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Online Activism Research Paper

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Online activism has many forms: online petitions, hashtags, profile picture changing and cyber attacks. However, the question remains is online activism more effective than real person activism? To answer this question we will further analyze the benefits and drawbacks and find examples to support our claims. Although there are some benefits to online activism the drawbacks ultimately outweigh the benefits. We see this when we compare social gain and misinterpretation to giving silenced people a voice.
Although most of this generation fails to admit it a lot of the decisions we make and actions we take are for others and their perception of us. Our goals remain that we want popularity, we want others to cherish every word we say and fully invest …show more content…
Online activism and online petitions have given people a voice. Dave Karpf, a professor at George Washington University and author of The MoveOn Effect: The Unexpected Transformation of American Political Advocacy, says “online petitions are an early-stage political tactic that help build a broader campaign and serve a number of purposes:” (qtd. in Ablow) One of those purposes is “They build a list of people who are interested in an issue” which is the exact thing needed in online activism for it to be effective, a list of people, and with that list you don't see age, social class or race you see a group of people coming together for a cause they all believe in and an issue they want to correct or bring attention to. This is one of some benefits to online activism. Although, we still continue to see more …show more content…
Little did the people trying to spread a positive message know the logo they were spreading was the logo of the Human Rights Committee which the LGBTQ+ people had taking many criticisms from in the past and didn't completely agree with many of the things said by this organization. Which brings me to my point of no matter whether its others putting in their bias when spreading information or simply a change in your social media profile picture many details or basic information of a cause can be misinterpreted and misrepresented by the people who disagree with them most or aren't fully educated/invested in the

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