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Summary Of Primate Observation

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This report discusses the observations of the two different primates’ behavioral traits to understand human behavior. The observed primates were the Black and Ruffed Lemur, also known as Varecia variegata, and the Squirrel Monkey, known as the Saimiri. Both were located at the Happy Hollow Park and Zoo, San Jose, on July 20, 2017 from 10:17 am to 12:30 pm. The Black and White Ruffed Lemur had patches of white and black hair. The white patches surround both the head and the lower body, while the rest is covered in black hair. The lemur features a long tail that strikes upward to balance its movements. The claws grasp onto objects such as branches and food. It had eyes with a small pupil and yellow colored lenses. An interesting behavior was …show more content…
The Black and White Ruffed Lemur showed signs of submission by lowering its body at the sight of visitors. It often hid behind the trees due to fear. The Lemur felt the need to camouflage since the constant display made it insecure about their surroundings. It shook at the sound of children screaming and tapping on the windows, due to noise sensitivity. It stared at the window, which shows that it is susceptible of intimidation. On the contrary, the Squirrel Monkey placed its hand on the window and slapped it, demonstrating that captivity caused a slight aggression rather than having a playful behavior. It sprinted back and forth, showing signs of stress with more visitors present. It once threw its own food at the window since it wanted the visitors to leave its area. Later, it stayed in one spot and stared, which proves that captivity caused boredom. None of the behaviors that were displayed seem natural. Both primates seem more afraid and stressed due to being constantly watched by the visitors. They may have acted differently in the wild since they could freely engage without being looked over, with the extended space of the wild. The limited spaces made them trapped and feel the need to

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