... Moral force protest has a greater chance to succeed than a physical force protest. Discuss in relation to our contemporary world and the ever-changing issues. In the modern world today, there is a vast diversity of global issues which are constantly being dealt with. Moral force protest and physical force protest are utilized in hope of achieving a purpose and proving a point. For both of these acts of protest, there must be a considerable amount of facts and evidence supporting it. Both protests, in any way that it is done, both are in some way seeking for the support of the ‘leaders', most of the time, the ‘leaders' being a public agency or even the government. Moral force protest involves logical and persuasive speeches which are fighting for a cause within the boundaries of laws and regulations. It is doable to legally get enough support for a cause and ultimately win by not ever once using any sort of violence. In some cases, hunger strikes by the protestors or collecting signatures are some of the peaceful strategies that protest take in consideration. Aside from persuasive speeches, and collecting signatures and hunger strikes, the refusal to obey certain laws and the passive resistance, that is, resisting to incoming violence usually from the government, are some other ways to morally protest without any physical violence. Sometimes due to the refusal to abide to certain laws and regulations the protestors may find abusive, the moral force protest supporters...
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...the nature of power, and the subjects of politics, authority, and totalitarianism. Power and Violence: * Historically viewed, violence is not looked at as a single phenomenon. It was believed that force and power are synonymous (p. 36) * Force considered as the most blatant manifestation (form) of power. (p. 36) * In a constitutional state with parliamentary representation, the population controls the state, therefore has power. The power of the state declines as soon as it loses support of its nation. (p. 42) * Power depends on numbers and figures, whereas violence depends on numbers to only a certain extent because it depends more on the tools of violence. * Extreme case of power: All against one (p. 43) * Extreme case of violence: One against all (not possible without violent tools and instruments) (p. 43) * Reason why the keywords power, force, strength, authority and violence are used synonymous in political science is because the relevant question is “who rules whom?” (p. 45) * Power corresponds to the human ability not just to act but to act in concert. Power is never the property of an individual. (p. 45) * Strength, as opposed to power, is possessed by a single entity, may it be a thing or a person. Force does not stand a chance against power. (p.45) * Force, should be reserved, in terminological language, for the "forces of...
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...the security forces. The security forces prevented the success of black resistance. In 1952 during the Defiance Campaign 3,000 people were arrested. The police responded to the peaceful protest with violence, heavy fines and jail sentences were imposed. The security forces made the ANC call off the campaign. In 1955 anti pass law demonstrations took place, led by Albertina Sisulu. She was arrested by the police and held in prison under the 90-day law. This weakened the resistance; Sisulu’s wife was now out of action. During the Treason Trial in 1956, 156 people were arrested and charged for participating in attacks against the government. Most of the ANC leaders, including Mandela and Sisulu were on trial and out of action for 5 years. This seriously weakened the opposition. In 1960 PAC called for a more forceful protest. A large crowd gathered outside the police station in Sharpeville. 300 demonstrators participated in the protest against the pass laws and threw stones at the police. The South African police opened fire on the people, 69 were killed and approximately 180 were injured. During the Soweto riots more than 700 blacks died, killed by the security forces. The police arrested 6,000 people. Riot police allowed groups of migrants to come into the houses and beat the blacks up until they were half dead. The police used violence in response to violence, which was the only way to stop the riots. Steve Biko’s death in 1977 proved that violence from the security...
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...In 2018, Police have killed 352 people in the United State. Since the beginning of law enforcement brutality in the early 1900s, officers have not been convicted of violent crimes after incidents dealing with the abusive use of power and violence. Since the mid-1900s, people in the United States have spoken out in demand for justice, just to be neglected by the government. The government has not been able to change the structure of policing to cut down on police violence even though there are proven solutions. For these reasons, John Locke’s social contract that says that the government derives from the people has been broken. The government has not acted on this issue even after millions of Americans have spoken out in the form of marches...
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...What is force field Analysis? Force field analysis is a management technique developed by Kurt Lewin, a pioneer in the field of social sciences, for diagnosing situations. It will be useful when looking at the variables involved in planning and implementing a change program and will undoubtedly be of use in team building projects, when attempting to overcome resistance to change. Kurt Lewin assumes that in any situation there are both driving and restraining forces that influence any change that may occur. Driving Forces: Driving forces are those forces affecting a situation that are pushing in a particular direction; they tend to initiate a change and keep it going. In terms of improving productivity in a work group, pressure from a supervisor, incentive earnings, and competition may be examples of driving forces. Restraining Forces: Restraining forces are forces acting to restrain or decrease the driving forces. Apathy, hostility, and poor maintenance of equipment may be examples of restraining forces against increased production. Equilibrium is reached when the sum of the driving forces equals the sum of the restraining forces. In our example, equilibrium represents the present level of productivity, as shown below. Steps involved in Force Field Analysis Step-1 : Prepare the statement of the problem or issues under study (note : make sure that the statement is indicative and provide clear understanding and perspective regarding the cause variables). Step-2...
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...AND Comparative Research Project: Discussion and comparison of health promotion and prevention levels Nathan McCain Grand Canyon University Family Centered Health Promotion NRS 429V Kimberly Stout June 24, 2012 Comparative Research Project: Discussion and comparison of health promotion and prevention levels The purpose of this paper is to discuss the application of the three levels of health promotion: primary, secondary, and tertiary. To be included in this discussion, how health promotion is defined, the purpose of health promotion in nursing practice, nursing roles and responsibilities evolving in health promotion, and comparison of the three levels of health prevention. Three current journal articles relating to youth violence were chosen for examination of content and comparison regarding their methodology in their use of health promotion and prevention, at specified levels of care. Health promotion is defined in different manners. The general consensus within the health care community is that any model should reflect healthy actions and positive outlooks regarding health and well-being. The client should play a large part in the design of how their health goals are assessed, evaluated, and implemented. The client should be taught self-directed actions of care that improve their ability to magnify well-being, by enhancing their physical activity, improving their diet, managing stress, and eliminating unhealthy lifestyle habits. Health promotion and prevention...
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...Crimes under Special and Local Laws (SLL), which include seventeen crimes, of which the important ones are: (i) immoral traffic (1956 and 1978 Act), (ii) dowry prohibition (1961 Act), (iii) committing Sati (1987 Act), and (iv) indecent representation of women (1986 Act). It is equally important to clarify the concept of 'violence' against women. If we take 'violence' as "conduct which incurs the formal pronouncements of the moral condemnation of the community," or "deviation from conduct norms of the normative groups", the scope of cases of 'violence against women' becomes too broad. Narrowly, the term 'violence' has been applied to "physically striking an individual and causing injury" (Kempe, 1982; Gil, 1970), to "the act of striking a person with the intent of causing harm or injury but not actually causing it" (Gelles and Strauss, 1979), to "acts where there is the high potential of causing injury" (Strauss, 1980), and to "acts which may not involve actual hitting but may involve verbal abuse or psychological stress and suffering". Megargee (1982: 85) has defined violence as the "overtly threatened or overtly accomplished application of force which results in the injury or destruction of persons or their reputation." While understanding the...
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...of the term ‘violence’ as merely the exercise of physical force so as to inflict injury or damage to persons or property both spiritual and non-spiritual. The “illegality” and “illegitimacy” of social violence will differ on situation norms and social context. There has been overlapping between “force” and “violence”, “legitimate” and “illegal violence”, between “violence” on the one hand and “discrimination” and “oppression” perpetuated on female folks as a group. For all these reasons, ‘social violence’ is roughly defined as the illegal use of physical, mental and social concern or use of threat for personal or group ends reflected broadly in our traditional social structure and present day developmental processes. Here the coercive aspects, threats for harm and the discriminating and oppressive aspects are included. Thus, the social violence means illegal use of force or threats for use of such force by the patriarchal social order and their agents against women folks in general for perpetuating the goals of that group for subjugating women physically, socially and psychologically (Misra, 2007). Violence against women is global and widespread and is tolerated as a social phenomenon, in institution and custom and,...
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...the history of the world, we have come to realize that violence is often ubiquitous. Whether it be of domestic concern or international, most nations have, at least at one point in time, had to deal with these conflicts to prevent further damage. How a nation decides to address these sources of violence determines whether or not the conflict will be settled and put to an end, or merely pushed further, in most cases as a means of retaliation. However, in many instances we see these sources of violence to be pushed further, even though it may be unintended, which thus keeps the cycle of violence in our world in constant flow. In order to prevent this perpetuation and continuation of violence from happening, it is important for nations to implement peace action in their response to conflicts. Even though there have been many instances of peace action and nonviolent resistance that have impacted the world we live in, there have been more cases of violent action which outweigh acts of peace and may hold a greater impact on our world. This is why I believe it is safe to say that there is a constant need, or struggle, for peace action and non-violence to be present within all our nations. When looking at all the nations in our world, we see that certain governing and military forces are more influential than others, usually through wealth. Thus, the actions of these forces are likely to influence the actions of other forces of similar or smaller power. One of the most powerful...
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...Violence In Sports We all know that violence comes into sports. What would a Saturday afternoon on the football field be like without the odd punch up on the field? How would we get our hockey fix if the players did not get a little rough every so often? And what would we do if instead of running into each other, our NFL heroes politely squeezed passed the defensive line uttering, "pardon me" before making their way to the touchdown. Violence is a part of sports, no matter how much the professional associations deny the fact. Violence in sports is a form of entertainment and with out it watching sports on the TV wouldn’t be the same. Lets look at the facts, plenty of football matches involve the post-tackle, and the referee will try and break it up, but hopefully and usually to no benefit. As football has grown wider, it has also increased the violence in the game. To measure its violence different scientific studies have been done. According to the reports, injuries in the game reduce the life expectancy of a football professional player by about twenty years. It has been calculated that the force of the collision between a fast-running lineman and an equally fast-running back, in a football game, is enough to move 33 tons one inch. A hard hit on the helmet can approach a force of 1000Gs, which is a thousand times the force of gravity. The injury statistics for high school, college, and pro football are pretty surprising. Each season at least fifty and as many as eighty-six...
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...because the State uses the police to exercise its authority, power and control) remains an uphill task, whilst in most cases it is on the rise in the United States of America. Ever since the Occupy Wall Street protests which erupted in 2011 this signify the high level of inequality and the State has since assumed a much more authoritarian stance and there has been a surge in police brutality. To make matters worse, the shooting of Micheal Brown and a recurrence of African-American deaths at the disposal of White policemen has ignited emotional outbursts leading to the much published Ferguson protests that turned violent throughout America.Ironically,the State has made tremendous steps to conceal and obstruct evidence, attribute criminal violence to other players or in most cases failed to indict the perpetrators hence emotions have been flaring lately in a State which dubs itself the ‘free-world’ and the orbiter of democracy in the...
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...Violence in the Media Violence on Television Krystal Middleton November 16, 2009 Developmental Psychology A German physicist named Karl Ferdinand Braun developed a device called a cathode ray tube in 1897, which could transmit light if struck by a stream of electrons. Scientists across the world began developing means of using the tubes to transmit images. By the end of the 1920s, the U. S. had established about 15 experimental broadcast signals for television. The 1939 World’s Fair, held in New York City, offered commercial television to the U. S. public. Production of televisions was put on the back burner during the U. S. involvement of World War II, but almost immediately after the end of the war in 1945, the television market boomed. The number of households owning televisions went from 7,000 in 1945 to over 20 million in 1952. Early programs were influenced by programs that had once been on the radio, such as detective show “Dragnet” and Westerns like “The Lone Ranger.” There was fighting, shooting and dying on the programs, but it appeared unrealistic, and blood was never shown. Even though the violence was “mild”, many complained that the television producers went too far in the violent acts they were showing. So began the debate. As early as 1950, critics were protesting the content of many shows and were suggesting that those shows that did contain violence be aired late in the evening, when children were sleeping. Webster’s...
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...make the Indigenous testimonies to Canadian courts and overall make it more culturally acceptable. The author states that he has split the article in to three parts. The first part having the structure and the important terminology used in article. The second part outlining the colonial violence against indigenous...
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...view of terrorism, terrorists, and their tactics. My definition of terrorism is any deliberate, planed use of force or violence, or the threat of such actions, against innocent people, with the aim of inducing fear or intimidating some other group of people into a specific course of action for political, religious, philosophical, or ideological aims. In my paper I want to examine the implications of my definition with regard to my assertion that terrorism is only carried out against innocent people. In my definition I define terrorism as actions or threats of actions against innocent people. To me this is a very important idea. I feel that terrorism works because it induces fear in the general public and people become afraid because they are faced with the fact that even though they have done nothing wrong they could be attacked. I feel that violence is never legitimate when used on innocent people and thus a terrorist is never legitimate because they are attacking innocent people and that can never be seen as a justified act. The idea that the victim of terrorism has to be innocent has many implications. I think the biggest implication is that, through my definition, some forms of terrorism can be justified. This is a tricky issue though and it reminds me of the discussion we had in class on whether violence could ever be justified. Many students believed that violence against a tyrant or unjust leader could be justified when the leader had engaged in acts against humanity....
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...As Malcolm X once said, “Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down”. Violence occurs in both positive and negative manners. When looking at the history of the United States, as well as present day. Law enforcement or Armed Forces confront a large portion of violent acts. A large majority of tragedies have successfully been disrupted from these violent counteracts. Many sources prove that violence is best contained or ceased once confronted by a violent source. Many argue that law enforcement holds too much power and abuses violent methods. Law enforcement is aware of their capability of violence and amount of power they possess. These characteristics cause people to question whether the acts of violence can be justified. Police...
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