...In the Gilded Age, newly wealthy Americans began to compete for Europe’s extraordinary Old Master pictures, causing a major migration of art across the world. Old Masters, New World is a look at the cutthroat competition, financial aspect, intrigue, and double-dealing often involved in these paintings. It is also about the power of the amazing paintings that drove these collectors such as financier J. Pierpont Morgan, sugar king H. O. Havemeyer, Boston aesthete Isabella Stewart Gardner, and industrialist Henry Clay Frick. It is a great book about the arrival of the artwork of the Old Masters such as Raphael, Michelangelo, and El Greco in the United States. On one hand, it was definitely about the acquisition of Old Masters paintings from Europe by Americans. However, this book was not about artwork at all; instead, it was much more about the people who bought the art. The movement began when these extremely wealthy people bought very expensive and exquisite paintings. They bought these works of art for people to admire their wealth and taste. Old Masters New World is about the Americans of the late 19th century who found themselves interested in bringing the art of the Old Masters across the ocean. Saltzman does her best to give each of these people a voice and personality, to bring them to life for the reader. You will get to know each of these people and their histories. While there is definitely a discussion of art, the book is much more about the world of art dealing...
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...New Testament: Matthew The genre of this book is a Gospel. Some key themes and events include Matthew Tracing Jesus’ lineage back to Abraham, the conception of Jesus, John baptizing Jesus, Jesus in the wilderness for forty days, the Sermon on the Mount, Peter’s name change (Simon), the many miracles performed, the Eucharist, the crucifix and resurrection of Jesus. Matthew‘s purpose was to present Jesus as the Messiah by showing the OT prophecies he fulfilled. King Herod displayed his fear of the new “King of the Jews” by ordering the death of all the youth in Bethlehem. Matthew gives recognition to the first followers and the directives given to them by the many parables he used, his early ministry messages on humility, obedience, love, prayer methods and trust in God. He reveals some oppositions Jesus faced and how he dealt with them. Matthew denotes in the final chapter the Resurrection and the Great Commissions of Jesus. Mark The genre of this book is a Gospel. Some key themes and events include “The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God” (1:1). John the Baptist predicts the coming of Jesus – a man more powerful than him, he baptized Jesus. God Acknowledges Jesus as his Son. Jesus goes into the wilderness for forty days where Satan tempts him. Jesus emerges and travels to Galilee, where he takes on two Jewish brothers as disciples- he teaches them to fish for lost souls. Jesus shows his anointing by performing miracles which caused...
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...Old and New Testament Exegesis The author of Daniel intended to restore hope to the nation of Israel during a time of horrifying persecution. This was done through a combination of narrative stories and apocalyptic revelations, both involving the wise and religious character known as Daniel. The lessons of faithfulness and obedience throughout the book transcend generations and still affect readers today. The setting of Daniel takes place during the “Babylonian exile” within the “courts of Babylonian, Median, and Persian kings” (Collins 33). This exile took place the around the sixth century B.C. Contrary to the setting, though, “critical scholarship has established that the book actually comes from the 2nd century B.C.” (33). During this era, the Jewish population was persecuted by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who went so far as to desecrate the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem by constructing a statue to the Greek god Zeus, much like King Nebuchadnezzar does in chapter 3 (Porteous 57). The biggest clue that Bible scholars notice when questioning the authorship is how accurate the succession of kingdoms is mentioned throughout the book. The author’s ability to hint at events that occur centuries after Daniel’s lifespan lead scholars to suspect an alternative author (Jeffrey 349). The book of Acts seems so straight forward as a mere history of the early Church that one can hardly imagine the controversy behind the tedious details in the critical examination...
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...The Holy Bible contains the mystery to how far the creation of the earth and even the History behind the Holy Bible and this dates back to some 3,500 years ago. “The first five books of the Old Testament is known as the Tora or Pentateuch and these books are named: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.” The Old Testament contains the recorded history before Christ and many biblical scholars give Moses the credit for writing the Tora and this will date back to 3,000 years BC. Many scholars omit The Old Testament written in Hebrew but the New Testament of the Bible written in Greek. The New Testament dates back to the period around 30 AD. However, many scholars reference this era in History as CE for Common Era. The authors...
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...industrialization. Hence, it had become imperative that a new land acquisition act was ushered in in-order to streamline the land acquisition mechanism in the country in a manner that balances the interests of affected families with the need of the Infrastructure Industry. Land Acquisition Act, 1894 Ever since its enactment, the ”Land Acquisition Act, 1894” has been subject to controversies and fierce debate. Notwithstanding rounds of amendments, including the 1984 changes, it has failed to address some important issues associated with land acquisition particularly forcible acquisitions, definition of "public purpose" , widespread misuse the of "urgency clause", compensation, lack of transparency in the acquisition process, participation of communities whose land is being acquired and virtually no rehabilitation and resettlement package. Further weak implementation and ineffective administration at the ground level has increased the suffering and anguish of the people. Due to a lack of clear definition of "public purpose", there has been considerable difference of opinion among various judgments of the Supreme Court, finally resulting into granting very broad discretionary powers to the State in terms of deciding the contours of "public purpose" under particular circumstances. All these factors coupled with the urgent need to industrialize have put land acquisition at the heart of the debate in India. The need for a new Act The Land Acuisition Act 1894 has proved to be deficient...
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...The Affect that Emily Grierson has of the Old South and the New South “A Rose for Emily” is one of William Faulkner’s strangest, most unusual, and famous short stories ever because of its unique plot. The story focuses on Miss Emily Grierson, the unknown mystery of her life, the views of the Old South about Miss Grierson, and the views of the New South about her. Some critics say that Miss Emily Grierson was “one of the strongest, strangest, and most memorable character in any of Faulkner’s short fiction stories” (Kriewald 1). In the beginning of the story, the author describes Emily as a very popular person. Although she was very popular, she was also very different. Most people from the Old South had changed their lifestyle as the time progressed, but not Emily. She stayed the same and nobody could change that. Emily is affected by the change of time, but she doesn’t the change in time change her life. Miss Emily Grierson was one of the most isolated and unknown people in the town of Jefferson, and she made everyone in the town wonder what kind of person she was. Miss Emily represents the Old South, and when she died, everyone in the town went to her funeral: “the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one had seen in at least ten years”(Faulkner, 548). One of the major symbols of Miss Grierson was her house. Her house was one that was build during the Civil War, and...
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...The Media—Old and New Sports and the media have a symbiotic relationship because they need each other. The media publicize the athlete, team, league, or other orga- nization, and in many cases pay considerable rights fees to broadcast or otherwise distribute sports content. The media gain by obtaining more viewers and listeners, which helps their bottom line. Without the role of the media, the sports business would not attain its scope and power. Sports media can be divided into “traditional” and “new” media. Traditional media include print, broadcast, and cable and the business model is tried and true. Broadcast and cable pay the bulk of rights fees to teams and the leagues. Additionally, cable sports networks, most notably ESPN, have a specialized twenty-four-hour all-sports niche carrying news and highlights as well as play-by-play content. The role of sports radio has saturated the air waves with constant talk (including second-guessing and criticism) about athletes and teams. Although too scarce, more and more print articles and a few broadcast/cable programs are devoted to the business of sport. “Newer” media, such as the Internet, are different in that athletes, teams, and leagues have limited control over content. Websites and blogs have contributed to a huge variety—informative, entertaining, outrageous, unfair—of information, keeping sports in the consciousness of millions of fans and adding to the headaches of owners, managers, coaches, and ath- letes. As is the...
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...Out with the old, in with the new Admit it, we’ve all had that first love; the guy who could do no wrong. He’d lie to us and cheat on us but we still thought he was an angel sent from above. We would take his crap just because we thought that’s what love was and poor little us, we didn’t know any better. Then one terrible day, he throws out the words “It’s not you, it’s me”. After that you told yourself you’d never love another man again; how could you? He had taken your heart and ripped it in two! Being the drama queen you are you probably lay in bed for a couple days eating Blue Bunny pumpkin spice pecan ice cream with that special little spoon you kept hidden in the corner of the drawer, sobbing your little broken heart out. You read in some Cosmo magazine that there are seven stages of a breakup. First comes shock; like did he really just do that? Then comes Denial; No way did he just do that. Nope I don’t think so. After that comes Isolation; which is where we just were with you in your bed. But just wait for it girl, because next is anger, and that’s the fun stage. That’s where you take all of his shit he gave you; hoodies, sweats, shirts, that little diamond necklace with the heart in the middle…trash it all. For the fifth stage we regress into the “What will it take to get him back stage”. This is your most creative point in time, so if you have a paper due for English class get to writing because right now you’re on fire. Sixth, we head into the deep hole...
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...Question 5 Marketing is the process in which advertisers attempt to create profitable relationships with consumers, while establishing a profit for their goods or services. In addition to generating new customers, marketers must also focus of customer retention. The marketing process has five key steps that lead to a successful organization/ campaign. * Targeting Consumer Wants The first step of the marketing process is analyzing and comprehending the current marketplace. Understanding what people want is essential to beginning a successful marketing campaign. After finding a potential niche for a product or service, marketers must conduct research about competitors and similar items currently available on the market. After identifying these factors, an overall plan must be established to launch the good or service. Sales methods, franchising, and partnerships are all aspects of the product launch that must be examined before production can take place. * Establishing a Consumer-Driven Sales Strategy After finding a profitable niche, a unique strategy must be established to market to the intended target audience. This step of the marketing process is essential, as a method must be constructed that not only will be profitable for the company, but also for the consumers. Market segment analysis is often done to break down the population into smaller groups, so the target audience can be found. * Creating Consumer Value The next step of the marketing process...
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...Assignment New vs Old Economy NEW VS OLD ECONOMY Define the following: Old Economy: | an economy based on agriculture and manufacturing as opposed to high technology; also, a former economic system or state | New Economy: New industries, such as biotechnology or the Internet, that are characterized by cutting-edge technology and high growth. Fill in the following chart: CONTRASTS OLD ECONOMY | NEW ECONOMY | Requires control | Requires collaboration | Value is measurable | Value is emergent | Predictive | Experimental | Proximity is important | Location less significant | Assembly line focused | Community Focused | Clear boundaries and definitions | Shifting borders and consensus meaning | labour-intensive economy involving manufacturing and the movement of physical commodities | the "virtual" economy of computers and electronic commerce | creates value in a product through a simple formula: The object’s value is the sum of its obvious parts | Produces additional value by a complex interaction of the obvious parts with intangibles, like design, engineering, brand and cachet. | Pick any two points that you put in the chart and explain in your own words what it means. 1. The "virtual" economy of computers and electronic commerce (new economy). Vs labour-intensive economy involving manufacturing and the movement of physical commodities (old economy). Basically this point is explaining the change in the economy from old to new. In the old economy...
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...Old wine in new bottles Have you ever seen the furniture only made of wood, without a nail? Several years ago, a friend of mine, studying architecture, introduced the amazing craft called mortise-and-tenon joint to me and told me that it had been used for thousands of years by woodworkers around the world. In traditional Chinese architecture, wood components, such as beams, roof frames and brackets, were made to interlock with perfect fit, without using fasteners or glues, enabling the wood to expand and contract according to humidity. Although he spoke like an encyclopedia about it, I could not get a clear picture of what it was like. Few days ago, I came across an app called “wood joints”, which a friend of mine shared on Wechat. After downloading it, I was amazed to find that this app provides a high quality 3D model (the mortise-and-tenon joint in books are two dimensional drawings) to view the 27 classical mortise-and-tenon joint structures broken down into their composite parts. The first thought that occurred to me was that creativity comes from our “big questions” which lead us toward our purpose. The big question of the designer of the app started with the influence of his father who used to make the furniture by himself. He started to ask himself, “How can I use computer technology to gain a clear perspective of the classical mortise-and-tenon joint structures?” After 6 months of preparation and hard work, his team accomplished the dream. Actually, the...
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...New Man in an Old Body When one is young, learning how to read and write is always a challenge. Now imagine being a young adult and teaching one’s self how to read and write. Jimmy Baca the author of “Coming into Language”, not only learned how to read as a young adult but undertook this goal in an inadequate environment. Through a poetic perspective, Jimmy Baca’s isolation lead him to a reborn self. Baca utilizes tone and understatement to help express his journey through his multiple transformations. Baca’s limitations left him feeling trapped and insecure, which affected him long term. From the age of seven Baca had been not only ridiculed but also punished by his teacher’s in school. Teachers would have him stick his nose “in a circle chalked on the blackboard” as punishment for not knowing the lesson plans (53). This constant embarrassment left him in an isolated state of confusion. He explains that he is “Ashamed of not understanding and fearful of asking questions” (53). These insecurities left him in the dark when if came to learning. Due to his unhealthy experiences in school he felt the only thing left to do was to drop out. Dropping out in the ninth grade took a major toll in his life; in the sense that he could still not read at the age of seventeen. Being a young adult and still unable to read Baca was unable to express himself. This humiliating was the start of his downfall. Understatement is used to express Baca’s first transformation to a state of interest...
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...Evolution of New and Old Communicable Diseases According to Gordis (2004), epidemiology is defined as “the study of the distribution and determinants of health related states and event of diseases in specified populations and the application of this study to control of health problems”. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is contagious and potentially life threatening form of pneumonia which was first detected in February 2003 in Asia and it spread to various countries in Europe, North America and South America before it was declared as SARS 2003 global outbreak (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2004). SARS is an acute respiratory tract illness caused by an infectious virus transmitted from person to person. Various pathogens that cause acute respiratory diseases are respiratory syncytical virus, parainfluenza virus, influenza virus and severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) (WHO, 2007). In 2003, various scientists across the world started investigating the virus with the help of electron microscopy and virus discovery microarrays. The new coronavirus was inoculated in monkeys which caused interstitial pneumonia similar to SARS (Holmes, 2003). This newly identified acute viral respiratory syndrome caused by a novel coronavirus is a positive-stranded RNA virus with genome containing nucleocapsid protein, membrane proteins and spike protein which forms the typical “coronavirus” structure (Lashley & Durham, 2007). Spreading...
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...What is Inventory Management ? Inventory refers to the goods stocked for future use. Every retail chain has its own warehouse to stock the merchandise to be used when the existing stock replenishes. Inventory management refers to the storage of products to be used at the time of crisis. The retailer keeps a track of the stocked goods and makes sure there is surplus inventory to avoid being “out of stock”. Such a process is called as inventory management. Why Inventory Management ? Gone are the days when customers had limited options for shopping. In the current scenario, if a customer does not find the desired merchandise at one retail shop, he has a second brand to rely on. A retailer can’t afford to loose even a single customer. It is really important for the retailer to retain his existing customers as well as attract potential buyers. The retailer must ensure that every customer leaves his store with a smile. Unavailability of merchandise, empty shelves leave a negative impression on the customers and they are reluctant to visit the store in near future. Inventory management prevents such a situation. One must understand that the products need some time to reach the store from the supplier’s unit. The retailer must have sufficient stock to offer to the customers during the “lead time”. Managing inventory also helps the retailer during situations beyond control like transport strikes, curfews etc. The retailer has ample stock as a result of judicious inventory...
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...Old Navy Versus New Navy Harvey Nepomuceno COMM/215 October 5, 2011 Dr. Nancy Reynolds Old Navy Versus New Navy Chief of Naval Operations Admiral George Anderson said, "The Navy has both a tradition and a future--and we look with pride and confidence in both directions," (Anderson, 1961). If you ask any new Navy person in San Diego if they are proud to serve, majority of the Navy will probably say no or they do not know. If you ask a Navy person a decade ago, majority would probably say yes. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the difference between the old Navy a decade ago and the new Navy today. Military Bearing The most noticeable difference between the old Navy a decade ago and the new Navy today is military bearing. Most non-military people know from movies and media to be very strict. If you look at Navy personnel in uniform today and see how they act, most non-military people would think that this is not the Navy and they are no different from any other civilian. Today, it is a norm that you see subordinates talking badly back at their superiors and not get in trouble for it. A decade ago, no subordinate would even think of talking badly back at his or her superiors. If one did, one would receive punishment, extra duty, cleaning duties, or even captain’s mast, which can lead to a decrease in rank. Work Ability The second difference between the old Navy a decade ago and the new Navy today is work ability...
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