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Ok I Will


Submitted By Lolse
Words 397
Pages 2
Translate these sentences from Danish into English:
1) Filmen “Little Miss Sunshine” handler om (deals with) familien Hoover, der bor I den amerikanske by Albuquerque.

The movie/film ”Little Miss Sunshine” deals with the Hoover family, who lives in the American city Albuquerque.
2) På mange måder er det en dysfunktionel familie.

This family is dysfunctional in many ways. It’s a dysfunctional family in many ways. In many ways it is a dysfunctional family.
3) Onklen Frank flytter ind hos familien efter han har forsøgt at tage sit eget liv.

The Uncle Frank is moving in with the family after he tried to commit suicide.

4) De beslutter at tage til Californien for at støtte datteren Olive, som skal deltage i en skønhedskonkurrence (beauty pageant).

They decide taking a trip to California to support the daughter Olive, there is going to deltage in a beauty pageant.
Try to explain what these expressions mean:
• a vow of silence
• the American Dream
• the dysfunctional family
The American Dream: I would say that living out the American dream is living how you want to live, and not regret a single minute of your life.
Dysfunctional family: It’s a family there isn’t working like it’s supposed. They might have a lot of issues, and the things don’t work between the persons in the family.
Find similarities between ”Little Miss Sunshine” and other stories about ’family’ that we have worked with.
What genre would you call this type of story?
Little Miss Sunshine:
Well this time there is problems with the money again. The dad is obsessed with his work, and the grandpa is just a very mad person, the mother is stressed, the uncle has committed suicide, the daughter is just a happy little girl, and the son hates everyone. Maybe a funny roman.
Billy Elliot:
They do also have a big

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