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Young Age Dating Research Paper

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Dating At Young Age
Most parents do not know the right age for children to start dating, nor do they understand the factors behind their children experiencing everything in society much earlier in their lives. Dating is classified as one of the activities that children engage in at an early age. The greatest confusion comes when children demonstrate that they can start dating at fifth grade as opposed the earlier trends of high school. There is need to view this topic with great seriousness to enable program providers, parents, teachers and all stakeholders promoting healthy youth development have insight necessary for solving all the problems associated with young age dating. Remember that the number of teenage mothers is on the rise.
One way to look into this issue is to question the role parents play in determining the age of dating for their children. The parents are a key focus here because they best understand the psychological, emotional and physical development of their children. With this kind of information, all the concerned stakeholders will be able to formulate good guidance principles for youths on the basis that dating at an early age is dangerous for children. It is a fact that once …show more content…
Teenagers seek advice from their friends on very serious questions concerning their dating life and sexual growth. Bringing the teenagers closer and understanding these issues can help discover the right age for dating as well as the solutions that come with that. Remember the advice given by their friends sometimes is good, but sometimes awful. At some point, some find it difficult to attend school; other engage in drug abuse while others end up pregnant at an early age. How can all these be prevented? Learn the nature of these effects and use them to develop good programs for teenage

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