...Every pupil has their own potential to excel in any ways. One can earn good grades but on the other hand fail because of bad habits on their studies or disinterest. Studies show specific factors that contributes the most. Once they are identified, it may be changed and put the child back in the right path. Bullying In the past decades, bullying seems like a harmless activity that have been that been happening in schools. But in pupils and student who are in 6th to 10th grade 13 percent of had been reported to have the present oh bullying, and 10 percent are reported to be victims. Getting to be the victim in bullying plays a bad part on them, bad performance at school, self-esteem, get low grades, being absent, trauma, etc. Extracurricular activities Other pupils may have other interest. For example, playing basketball, soccer, volleyball, writing on school paper etc., but in on the other hand, your interest may play a vital role in school. You can represent your school by doing that thing the bet way you can. But all things have limitation, while you’re in the game you don’t know what’s happening in your classroom or what lesson did they thought. Yes, you can earn points but that’s not enough to get you through the entire school year you must also learn and put things in the right place. Parental involvement Pupils can perform better when their parents are involved in their activities at school. They are there to teach...
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...the other hand, argue that naming is constitutive. Critically analyze these competing perspectives and the arguments that are made in support of them. Humanism is essentially a belief system that is dictated by the way in which humans themselves, react, produce, and perform things. It is “the basic value system of humans…providing the fact that humanism is a human-centered system of meaning making”(Fuery & Mansfield, 2000; 209). In reference to the proposed argument, a humanist would see an object as a production of the human, and the language associated with that object is merely for convenience sake, to reiterate what said object is. This argument is reaffirmed by the concept of the existential self. This provides us with the view that we are separate and distinguishable from other objects and other people, which in turn suggests that whilst we interact with other humans and objects we are able to distinguish what and whom we are interacting with based on our own personal human development. “Humanisms are based on creating a system of meaning with man as its centre.”( R.Baltmann, 1982. P174) This is of course ‘man’ in the most general sense, as a collective. In order for people to gain meaning from such individualistic societies generalisations need to be made. It is impossible for a society to create an easily understandable meaning, which fully relates to its entire people. However through creating a general meaning by which most can relate it enables others to interoperate...
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...Academic success in high school is determined by a wide range of factors. For some students, they may not have all of the perfect components, but they rise above their difficulties to have success. On the other hand, there are students who have every positive stepping stone possible, and yet they do not meet a high level of academic achievement in high school. These are some of the factors that can impact academic success in high school. Students, who succeed, usually have some combination of these factors in their background. Determination Whether a student is gifted academically or not, a consistent factor is personal determination. Students who are invested personal in a personal goal, whether it is simply graduating from high school or going on to post-secondary school, generally have higher levels of academic achievement. Take the student’s determination to achieve out of the equation. Work ethic A key component to success is a student’s work ethic. Students who are willing to put extra hours in to study and prepare for projects and presentations tend to improve their skills and academic abilities. Students who take less challenging classes or are satisfied with less than stellar work often will have the result of average academic success. Home life As much as teachers, classes and schools are factors in student academic success, parents and guardians hold an equally important role. This includes having adult figures who are positive role models who value the importance...
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...ASSIGNMENT and ESSAY. ... others)Information Technology (Programming/ Languages (Java, C++, VB, .NET, & etc)/Database Design/ Computer Networking/ System Analysis/ Project Management/Project Development/ IT & Society/ and. - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexities of a hybrid managed/unmanaged environment. ..... Sorry, I had to laugh at that paper! ... Java on the other hand is cross-platform, and also traditionally runs as an ... - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexities of a hybrid managed/unmanaged environment. ..... Sorry, I had to laugh at that paper! ... Java on the other hand is cross-platform, and also traditionally runsASSIGNMENT and ESSAY. ... others)Information Technology (Programming/ Languages (Java, C++, VB, .NET, & etc)/Database Design/ Computer Networking/ System Analysis/ Project Management/Project Development/ IT & Society/ and. - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexiASSIGNMENT and ESSAY. ... others)Information Technology (Programming/ Languages (Java, C++, VB, .NET, & etc)/Database Design/ Computer Networking/ System Analysis/ Project Management/Project Development/ IT & Society/ and. - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexities of a hybrid managed/unmanaged environment. ..... Sorry, I had to laugh at that paper! ... Java on the other hand is cross-platform, and also traditionally runs as an ... - NET programmers continue to struggle with the complexities of a hybrid managed/unmanaged environment...
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...palm of the hand will become squeezed at the wrist. The median nerve controls sensations to the palm side of the thumb and fingers as well as impulses to some small muscles in the hand that allow the fingers and thumb to move. The carpal tunnel is a narrow, rigid passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand. It houses the median nerve and tendons. It becomes thick from irritated tendons or other swelling narrows the tunnel and causes the median nerve to be compressed.(Brian) This can cause weakness, numbness, and pain in the hand and wrist, that moves up the arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome is often caused by several things together that increase...
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...Improving Hand Hygiene Practices 1.0 Introduction Health-related infections account for about 100,000 deaths per annum in the United States. A world-wide systematic review revealed that the occurrence of health-related infections range from between 1.7 to 23.6% per 100 patients. Hospital costs inherently associated with the healthcare-related infections range between 30 to 34 billion US dollars; yet these infections can be prevented through hand hygiene. Critical epidemiologic evidence supports the claims that hand hygiene reduces the transmission of healthcare-related infections. Although it is hard to link hand hygiene and the improvement of healthcare-related infections, organizations such as the Joint Commission, World Health Organization among others, acknowledge the essence of hand hygiene as a universal guideline to reduce healthcare-acquired infections. As such, this proposal focuses on interventions to improve compliance with hand hygiene as a pathway to reduce healthcare-associated infections, rather than the efficacy of hand hygiene to reduce healthcare-associated infections. 1.1 Statement of Purpose Compliance with hand hygiene practices among healthcare workers, nurses, physicians and patients has been low, averaging at approximately 39%. A study conducted in the year 2001 that was aimed at improving hand hygiene compliance and interventions found that there was poor compliance across hospital unit types and other settings. In particular, workers, nurses, physicians...
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...Second Hand Smoke Takeesha Kelley HCS/457 July 24, 2014 BEVERLY GREEN-RASHAD Second Hand Smoke In the United States many Americans are familiar with the term second hand smoke. The term second hand smoke is a combination of gases and fine particles of burning tobacco such as cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco also known as side stream smoke. Second hand smoke consist of exhale tobacco particulars from the original person or people smoking the tobacco product this is known as mainstream smoke according to the CDC. The side stream tobacco smoke contains toughly 7,000 different chemicals that can be harmful to a nonsmoker and a estimate 70% of those chemicals can lead to cancer. Side stream smoke has a higher concentration of cancer causing agents known as carcinogens. This type of chemicals can deadly to non-smokers when the levels of second hand smoke is consume over a period of time. Second hand smoke has been associated with lung cancer and some studies have link second hand smoke to breast cancer. Researchers have shown second hand smoke may be linked to lymphoma, leukemia, and brain tumors in children. In the year 2009 parents who were associated with second hand smoke during their pregnancy were link to a rare form of cancer starting in the uterus. The chemicals in second hand smoke showed an increase in breast cancer. Asthma related symptoms such as bronchitis and respiratory infection were link to second hand smoke in non-smokers. Second hand smoker occurs in...
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...Passive and Assistive Range of Motion Exercises Range of Motion Exercises Range of motion (ROM) exercises are done to preserve flexibility and mobility of the joints on which they are performed. These exercises reduce stiffness and will prevent or at least slow down the freezing of your joints as the disease progresses and you move less often. Range of motion is the term that is used to describe the amount of movement you have at each joint. Every joint in the body has a "normal" range of motion. Joints maintain their normal range of motion by being moved. It is therefore very important to move all your joints every day. Stiff joints can cause pain and can make it hard for you to do your normal daily activities. Each person with ALS needs a program of exercise tailored to his or her individual needs and abilities. With a prescription your doctor can either send you to an outpatient clinic to see a Physical Therapist or have one come to your home to help you design a personalized exercise program. The therapist will see you until you or your caregiver are independent with a home exercise program that you can follow through with daily. It is important to remember that as the disease progresses, the type of ROM exercises you will need will change. It is important to be proactive when this occurs and ask your doctor to write you another prescription to see a therapist so your home exercise program can be modified. There are different kinds of ROM exercises. There are stretching...
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...GROWTH OF BACTERIA INTRODUCTION Is there a difference in germ killing when using antibacterial soap or hand sanitizer? When using hand sanitizer or antibacterial soap one is more likely to have a lower bacteria count than the other. Other factors contribute to the less bacteria count like the amount of time one washes their hands and the amount of soap one uses. If two groups were to wash their hands one with hand sanitizer and the other with antibacterial soap then the group who washed their hands with hand sanitizer should have a lower bacteria count. MATERIALS AND METHODS In the laboratory located at Chaffey College, two groups were formed to prove that the hypothesis was correct. The first group would use antibacterial soap while the second group used hand sanitizer. Each group would wash their hands four different times, following the rules that were created. Before starting the procedure each group had to get a quad for each individual. Once each person in the group had their quad, a marker was used to mark outside the quad with four different parts. Quad one would have the thumb print before the hands was washed. Quad two would be printed with the thumb after the first wash and this same procedure would go on until all of the parts of the quad had a thumb print. Group A would wet their hands for five seconds once they had counted five seconds the group would obtain the antibacterial soap using only a small amount. When getting the soap the group should compare the...
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...Introduction to Mudras What mudras are and how to use them. Mudras are positions of the body that have some kind of influence on the energies of the body, or your mood. Mostly the hands and fingers are held in some position, but the whole body may be part of the mudra as well. The most well-known mudras are probably the ones performed while meditating. One sits in lotus position (or with crossed legs) and either puts one's hands on the knees, the tips of the thumb and index finger joining, or in the lap, the fingers of the right hand resting on the left palm. But also the christian crossing of the fingers for prayer is a mudra, as is the "Namaste" indian greeting gesture (that is also used while praying), where the hands are held in front of the chest, the palms touching. The crossing of the hands puts one's attention within, while opening the heart. The indian greeting gesture puts one into a mood of respect. Some mudras are performed spontaneously by many people, like the Hakini mudra, where the tips of all fingers from the right hand touch the corresponding fingertips from the left. Mudras have been in use in the East for thousands of years, particularly in Buddhism. Buddha statues often have the hands in certain hand positions. They have been used as a spiritual practice (and still are), as a way on the path to enlightenment. However they're also used for physical ailments. Using Mudras To use a mudra, keep it for at least a couple of minutes. It is usually more effective...
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...that you can do to hinder harmful and infectious germs from entering your body. One of the main ways to stay away from germs and other harmful microscopic organisms is to wash your hands. Although it seems useless, our hands play a significant role in the transportation of germs from one place to another because of the amount we use our hands. Simple things like washing your hands before and after eating, when using the restroom or whenever your hands look or feel dirty, will give a better chance of staying away from sickness. Spreading awareness about the importance of washing your hands is key, and the focus should be on children. To spread awareness about proper hand washing, I went to Calvary Chapel School to interact with the children in kindergarten. I started off the presentation with a short story about a boy and girl who were playing with some toys. The toys had germs on them and after playing with the toys; the boy and the girl went to go eat lunch. The girl remembered to wash her hands before eating, but the boy, however, forgot. After a couple days, the girl was fine but the boy had a cough and other cold symptoms. The next time the girl and the boy were playing with toys, after they both washed there hands, and they both didn’t get sick. After giving the short story, I passed out a flyer with information regarding washing your hands and germs to all the kids in the class. Then I proceeded to briefly describe to the children about germs and what they actually are...
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...Running Head: Hand Washing Policy and Procedure Hand Washing and Hand Hygiene Jennifer Peltz Clinical-Policy and Procedure Marie Michaels March 9, 2010 The main medical purpose of washing hands is to cleanse the hands of pathogens, including bacteria and/or viruses, and also chemicals which can cause personal harm or disease. This is especially important for people who handle food or work in the medical field, but it is also an important practice for the general public. People can become infected with respiratory illnesses such as influenza or the common cold, for example, if they don't wash their hands before touching their eyes, nose or mouth. Hand washing is the single most important method of preventing the spread of infections and disease. Medical hand washing is for a minimum of 15 seconds using generous amounts of soap and water or gel to lather and rub each part of the hands. Hands should be rubbed together with digits interlocking. If there is debris under fingernails, a bristle brush may be used to remove it. Since germs may remain in the water on the hands it is important to rinse well and wipe dry with a clean towel. After drying, the paper towel should be used to turn off the water, and open any exit door if necessary. This avoids re-contaminating the hands from those surfaces. The policy and procedure book at the VA Hospital is located at the nurses station. It is easy to find and accessible for...
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...Hand Test Professor Edwin E. Wagner, Ph. D. Dr. Wagner was born in 1930 in Philadelphia, PA and is a widower and has two sons. He has authored over 200 publications in Psychology including manuals, reviews, monographs, books and journal articles. He received his B.A. Psychology, summa cum laude in 1956 and his Masters in Psychology in the year 1957. He had his Ph. D in Psychology in 1959. Dr. Wagner’s academic appointments include Instructor at Pennsylvania State University and Temple University. He was also a Professor Emeritus at University of Akron and Dean at Forest Institute of Professional Psychology. He received professional honors from: ABPP (Clinical and Counseling), ABAP (American Board Assessment Psychology) Fellow, and Society for Personality Assessment Fellow, APA Division 12. Not only that he has academic appointments but he also practiced privately in Akron, Ohio and in Huntsville, Alabama (assessment of pain patients for Alabama Pain Center and Counseling). He has a license in Counseling Psychology in the State of South Carolina. PURPOSE OF THE TEST The purpose of Hand Test is to elicit life-role responses which are common. This operational definition is a circumcised view of personality; it should also be considered exhaustive in regard to the multidimensional possibilities of personality assessment. The test usually uncovers the action tendencies that are near to the motor system and thus readily expressed in behavior. Therefore, fantasy life...
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...VANIER COLLEGE | ACTIVITY-BASED APPROACH ASSIGNMENT. | WORKING WITH PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY. | ------------------------------------------------- 1364264 ------------------------------------------------- IOANNA DOURANOU ------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, February 10, 2016 ------------------------------------------------- 1364264 ------------------------------------------------- IOANNA DOURANOU ------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, February 10, 2016 1. According to Mary Roy’s client profile, she has many skills that she can perform independently. For instance, she understands 6 different sizes, spatial, and temporal relation concepts. She is able to group objects on the basis of physical attribute. Mary can follow directions that are not routinely given to her. She can arrange objects in a particular order according to the length and size. She can also retell events in sequence. She can retain short term memory. For example, she can recall events that occur on the same day, without any contextual hints. Mary can identify means to goal of problem solving. Mary can use imagination props and maintain participation every time she plays. She is able to count at least 10 objects and she also demonstrates understanding of printed numerals. Mary can segment sentences and words. She can read by sight and sound out words. Furthermore, Mary is able to use appropriate utensils to eat and drink a variety...
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...Abstract: The Title of our Investigatory Project is Aloe Vera Sanitizer. This days people are really prone to diseases just by simply touching a dirty thing, and commonly our hands are particularly one of the suspects on why we usually has germs in our body that sometimes causes us to be ill, that’s why our group decided to make an Aloe Vera Sanitizer. Aloe Vera gel has alleged to be useful for dry skin conditions, cosmetic ailments, hair and scalp problems and many more. First we scrape the gel out of the Aloe Vera so that our sanitizer would be sticky .We used Alcohol, Aloe Vera Gel, and essential oil to make up to that sanitizer. We mixed all the materials and then after that we stirred it and come up to a Aloe Vera Hand Sanitizer. Aloe Vera Hand Sanitizer is more effective at killing microorganisms than soaps. Aloe Vera Hand Sanitizer helps us to kill germs and bacteria`s in our hands. Aloe Vera Hand Sanitizer will help us stay our hands clean and far from diseases that can harm us and lead us to serious problems or even death. Introduction Hand Sanitizers have been credited with reducing the impact of several worldwide epidemics involving influenza and other infections. Our Aloe Vera Hand Sanitizer Background of the Study *Aloe Vera *Alcohol -Aloe Vera has been used for a host of purposes since the ancient Egyptians called it the “plant of immortality”. Aloe Vera is a cactus plant that belongs to...
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