had started. When the time for the medication round came, we went to the patient's bed side drawer to collect and give her her medications following the seven rights to medication administration. As a result of our earlier time plan, we did not take her observations. Somehow, the patient asked us curiously why we were not taking her reading as, previously and always before, other nurses seemed to take her readings...
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...Simply because nursing school and on-the-job training and orientation does not adequately prepare the nurse for delivering traumatic diagnostic and prognostic information that requires life-changing, delicate, and emotional discussions, I was honestly unaware that evidenced-based, best practices even existed. Nevertheless, I was cognizant of diverse models of communication, however, the ones I encountered appeared unrealistic and I have been unable to grasp how to incorporate them into my nursing practice. Regarding an enormous barrier on a high acuity, Medical Oncology Unit that stifles this delivery are, ASCOM phones and pagers. It is a rare occurrence that one or the other does not interrupt an opportunity of full disclosure concerning a patient’s new prognosis or diagnosis. With the tension of the unknown, this is distracting, embarrassing, and gives a sense as if that very patient, in that exact moment, isn’t the most important patient on the nurses or physicians assignment. Another barrier is the...
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...Critical reflection of a nursing incidence Name Institution Introduction This report focuses on a critical analysis of scenario related to management in nursing and how it can impact on knowledge skills and experience. The incidence which is analysed in this report is one of my encounters during my placement. Confidentiality and privacy have significantly been emphasised in the area of nursing. The Nursing and Midwifery council outlines a strict code of ethics which should be adhered to by all the nurses in their daily practices and interaction with both colleagues and patients(NMC, 2008). Within the code, it is emphasised that nurse should respect the privacy and confidentiality of the patients. Based on this, the report shall adopt a pseudonym; Mr. Jason, in place of the real name of the patient. Additionally, this report shall adopt the Gibbs (1998) reflective cycle model. The model allows nurses to think systematically over the faces of a given experience. The model involves six components which include description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan in that order. This model allows nurses to assess their behaviour, emotions and thoughts when they encounter challenging situation. Gibbs (1998) insists that while using the model to reflect on an event, the components should be used as subtitles for particular phases. As such, this report outlines the reflection in the stages below. Description In my second placement when I was in third...
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...For this assignment I have been asked to pick a family member, friend or a client I have met who has health care problems. I have been asked to analyse the various concepts I have been learning about each week. This will include how the lifestyle they live and cultural influences may affect how their illness could have occurred. I have been asked to discuss how their illness in society may have changed over time and the response of the health service towards it. I have been asked to discuss various policies and practices which may influence the care which they receive and the structure, in which they work, the teams which help provide their care and my own professional responsibilities. To comply with the data protection act (1998) I have replaced names with ficticious ones. Jim is a 63 year old man who lives in Bury which is a small town in Greater Manchester, he has lived here since he was born. Jim was born into a working class family, he left his local school at 16, became a builder and retired 5 years ago. Jim was diagnosed with lung cancer ten months ago and has been told his cancer is most likely due to his smoking habit. He began at 14 and still smokes up to 30 cigarettes a day. Since his diagnosis Jim has remained quite positive despite being told that his cancer is terminal. Jim has previously undergone chemotherapy however he was told that this wasn’t curative treatment and due to the side effects he has decided to stop. Jims family is very close knit, his...
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