...The Most Unwanted Blessing A sibling relationship is hard to describe in a single word other than the word confusing. They are the few individuals in life that you classify as the walking devil. The one that eats the food you had in the fridge with your name on it, the one that steals your charger in the middle of the night leaving you with no phone battery for the next day; they are the only ones in life with the single most goal — to irritate you beyond words. On the flip side, their presence comforts you; they know exactly what you are feeling without you saying a word; they inspire you, and above, all they are your best friends. Although some may argue that they wish their parents would have never had children besides themselves, having...
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...baby sleeps in a crib, you may have to get up several times a night for feeding, which will also affect your partner's sleeping schedule. If expressing milk into a bottle is a possibility, you can take turns getting up to feed the baby at night. Siblings Who does what around the house? Photo Credit Little girl is cleaning the floor image by Ivonne Wierink from Fotolia.com If there are other children in your family, they may need some preparation, as they will also be tremendously afftected by the newborn's presence. According to an article U.S. Department of Health & Human Services: "Birthing and Parenting Classes," some hospitals offer sibling classes that can prepare children for the arrival of a new brother or sister. This may be a good way to prepare a child for the responsibility of an older sibling. An article on Childnparent.com "Getting Ready to be a Big Brother or Big Sister" suggests that any necessary furniture movements or other changes in the household need to happen at least six weeks prior to the newborn's arrival in order to allow siblings to get used to it. As children may need more help getting used to the new family dynamics, it is very important to guide them in this process. Asking the older siblings to help around the house or with the baby can be a good method of involving them in family duties,...
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...RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE Goal: Sibling Rivalry, Does it always happen? Is it a healthy part of development? What is normal? Topic: Sibling rivalry INTRO: Thesis From the moment a new baby enters the home, many changes occur. New rooms are made, safety precautions are taken, and parents attention and time are needed. When a new baby is taken into a home where an older child lives, the older sibling may become jealous of the new baby and the changes that are taking place. The time and attention of parents that was previously devoted to the older sibling is now halved and the older sibling may feel he or she needs to get that attention back. From these feeling, sibling rivalry is rooted. Depending on the severity and longevity of the rivalry between siblings, sibling rivalry could have long term psychological effects. Sibling rivalry is the competition that occurs between siblings for love or recognition from parents. Sibling rivalry can be brought on by many factors, typically influenced by the parents, and may diminish over time but typically is strong throughout the two siblings lives. Sibling rivalry can affect many of the surroundings of those siblings including choosing a partner, home, and even a job. Although some situations of sibling rivalry can have a negative affect towards sibling, there are also many positive features that come along when dealing with sibling rivalry ______________________________________________________________________ _______________...
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...Sibling Rivalry: Cause-Effect Siblings generally spend more time together during childhood than they do with parents. The sibling bond is often complicated and is influenced by factors such as birth order, personality, and special parental treatment. Siblings may be of the same gender or opposite, they may be around the same age or ages apart, sibling rivalry among them is a commonplace; only the intensity may differ. Rivalry is different from fighting. It appears when children compete for their parents’ love and attention. When a new baby is taken into a home where an older child lives, the older sibling may become jealous of the new baby and the changes that are taking place. The time and attention of parents that was previously devoted to the older sibling is now halved and the older sibling may feel he or she needs to get that attention back. From these feeling, sibling rivalry is rooted. Depending on the severity and longevity of the rivalry between siblings, sibling rivalry could have long term psychological effects. Each child is born into a different family, even children with the same parents. The first child has a monopoly on the parents' love for some time. The second child is always confronted with someone who is older and ahead. The youngest will always be the baby. Each position is totally different and influences that child's behavior. Each child must find his own special place of significance in the family. They must compete for their parents' love and attention...
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...some just makes it through without any sort of problems. “Abduction” is about a boy, and how things ended out with his family. The short story is about girl whose name is Ann; she is an older sister with attempts of giving her younger brother a life that slowly drives him away from everything he has near. Ann moves to London, but then she goes back to Manchester were her younger brother and parents lives, so she can take her brother with her to London. At first his future seems bright and everything is ok. He gets an education; a job and she give him all the money he needs. Then he finds a girlfriend, and Ann is trying to break them from each other because she is very protective. He loses his girlfriend and their daughter and he gets unsuccessful and in the end of the short story he loses his desire to live. The short story is being told through a third person narrator. There some places in the story that is not told from the younger brother or his sister Ann’s point of view, bit instead from someone who is standing on the outside. “He’d been born late in my parents’ marriage and was much younger than she was.” (P. 1 L.35) The narrator is one of the siblings and has the same parents’ as the younger brother and Ann. The narrator is also a bit older than Ann; “Being only a few years older I remembered those days too but my recollections were a bit different.”(P. 1 L.18-19). In the beginning of the short story the narrator thinks about hurting his sister. “I wanted to do her...
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...the attic in his mother's house, but in the start of the story, he doesn't want to do it. When he starts cleaning up the attic, he finds an old dinky truck and when he saw it and touched it, he was transferred back to his sixth birthday. It had been his favorite gift, he played a lot with the truck back then and one day he lost it. He thought that his brothers had stolen the truck, because they used to tease him. But one day he found it, and it was himself who had lost it playing in a cornfield. He didn't told anyone that he found it back then. When he leaves the attic now, he goes to his mother to show her what he found in his brothers box's. 2. When he was young, he was the youngest brother, he had 2 older brothers Peter and Shane. He was daily bullied by his older brothers. His father is the house's leader, and Fintan respects him a lot, even though the father doesn't attend to his birthday party. Fintan finds a way of escaping the bullying he experiences every day in the truck he got in a gift “the truck seemed to hint at the possibility of manliness and eventual escape from the humiliations heaped on him by Shane and Peter.” When the truck then disappears he starts claiming his brothers, they have stolen his only joy away from him. When he found it again he became dishonest, and revengeful as he discover his own mistake, so he lies and hides the truck in a false bottom of the his wardrobe, where he also kept other secret things. Fintan is now almost fifty years old...
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...For the Love of a Sister Many of us have siblings. You want to care and love on them as much as possible. Saving Sourdi demonstrates the love one sibling can have for another sibling as well as the struggle it takes to care for a loved one. In Saving Sourdi, May-Lee Chai utilizes sibling love, family protection, and courage as the three themes that Nea demonstrates for her older sister. The first theme, sibling love, shows the relationship between Nea and her older sister. Their relationship goes back and forth between good and bad. “Uncle fired Duke… It was during the Saturday lunch rush when Sourdi and I were not working and could not witness what had happened” (May-Lee Chai 74). This is good because they get to see each other and spend time together. “Now when I crept into Sourdi’s bed at night, when she talked about running away, she meant Duke and her” (May-Lee Chai 74). This is not a good situation because her older sister talks about running away with Duke. If this happened, Nea would never get to see her sister anymore. Having sisterly love is important because you need that special connection if you have a problem. You may not want to talk with your parents right away about something but need someone to be there for you. A sister connection would be good in that situation. The next theme, family protection, shows what Nea would do to save her sister. “I grabbed the knife and ran back out to Sourdi” (May-Lee Chai 70). Nea grabs a knife and comes back...
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...Intelligence and Birth Order: Are They Connected? Abstract There have been many examinations of birth order and the effect it has on a person’s intelligence. Some researchers feel that first-born children have higher IQ’s than that of their younger siblings. It has been said that first-born children are natural leaders. Siblings of first-born children perceive them to be academically smarter. Eldest children are known to perform higher on standardize testing than younger children in the family. Other researchers have stated that family size/home life, age of mother and circumstances around the birth of each individual child determines where they are intellectually. Researchers need to look at every aspect of the child’s life before they decide which child is smarter. Intelligence and Birth Order: Are They Connected? Birth order is where a person ranks in regards to age among their siblings, from oldest to youngest and vice-versa. There is much debate on the relationship between a person birth order and how intelligent we are. Many studies have been done to determine if there is a link to the firstborn having a higher IQ in general compared to their siblings. Some people would agree that birth order has a profound influence over intelligence; however, others are in opposition to this. The opposition feels that birth order has no effect when it comes to intelligence. Does birth order cause children to have lower or higher intellect or is this caused by factors...
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...Avoiding Sibling Rivalry After Birth By Dave Ouma Mar 12, 2012 After all the pain of going through pregnancy and birth, there finally comes a time when a mother has to take her child home to meet her new brothers and sisters. Many mothers feel confused as they do not really know who to create a fuss over. Do they fuss over the new child or do they fuss over an older child? The best way for a mother to get around this situation is to preplan for the arrival of the new baby at home. If possible, the mother should have another adult at home to hold the new baby so that you can give the other child some much needed attention. If a mother notices that the older child seems to be very interested with the new child, a mother should help him to get a closer glimpse of the baby. Typically, the older child will automatically start comparing how big he is and how tiny the new born baby is. If by any chance the older child does appear to be interested with the new baby, do not be overwhelmed. He may just need some time to adjust to the new brother or sister. Also if the new born baby is fast asleep he may not generate much interest for the older child. It may be a good idea as well to give the older child a gift when he or she initially meets...
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...one’s own personality. Jane is a thirty seven year old female. She was born on November 4, 1976 in Amherst, New York. When Jane was 10 months old her family moved to Middle Tennessee due to her father finding a well-paying job. She is the youngest of three children (sisters) and was a late life baby. Jane has a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resources and is a well-known and respected member in her community. Jane was a late life baby. She is the youngest of three children. Her siblings at the time of her birth were nine and twelve. This age gap in her perception stirred inside of her a feeling of being different than the other members in her family. She was constantly picked on and felt like an annoyance to her siblings and was not included in many things because of her age. While Jane grew up she felt like an outsider and different than the other members. She felt that her place in the family had to earned. This feeling stemmed from the fact that she was born much later in life not only from her siblings but from her parents as well. She expressed that she wasn’t a planned baby and always felt like a chore for her parents. She felt like she had to earn the love and validation that she craved from...
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...Birth Order and the Development of Personality Student’s name Institution Affiliation Introduction Birth is the process of bringing forth a new individual from the womb into a new environment. The young one new surroundings are set to determine the growth and development of the child's personality and behavior. New children tend to ape the valuable and meaningful characters from their parents. For instance, a child is first introduced to the society's aspect of love by the mother who first accords it the much-needed love and affection. Eventually, the child grows knowing that everyone should be accorded everyone regardless of their status in the society. On the other side of the flip, birth order is the sequence in which an individual is brought out of the womb. Birth order plays a crucial role in the growth and development of an individual's, character, personality, brilliance and various decisions in the personal growth process. This task, therefore, seeks to explain how the birth order in a family relates to an individual's personality growth and development, relationships, intelligence and social attitudes. A child's personality is well nurtured and cultured by his or her birth order in a family. For, instance the first-born kid is usually perceived to be excessively burdened with a responsibility which eventually molds him or her to be a charismatic leader, hardworking, perfectionist and loving. Types of birth order The different kinds of birth order...
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...two-year difference between me and my younger sister, we are not nearly the same person. We both have our own characteristics that shape us to be the person we are, most of these traits we have are not similar. We are not the same when it comes to our personality and we are definitely not treated them same when it comes to our parent's expectations of us. We do not have the same outlook on life and we rarely ever agree on anything. I do believe being the younger child can sometimes be a challenge but I cannot compare it to being the eldest. Being the eldest is a challenge especially when you are expected to resolve every situation that occurs between you and your sibling. Whenever my and I sister...
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...Results showed that firstborn children achieved higher professional status than their younger siblings(Nyman pp.52). This is believed because the parents tend to have higher expectations for their first child. The first-born child is the object of their parents high expectations and anxious concern. These capabilities are developed because first-born children often assume a tutoring role toward their younger siblings(Eckstein pp. 70). Parents tend to have higher expectations because they believe their oldest child will do better than them. This is usually where the oldest child wants to achieve and will be goal-oriented. For example, parents put more pressure on the oldest to do better in high school and...
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...Child Observation Subjects: Boy-3 years old, Girl-4 years old, Mother. Hypothesis: My hypothesis was to determine the effects of maternal presence versus absence on sibling behavior. Setting: This observation took place in the children's home. As a playroom they used the living room because that is where all their toys are. For my observation I used both the siblings and their mother. During the observation I was present including the children and their mother. I am not related to those children. I happened to meet them a couple of times because they are related to my boyfriend. I do not see the children frequently. I will see them only when my boyfriend's family will invite us to a family get together. I did not interact with the children at all, only the mother interacted with them. Methodology: In my study I only observed a mixed sex pair of siblings. Where the sister was older than her brother. The mother and the two siblings were observed in the family's home, in their living room, instead of a playroom laboratory. I started the observation at 5:00 PM. Five minutes before I started my study I explained to the mother that she would have to interact with the children for almost an hour. Then I told her that she would have to leave the room for around the same time, so that the children may interact without her presence. I also explained that after the children were done playing together alone that she would have to come back and ask them to put...
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...Perspectives on Sibling Relationships: Advancing Child Development Research University of Phoenix Essentials of Psychology PSY/211 Sharlyn Moore January 4, 2012 Perspectives on Sibling Relationships: Advancing Child Development Research The reason for chosen this article article I chose to write about is called “Perspectives on Sibling Relationships: Advancing Child Development Research. This article I definitely can relate to: being the youngest of six (6) siblings is tough. Throughout my childhood it was just me and my brother who were closer in age, which really didn’t give me a sense of wholeness. He had his friends and I had my friends. As I got older there was a division among the sisters which caused me to feel left out and not feeling accepted by two of my older siblings. KEY POINTS Sibling research has expanded into a vibrant field that encompasses a broad range of societally relevant topics, including the role of siblings as agents of socialization and support; the effects of parents’ differential treatment of siblings and of non-shared environments on child and family well-being; the cross-cultural differences and similarities of sibling roles, responsibilities, and relationships; the development of strategies for promoting sibling relationship quality and conflict management; and the interplay between genetic and environmental effects on individual behaviors and social processes (see Dunn, 2007; Kramer & Bank, 2005; Kramer & Conger...
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