...Kei’Anna Printup Andrea Hermann English 111 February 27 2016 Rhetorical Analysis “Stop sugarcoating It, Georgia” campaign was made to put into perspective the obesity problem of children in Georgia. While this particular advertisement was a billboard, that feature an overweight young girl with the words “Warning its hard to be a little girl if you are not”. Seeming a bit harsh and insensitive to many feelings of parents and children who have seen that advertisement, it was created to raise awareness of childhood obesity. By shocking those who see the advertisement into at least noticing that there is a problem with obesity in the state of Georgia. An Advertisement created to target parent, mainly to those of obese children. It was intended to wake parent in the state of Georgia up, and stop being in denial about the size of their children, and the real underlying health issue that are being created. The ad itself may have created an opposite appeal to was desired by the Children’s Health campaign. With such n controversial advertisement, many complaints about how insensitive the advertisement was. Many were just saying that basically there is a way to raise awareness and the particular rout that was chosen was not actually the right way. While others agreed with the way the chose to shock people into realizing that yes there really is a problem with obesity that could lead to many other problems with my child’s future. The image is uses color red on a black and white image...
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...Children and Obesity Sharletta Guy-Pope SOC490: Social Science Capstone Raqota Berger June 18, 2012 Introduction Due to the growing concern and increase prevalence of childhood obesity around the world the population of children as it relates to childhood obesity indicates that these children will suffer even greater as adults. This increasing concern has become a public health issue and a social issue with children. Furthermore, research shows that the media plays an important role in the current epidemic of childhood obesity, which also has become a social issue with children. The increasing amounts of junk food and fast food advertisements, that target children and adolescents, have an effect on the outcome of their health and nutritional habits; these advertisements shift away from good nutritional practices. Food advertisements that advertise unhealthy foods such as foods high in saturated fats and cholesterol (junk foods) puts children at risk for high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol, both of which causes heart disease later on in life, which are precursors of cardiovascular disease resulting in childhood obesity. Sociocultural Factors Gender Society, culture, and the media send children powerful messages about body weight and shape ideals. For girls; ideas that are stressed in the media include the "thin ideal" and urging to diet and exercise, which can put pressure on girls to be thin, putting them...
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...Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity Lara Klein Abstract Childhood obesity is a growing problem around the world, especially in the United State that is notably harmful as its effects are not only temporary but can have long term effects that can be taken into adulthood. Children’s food preferences are influenced by television advertising that focuses directly at children. It is furthermore concluded that children exposed to high amounts of television advertisements make poor food choices which leads to poor food consumption. Among other factors, parental influence is also critical and can change a child’s behavior towards food advertisement and food choices. Parents should look out to communicate advertisements’ effects to their children, and restrict the amount of time their children spend in front of the television. Moreover, governmental restrictions should be implemented to avoid persuasion of buying unhealthy foods to children at younger ages. The Impact of Television Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity INTRODUCTION According to Bacardi-Gascon and Jimenez-Cruz (2015), childhood obesity is a very serious topic in the United States these days, causing long term economic and social costs due to serious health problems, as well as an increase in morbidity and mortality. Research conducted by Bernhardt, Wilking, Gilbert-Diamond, Emond and Sargent has shown that the more television children watch, the likelihood that they are obese increases. Advertisement of food ads on television...
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...Coleman-Roush Dr. Isaac ENGL 101-D12 19 April 2015 The Couch-Potato Conundrum: TV leads to obesity In contemporary society, the most consumed medium in almost every household across the world is television. People spend a considerable amount of time watching television. Some studies indicate that in an average 65-year lifespan, an individual spends 9 years watching television (Jenvey 811). It is then not surprising to realize that the average person spends 22 hours each week watching television (Jenvey 811). An average American household has 2.24 TVs with an estimated 6 million videos rented daily (Jensen 811). The consequences of spending such a considerable amount of time watching television are weight gain and obesity. The global obesity pandemic costs the world billions in medical expenses to counteract the medical conditions and diseases resultant from obesity and having a high body mass index (BMI). These diseases include diabetes, cardiovascular complications and conditions, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, back pain, some cancers and even infertility. Coupled with the psychological burden of being obese, there is clearly a need to mitigate obesity (Jenvey 810). One means of reducing the prevalence of obesity is by regulating the amount of time spent watching TV in every household. Spending high amounts of time watching television encourages the onset of obesity in viewers because it encourages unhealthy dietary habits, sedentary behavior and leads to slow...
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...Abstract In this exploration and analysis, I researched the impact of advertisements on children and examined why the obesity rates of children are higher than ever. I discussed my hypothesis that advertisements do influence the choices children make in regard to their eating habits. I illustrated how these articles set up their research methods, which usually resulted in various categorizing. I also acknowledged any biases or flaws in the study. In the end, fast food advertisements were shown most frequently during children’s programs. These advertisements never meet the recommended daily values for nutrition in any category. Advertisements and Children: Do Advertisements Affect Children’s Weight? I decided to write about how television ads affect children’s weight. Obesity is a vital health issue in today’s society because the fact that obesity is so high. Especially in preschools with “obesity rates for preschool children tripling in past 30 years and quadrupling for children aged 6 to 11 years” (Zimmerman, F. J., & Bell, J. F. 2010). Hypothesis and Introduction Before even beginning any research my first impression was that yes, the ads that restaurants put on television do have an affect on children. Specifically, children who watch television for long periods of time (multiple hours in one session) or who watch television routinely. Because the children see the fast food industries advertisements more then they see the healthy options. In fact...
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...ATENEO DE DAVAO UNIVERSITY DAVAO CITY PHILIPPINES McDonald’s and Obesity Case Study December 07, 2015 Submitted by: Angelique Canubas Jackielene Mae Palmes Giann Carlos Delumpa Submitted to: Ma’am Donna Abrina Background of the Study Obesity is one of the most facing issues in the world. One of the reasons why obesity rises is because food companies sell sweeter and fatty products. Another is advertising, most food company advertises food that is very attractive to children’s like something tasty and yummy. Also, there is an increase of food sizes like in McDonald’s the average size of their French fries was tripled. To address this kind of problem, some countries ban advertises unhealthy foods implementing rather new strategies like promoting an active lifestyle. McDonald’s as one of the biggest food and successful company in the world broke a U.K campaign called “Changes” by not following their rules to cope up with this problem they launched an ad campaign about eating right and stay active. Food companies are testing ways to address the obesity issue. Finding a better solution of the problem will help the world reduced the number of the growing issues. Statement of the Problem How will McDonalds as one of the biggest fast food company in the world maintained their image despite of the increased number of obesity issues in a particular country? Objectives: delumpa’s part dagdagan mo pa ito. The objective of this case is to find out what strategies...
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...All such food is categorized as fast food which can be prepared and served quickly. Restaurants and kiosks provide fast food with precooked or preheated ingredients and usually served at a packaged form (Pollan, 2009). In the beginning, American hamburger and fries was considered as the traditional fast food but now the field has been widely diversified and food like pizzas, fish and chips, burgers from McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken etc. are all considered fast food. Fast food market has shown an enormous and steady growth. In 2006 alone the market has reached to $102.4 billion with an annual growth rate of 4.8% (Adams, 2007). Fast food chains like McDonalds operate in more than 126 countries in six continents having more than 31,000 restaurants globally (Arndt, 2007). Burger King, another worldwide fast food chain, has operations in more than 65 countries of the world; KFC restaurants located over 25 countries, Subways is present in 90 countries with total 39,129 restaurants and so and so forth (Buthrie, Lin & Frazao, 2002). However, according to most of researches, fast food is not at all fit for health and can cause serious problems. According to Marion Nestle, Chair of New York University’s Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, “the increased calories in American diets come from eating more food in general, but especially more of foods high in fat (meat, dairy, fried foods, grain dishes with added fat), sugar (soft drinks, juice drinks, desserts)...
Words: 1965 - Pages: 8
...Advertising effects on children Never there been a subject that has aroused as much discussion as that of advertising. These last few decades have seen a development of this powerful marketing process and major tool of communication practices. Nowadays, advertisements are present in all fields of our modern societies. The debate about the positive and the negative effects of advertisements is still relevant today. Despite the fact that the main purpose of publicity should be the informational aspect, advertisers use their influence in a distinct way. Sometimes manipulative, their controversial techniques use psychological appeals in order to increase purchases. Publicity has unfavorable side effects on individuals, especially on young and vulnerable consumers: children. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate that food habits, lifestyles and behaviors are guided by advertising detrimental models. Teenagers represented core targets for advertisers because media has become one of the most substantial socialization agents known today. Adolescents spent 140 billion dollars a year in 2004 in various products, and 12 years old kids 25 billion dollars, but they are also able to act upon a $200 billion dollar budget (Mary Story and Simone French, Food Advertising and Marketing Directed at Children and Adolescents in the US). According to the Professor Sharon Beder, “[y]oung children are increasingly the target of publicity and marketing because of the amount of money they...
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...November 2013 Table of Contents Page Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Situational Analysis………………………………………………………………………….. 4-5 I. SWOT Analysis II. Target Market III. Costs IV. Expenses Strategy…………………………………………………………………………………………... 6 I. Product II. Price III. Place IV. Promotion Summary & Conclusion………………………………………………………………………….. 7 Executive Summary The purpose of this paper is to deeply explain the new product called, ‘Island Fruity’. According to the news, the little island of American Samoa is one of the top countries facing obesity. Recently this year on CBS News accorking to Ben Tracy (2013), the obesity rate I American Samoa is 75%. This is a big issue whereby our people’s lives are at risk and it is the reason as to why we chose to create a new product to help beat obesity. Like a smoothie or slushy, we have decided to create a new type of smoothie called ‘Island Fruity.’ By hearing these two words ‘island’ and ‘fruity’, it simply tells what the ingredients used for production are local grown fruits. Instead of buying groceries or add other imports, we chose to make use of all the available local fruits we have on island like the pawpaw, bananas, and pineapples to come up with a new product. this way, there will be an increase in savings, less in spending and able to achieve our goals. ‘Island Fruity’ will help reduce obesity in a way and help promote a healthy lifestyle simply earning its worth. Throughout this paper will be...
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...Obesity is an epidemic occurring predominantly in the western world. Obesity is an epidemic occurring predominantly in the western world. The phenomenon is closely associated with changing lifestyles and the consumption of fast food and soft drinks. However, the fast-food companies and the Coca Cola company are major contributors to obesity research. Discuss the different ethical positions that various stakeholders are taking in the use of corporate funds for research into obesity This report will first discuss the major stakeholder fast food and Soft Drink Corporation ethical positions in making decision in funding researcher into obesity, Business main motive is to earn profit, most of the businesses are mainly profit motivated, they only care about the income they can earn to sustain and grow, company follow ethical learning and growth, it cares only about itself. Soft drink and fast food has the same motivation of earning profit for which they produces the product that are on major demands or create the demand by making advertisement and other promotional activities to attract people towards their product. To have a successful business support of all stakeholders are required. Funding research for the research is one of the strategies of company to support that. Funding helps in building image in public, which help in generating goodwill for the company at the same time it helps the researcher. A Typology of Stakeholder Attributes: Legitimacy, Power, Urgency ...
Words: 5469 - Pages: 22
...A study on perception of soft drinks and fast foods advertisements and its impact on youth lifestyle and eating habits Today it is a matter of great pride to see that India as a nation stands with a population of 1,166,079,217 (July 2009) and out of which two-third of the population lies below 35 years of age. India is considered as one of the youngest nation in the world. According to various national and international organisations the age group of youth generally lies between 15-35 years. This vulnerable group is being highly influenced by the advertising industry whose focus has shifted from family and elderly to youth and kids. With the increased employment of youngsters due to the entry of BPO’s, KPO’s, MNC’s in the Indian sub-continent, marketers have got a new set of potential buyers in the form of young and restless . This segment comprises of those who are more open to adapt new products, ideas and follow trends set up by advertising world. Advertising today carries the blame of manipulating and duping audience. The moment you open your idiot box for multifaceted reasons you can see a clutter of advertisements, a commercial of 7 up ends up with a girl kissing a boy, ads of all juices making claims that all of them are preservative free, dangerous stunts being performed in ads of Thumps up and Mountain dew, open and free broadcast of inner wears at prime time encouraging the opposite sex to assault. All advertisement of several branded deo’s end in seductive mode. Ads...
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...Essay Assignment Obesity in American Adults November 6, 2014 According to the American Diabetes Association, almost two-thirds of American adults are obese or over weight. (Marks, 2004) With the most obvious cause being poor eating habits and lack of physical activity, inactive adults in the US eat on average 500-800 calories more than needed. Given this, these Americans will gain a pound to a pound and a half a week. (Marks, 2004) Obesity is becoming a severe matter in America and it needs to be addressed within reason. Should the government be doing more to challenge the problem or is it up to the individual? First, what is obesity? Obesity is defined on Harvard’s School of Public Health by stating that obesity is being overweight and having too much body fat, most commonly measured by the body mass index (BMI). Being overweight is defined as a body mass index of 25 or higher. Obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or higher. BMI uses one person’s height and weight to estimate one person’s “fatness”. (Obesity Prevention Source, 2014). What are the effects of obesity? There are many life altering effects that come along with obesity including coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, many types of cancer, as well as strokes. Social and emotional effects of obesity, including discrimination, lower wages, lower quality of life and a likely susceptibility to depression are no less effecting as well. (Obesity Prevention Source, 2014) Next, I would like to put obesity in perspective to...
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...on childhood obesity over recent years, and the ways that parents and health care providers can help prevent it. The studies have been and are conducted on children between the ages of six months to twelve years of age. Childhood obesity is a growing trend in the United States and has become a major concern for pediatricians and parents. Studies have shown that nearly 10% of children who are younger than five and two years who are obese. The study is to help resolve obesity in children, and help the health care administrators to find ways to help control this disease with using different methodology measures. The purpose for this study is to locate preventative measures for obesity in children, how we may provide ways to assist the medical professionals in providing care that are needed. Many of the research questions address different ways that pediatricians could prevent childhood obesity by simply educating the parents. Some of the particular questions were also directed towards the mother that breastfeed their child to maintain a healthy weight. Lastly there were questions about the sugared sweetened beverages which are given to children. Problems in the study were conducted to resolve the issues with obesity in children. These particular problems are important for health care administrators to study, health care administrators need to find ways to prevent and help parents understand what causes obesity in children, help to understand the problems with obesity and to educate...
Words: 1242 - Pages: 5
...researcher of "Economic Analysis of Obesity, from the Institute for Business and Finance Research” (2013) writes about obesity in the united states focusing on young children and adults. She discussing through thorough research, analysis and studies as to why in this generation the population young and old are increasingly becoming overweight and obese. However, in this paper the literature will be focusing on children. Through studies all over the world in various countries concerning obesity Sturm (2007) recognizes that within United States, obesity is considered a real problem, in addition to adults it already involves about nine million children. He also goes on to discuss that today about one...
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