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Online Marketing


Submitted By aki3
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Responding, converting, and measuring your marketing
Now also, useful is going to respond. And what I mean by this is, if someone's out there talking about you or asking that question, even if it's not directed at you, you want to make sure that when you come back. And you see that message, you respond to it. For example, me and my kids were sitting at CTech airport one night. it was about midnight and we were waiting for our bags and waiting and waiting and I finally tweeted to Alaska Air because I know that they always respond to stuff online. I figured I'd hear in the morning.And I said I know you have a deal where if our bag takes longer than 20 minutes we get something cool what do we get because we've been here for way longer? Within two minutes, at midnight, someone from Alaska Air responded, and apologized, and explained what it was.
And explained how I can go get it. Now as it turned out, this delay was not their fault, but you better believe that they made me into a real fan. Alaska Air really became, not only significant to me. But also just someone that I will go out and deliberately spread the word. So I became on of their group of the weird. And that's probably why when you go look on Facebook, Alaska Airlines whose you know a relatively small airline compared to some of the giants like United has 218,000 fans when most other airlines, the most popular pages they have.
Are the ones with people complaining about them, so just keep that in mind.You can search actively for things to respond to. So you can take a look on Google, you can do a search and just change it so you're looking at the past 24 hours, that's what I'm doing in the slide here. And just search for your brand and see what people have said. You can use tools like Sprout Social.Which will let you do searches on your brand across multiple social networks and look for questions as they come up. Then you can answer those questions at the moment that they appear. Useful also converts. And again, this is about deliberately reaping the rewards of all the work you're doing.
You want to make it easy to convert. This is a website for a produce seller.And if I decide I want to use this deal, they give me these three or four steps that I have to take. That is not easy. Am I really going to remember the particular promo code that I'm supposed to put into the field at step two, after I finish creating my account? Probably not. This is not easy, this is not the way you want to do it. Look at Mail Chimp. They have a single button. I get to their page, they've done that work, I've gotten there because of some messaging they have.
If I click Sign Up Free, I'm already into the process at that point. I'm one step more committed than I would have been before, it's super easy. Even on my own company's website, we make sure that there's always a next action that people can take. I'm a big fan of a lot of the research that the University of Washington is doing around social media and things like that. They have sometimes great little blurbs on their homepage, but they often don't have links back to more information about those blurbs. It just kind of leaves you sitting there saying more please, can I please get all this great information you're talking about? so, you know, that's an example.
You want to make sure people convert one way or another. And a conversion might mean a sale, it might just mean a click. Whatever it is, make sure they take that next step. So Useful is just plain cool. That's really what we're talking about here is that when you take your product and your message and you make it useful, you're making yourself cool to that narrow audience that you created, that little audience of the weird. But someone is going to ask me, how do I prove it works? Show me some data. Well, there is a way to do it, but you got to measure everything. So when you start on your campaign towards significance, you want to make sure you're tracking which pages get the most looks.
Which pages have the highest value? Which pages lead to people making conversions? So that if you're using content to demonstrate significance you can see the performance of that content, see which pieces of content are working better. If you're using something else to demonstrate significance, if you're using off web content, if you're using a sales team or something like that. Then just make sure that you're tracking over time, and that as behaviors change within that team, within whatever it is that you're doing offline, you track and see the results of your actions. Use tools like Majestic SEO or Open Site Explorer which will let you track the relative popularity of a particular page, or message, or person on the internet in social media, so thatyou can see whether you are becoming more significant to your audience.
And, if you're using content, and I have to have a quick aside here, when I talk about content, I'm not talking about content marketing. A lot of people like to use that phrase. I'm just talking about using great content for marketing and the difference is you're not going to go out and buy fifty articles for $5 a piece to demonstrate significance, you're going to need to produce really quality stuff. So, when you do that you can aggregate different pieces of content together. If you have a whole bunch of videos that are really funny over the top videos, then maybe you put all those together so that you can then in your analytics reporting So you can see, okay all the funny over the top stuff performs much better than the really serious stuff or vice versa.
That will help you as you try to measure what's working. It will let you show to people that this is indeed doing the job. And you want to test wherever possible. And the big advantage to the internet. The thing that I actually think may have started as down the road to over focusing on search. Is the idea that we can test and measure everything. So, you can use a tool like Ubounce to compare different landing pages. So if you create a page on your website, you can put together some basic information on the page and decide you're going to try three different headlines. And Unbounce will automatically rotate those headlines for you, and show you which recipe, which combination of headline and graphic and everything else.
Generated the best result. It's a great way to see not only whether you're attracting the right audience, the right group of weird, but also whether you aregetting the right response when they get there. Are you proving useful to them? Tools like Crazy Egg let you measure how far people scroll on a page and where they click, another great way to see what on the page is proving significant to people. You'll sometimes find that people are clicking on things that aren't even clickable. And you need to change that because they want it to be useful, and it's not useful yet. So, some myths that people bring up all the time around this.
First, the idea that weird has to be bizarre. It doesn't. Marketing to the weird doesn't have to be a really strange thing. It can be, off the wall, really bizarre, really funny. But it can also be pretty subtle. It can be anything that has a niche of people who will be passionate when you talk to them. And that's why that overlap is so, so important. Some people come to me and say, never mind all that. Search is all about links. I gotta produce more links, I need more links. Well, Google's changed, links don't do what they used to, they don't work the same way they used to. They do still help you rank.
And of course they can drive great traffic, but one good link is worth an infinite number of lousy ones, and actually one bad link can do really bad things to you now Google has introduced a filter, an algorithm change called Penguin, which will actually push you down in the rankings if they feel that you're artificially acquiring links. Then people will say well, okay, this is great but everyone who comes to me is buying rhubarb and I need to use the word rhubarb 11 times on my home page or I won't rank. It's not really true either anymore. Yes, you need to use the language that your audience uses.
That's how you become significant, right? They have to understand you. But topics and topic focus and semantic match will take care of themselves if you become significant. People will tell me there's no ROI in this. My jaw just hits the floor. I don't know exactly how to respond to that. So, I'll just give you numbers. Let's say you buy a print ad In a magazine and it costs $200,000 and you reach about 3 million people. It costs seven cents a person and youhave no way to measure the return on investment. And this is actually a real example.

So you've established your audience of the weird. You know who you're going to talk to first and you know that, you're pretty confident that they're going to reach out to other people pfor you. But weird only gets you so far. You also have to be useful. And useful means in some way providing definite value. This is the easiest way to make yourself and your marketing and your message useful. My favorite way is to answer questions. Again, because it's very straightforward. And there's some great research tools. If you take a look at Google. And you type in a phase as a question like is a wedding dress.
Or I can type in a question about rhubarb. And when I type that in, I can find out what people are asking. And then I can go answer that question either in a blog post or in a video or in a printed ad or whatever. I can go to a site like which is purely built for question and answer. That's all it does and people are asking questions on there on a whole range of topics from marketing to sports to celebrities. Find the questions that the most people are following and that have the biggest discussions and then you can take that and use that.
As the questions that you want to answer elsewhere. You can also use a tool like Ubersuggest. Ubersuggest taps Google suggest. And automatically searches many many different forms of whatever you type in. And so you can type in a question, like, is rhubarb the beginning of a question? And Ubersuggest won't just find you 10 questions. It'll find you 100, 1000, something like that. And that'll give you things like why is rhubarb good for you? Or ten ways to cook rhubarb, whatever. It gives you lots of different ways to reach out and make that work.
Now you can also simply entertain. This is much, much harder, but when it works it works big. The reason it's much harder is because you have to go well outside the comfort zone of your brand. For example, I might have a client come to me and say well I sell forks. How interesting are forks going to be, how entertaining can I make them? Well these guys sell deodorant, how exciting is that? They found a way to make it really interesting and you can bet that some of the people in their advertising department, some of the people on their board were not happy about this particular campaign because it made them uncomfortable.
But they pushed through anyway and it was very successful. You can find ideas again by going to a tool like Google suggest. If you do a search on Google suggest for are forks, you'll find some ones that have some comedic potential, some entertainment potential like, are forks evolved from spoons or are forks or chopsticks better? They can be better in different situations. You can compare those situations and get a pretty entertaining piece. This guy sells razors. Would a typical ad executive do the same kind of ad that he did?This is a company called dollar shave club? No, absolutely not! Cause it might offend people.
That's okay, sometimes, to entertain, you want to do something that runs the risk of offending some people. It's okay. Useful can also just mean making waves, stopping people in their tracks. When JFK gave a talk about the moon shot, no political adviser would have gone to him and say, you should tell people how hard it's going to be. No politician would do that today. He went and did that. And by doing that, he stopped people in their tracks, completely changed the message around the moon shot, totally disarmed one of the big arguments about it and turned it into a mission for the country.
Useful also gets heard. And what I mean by this is you can't passively sit back and wait for people necessarily to hear you. You have to find some folks who are going to be part of that weird audience and then find people withinthere that you can possibly even reach out to specifically. For example you can use this tool called follower wonk. Which let's you search through people on Twitter and do a lot of data mining with different twitter biographies and twitter accounts. And you can just search for everyone who mentions puppies for example on twitter. And when you do that, you find everyone who has written the word puppies in their bio and then you can take a few of those people and look at the overlap between them.
And find the people that they have in common. So, if I'm selling a product for puppies, I might take those people in common, and either reach out to them very politely. Or wait for one of them to ask a question, if you remember from the being useful part, and then when I can, when I answer that question, I can make sure. I can be sure that they're really going to come back and know that I'm useful to them, right? I'm going to make myself super useful because I'm going to get heard and if they're influential, they'll reach out to other people as well.
And influential may mean they only know three other people that they'll reach out to. If they reach out to those three and each of those people reach out to another two. You're still growing your market, it's still worth doing. You can get heard by taking content you create, and posting it to third party sites, like Which has an enormous audience, and if you think again about looking for the weird, there's an overlap here, it's people who like to lookat presentations, and then are interested by whatever topic it is that you've written your presentation about. So when you post to slideshare, you have a good chance of getting in front of all of those people, because you're accessing Slideshare's entire audience.
The same is true of video hosting sites like Vimeo and YouTube. Right? When you post a video to those sites, if you leave them publicly available on the site, then people don't just find the video on your website or blog. They find the video when they're wandering around this site that has millions and millions and millions of users per day, per week, per month. Another way to try to reach this audience to be heard is to look for things that people monitor and I'll explain what this means in a minute. But just as an example, say you put together a free eBook explaining or answering some set of questions that you found a lot of people are really interested in.
Maybe you went on Quora, and there's 20,000 people following one specificquestion, and you decide you know what I could do a whole eBook. I could write 20 pages about this. So you put together a Kindle eBook, and then there are lots of people who use tools like if this then that which automatically monitor the free eBook list. And send them a notification when a new book gets into the top 100. There's over 20,000 people monitoring that. So if you put together an eBook that makes it into that top 100, you can get pushed out to a lot of folks.
It's not easy. It's a little bit of a long shot. But it's a great example of being heard. You can also pay. You can just do paid advertising. There's tools like, which let's you promote your content by having it show up on other websites like And it shows up as related articles that are off that particular site. So that's a great way to get high context, really high value advertising. You can use a tool like StumbleUpon. To get just lots and lots of views. Lots of eyeballs on your content.
Or you can use things like Facebook Sponsored Stories. And if you remember how good the targeting tools are in Facebook. When I showed you how I was mining for different kinds of interests and overlaps between interests. You can use those tools to push ads and stories to specific people. And specific groups of people. It's immensely powerful. It's very inexpensive. It's a great way to give. Some of your message that initial boost that it needs. So you've done all this work. You're on your way to significance. You've found the weird, you've found the overlap and you've made sure you're useful.
Well now you need to deliberately reap the rewards and what I mean by that is you can't necessarily just kind of hang around and wait. Now I talked a little bit about being heard and that's almost. To the point of reaping the rewards. But when I talk about reaping the rewards I mean what happens when people get to you. They've gotten to your site now. They're reading your content. They're doing whatever it is you want them to do. At that point you need to make sure that you get shared. And there's some basic best practices here. For example there are tools like share this, where if you click it you're gona get 20, 30, 40 little buttons of all the different possible sharing services.
It's very useful and very helpful. But if you want to get more shares, you want to have the three or four most used social networks for your audience front and center showing actual statistics for the number of people who have already shared. That combines social proof with a very easy way to share that content. You want to, if you're putting information on your website, have a wayfor people to embed that information on other sites. So I can take this graph, click embed. Get a little code embedded in my website. It'll include a credit to them. And it'll let you use their data.

Now also, useful is going to respond. And what I mean by this is, if someone's out there talking about you or asking that question, even if it's not directed at you, you want to make sure that when you come back. And you see that message, you respond to it. For example, me and my kids were sitting at CTech airport one night. it was about midnight and we were waiting for our bags and waiting and waiting and I finally tweeted to Alaska Air because I know that they always respond to stuff online. I figured I'd hear in the morning.And I said I know you have a deal where if our bag takes longer than 20 minutes we get something cool what do we get because we've been here for way longer? Within two minutes, at midnight, someone from Alaska Air responded, and apologized, and explained what it was.
And explained how I can go get it. Now as it turned out, this delay was not their fault, but you better believe that they made me into a real fan. Alaska Air really became, not only significant to me. But also just someone that I will go out and deliberately spread the word. So I became on of their group of the weird. And that's probably why when you go look on Facebook, Alaska Airlines whose you know a relatively small airline compared to some of the giants like United has 218,000 fans when most other airlines, the most popular pages they have.
Are the ones with people complaining about them, so just keep that in mind.You can search actively for things to respond to. So you can take a look on Google, you can do a search and just change it so you're looking at the past 24 hours, that's what I'm doing in the slide here. And just search for your brand and see what people have said. You can use tools like Sprout Social.Which will let you do searches on your brand across multiple social networks and look for questions as they come up. Then you can answer those questions at the moment that they appear. Useful also converts. And again, this is about deliberately reaping the rewards of all the work you're doing.
You want to make it easy to convert. This is a website for a produce seller.And if I decide I want to use this deal, they give me these three or four steps that I have to take. That is not easy. Am I really going to remember the particular promo code that I'm supposed to put into the field at step two, after I finish creating my account? Probably not. This is not easy, this is not the way you want to do it. Look at Mail Chimp. They have a single button. I get to their page, they've done that work, I've gotten there because of some messaging they have.
If I click Sign Up Free, I'm already into the process at that point. I'm one step more committed than I would have been before, it's super easy. Even on my own company's website, we make sure that there's always a next action that people can take. I'm a big fan of a lot of the research that the University of Washington is doing around social media and things like that. They have sometimes great little blurbs on their homepage, but they often don't have links back to more information about those blurbs. It just kind of leaves you sitting there saying more please, can I please get all this great information you're talking about? so, you know, that's an example.
You want to make sure people convert one way or another. And a conversion might mean a sale, it might just mean a click. Whatever it is, make sure they take that next step. So Useful is just plain cool. That's really what we're talking about here is that when you take your product and your message and you make it useful, you're making yourself cool to that narrow audience that you created, that little audience of the weird. But someone is going to ask me, how do I prove it works? Show me some data. Well, there is a way to do it, but you got to measure everything. So when you start on your campaign towards significance, you want to make sure you're tracking which pages get the most looks.
Which pages have the highest value? Which pages lead to people making conversions? So that if you're using content to demonstrate significance you can see the performance of that content, see which pieces of content are working better. If you're using something else to demonstrate significance, if you're using off web content, if you're using a sales team or something like that. Then just make sure that you're tracking over time, and that as behaviors change within that team, within whatever it is that you're doing offline, you track and see the results of your actions. Use tools like Majestic SEO or Open Site Explorer which will let you track the relative popularity of a particular page, or message, or person on the internet in social media, so thatyou can see whether you are becoming more significant to your audience.
And, if you're using content, and I have to have a quick aside here, when I talk about content, I'm not talking about content marketing. A lot of people like to use that phrase. I'm just talking about using great content for marketing and the difference is you're not going to go out and buy fifty articles for $5 a piece to demonstrate significance, you're going to need to produce really quality stuff. So, when you do that you can aggregate different pieces of content together. If you have a whole bunch of videos that are really funny over the top videos, then maybe you put all those together so that you can then in your analytics reporting So you can see, okay all the funny over the top stuff performs much better than the really serious stuff or vice versa.
That will help you as you try to measure what's working. It will let you show to people that this is indeed doing the job. And you want to test wherever possible. And the big advantage to the internet. The thing that I actually think may have started as down the road to over focusing on search. Is the idea that we can test and measure everything. So, you can use a tool like Ubounce to compare different landing pages. So if you create a page on your website, you can put together some basic information on the page and decide you're going to try three different headlines. And Unbounce will automatically rotate those headlines for you, and show you which recipe, which combination of headline and graphic and everything else.
Generated the best result. It's a great way to see not only whether you're attracting the right audience, the right group of weird, but also whether you aregetting the right response when they get there. Are you proving useful to them? Tools like Crazy Egg let you measure how far people scroll on a page and where they click, another great way to see what on the page is proving significant to people. You'll sometimes find that people are clicking on things that aren't even clickable. And you need to change that because they want it to be useful, and it's not useful yet. So, some myths that people bring up all the time around this.
First, the idea that weird has to be bizarre. It doesn't. Marketing to the weird doesn't have to be a really strange thing. It can be, off the wall, really bizarre, really funny. But it can also be pretty subtle. It can be anything that has a niche of people who will be passionate when you talk to them. And that's why that overlap is so, so important. Some people come to me and say, never mind all that. Search is all about links. I gotta produce more links, I need more links. Well, Google's changed, links don't do what they used to, they don't work the same way they used to. They do still help you rank.
And of course they can drive great traffic, but one good link is worth an infinite number of lousy ones, and actually one bad link can do really bad things to you now Google has introduced a filter, an algorithm change called Penguin, which will actually push you down in the rankings if they feel that you're artificially acquiring links. Then people will say well, okay, this is great but everyone who comes to me is buying rhubarb and I need to use the word rhubarb 11 times on my home page or I won't rank. It's not really true either anymore. Yes, you need to use the language that your audience uses.
That's how you become significant, right? They have to understand you. But topics and topic focus and semantic match will take care of themselves if you become significant. People will tell me there's no ROI in this. My jaw just hits the floor. I don't know exactly how to respond to that. So, I'll just give you numbers. Let's say you buy a print ad In a magazine and it costs $200,000 and you reach about 3 million people. It costs seven cents a person and you have no way to measure the return on investment. And this is actually a real example.

And now for the inspirational conclusion. Which really isn't that inspiring, I'm sorry. this stuff is really hard. And thing you just have to keep in mind is, do not quit. Building marketing around building significance is a very powerful tool. It helps you in a lot of different ways. Something I haven't even talked about is the way building marketing around building significance. Keeps you from chasing after the latest shiny thing in marketing. So that, if someone comes and says, this is the latest greatest thing. It's going to give you the best ROI ever. It's revolutionized marketing. And, of course, two months later, it turns out not to work.
You'll be able to really interpret that. And look at it, and say, you know what? I'm not quite so sure. So you can provide a better assessment. When you hold it up to this lens of significance. Significance is risky like all marketing, like all business. You're starting your own business. You understand what risk is. Or you're running a business. You understand what risk is. But it's no riskier than anything else that you're going to do to promote your business. And it takes work but it always works. And this the part where actually the risk factor goes down. The longer you do it, the longer you persist, the more likely it is to work.
If you just take a look at how I grew my own business because this is how I grew my own business. I went out and I did lots of teaching. I found that audience of people who want to internet marketing a certain way and I spent years going out and just continuously teaching people. About internet marketing. That made me very useful, to that one kind of weird audience of internet marketers, and they went and talked to other people who were not internet marketers but needed services. And those people would then come back to me and say, hey this person told me about you, can I please hire your company, and over time it kept the company going until we got 2008, 2009 where the company really started growing in leaps and bounds.

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Impact of Online Marketing

...Impact of Online Marketing [Name of Author] [Institutional Affiliation] Table of Contents Executive Summary 3 Introduction 4 Research Findings 4 Finding Number 1 4 Finding Number 2 5 Finding Number 3 5 Recommendations 5 Conclusion 6 References 7 Impact of Online Marketing Executive Summary The internet refers to information technology that exponentially diffuses among businesses over the world. The central focus of this exploration reflects on the effects of internet based marketing on sales volume, organization management and resource allocation. Over the last decade, the internet has interrupted most retailers in terms of organization management, sales volume and the allocation of resources. The introduction of innovative technological changes such as cloud computing and web 2.0 continue to emerge at a dizzying pace, with each appears to be giving promises on the elimination, improve or transform the traditional marketing procedures. The report falls into five sections: introduction, research findings, analysis, recommendation and conclusion. The purpose of the paper is to highlight the benefits that accrue with online marketing so as to advice the organization on its importance. Furthermore, the paper intends to seek to offer advice to the management over the potential elements to put into consideration when implementing expansion project of internet marketing. The findings provide insight on the benefits of online marketing, what many...

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Premium Essay

Internet and Online Marketing

...Internet and online marketing It is a known fact that with the change in times, from the elite and pica typewriters, the rotary telephones, pagers and floor model Curtis Mathis Televisions; we have graduated to a world of electronics for everything. Including how to market businesses. Internet marketing is the most effective way to enhance and grow a company. There are three effective steps to the process of successful marketing: 1. Communication: First class customer service to include customer interaction. Always make yourself available for questions and answers. 2. Organization: It is important that the process the exemplary. The tools used should set you apart from others. 3. Accountability: Making sure that all programs and deliverables are absolutely clear, updated and refined for customer satisfaction. Online marketing success includes having good standing relationships. It’s about having consummate respect, always, for your audience and your market (Copyblogger, 2006-13). There are three pillar responses for online marketing that keep company’s abreast with the latest social media: Direct response copywriting Content marketing Consumer Movement Consumer protection is another word for consumer movement. There are those that would like to protect the consumers, from prices to quantity and quality. The protection is strongly given when large corporations or even the government is involved. As green claims have increased in number and scope, concern...

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Premium Essay

Integrated Online Marketing Communications

...Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the particularities of integrated marketing communication (IMC) in the online environment. Design/methodology/approach – Both secondary and primary data (face-to-face interviews with 29 marketing or communication managers of UK online consumer retail firms) are analysed in order to identify the various meanings of the integrated online marketing communication, the opportunities and challenges raised by online communication, and the structure of an efficient integrated online marketing communication system. Findings – The transparency, interactivity and memory of the internet force the organisation to adopt a proactive-reactive attitude in online communication, and to combine consistency and continuity with flexibility and customisation. Research limitations/implications – The number of interviews used to collect primary data is relatively small; the use of the information collected is general and unstructured; and the findings are applicable only to online customer product retailers. Practical implications – The messages sent by the company to its online audiences have to be transformed/adapted in a three-stage process. Originality/value – The paper identifies the specific opportunities and challenges raised by the internet for integrated marketing communication, and proposes an original model for the adaptation of online messages to core corporate values, communication strategy and tactics, and targeted audience/communication...

Words: 7038 - Pages: 29

Premium Essay

Impact Of Online Marketing In Bangladesh

...presentation of Online Marketing Trends of Bangladesh as a part of the BBA program for the Department of Business Administration, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. As the classroom discussion alone cannot make students to know about the real life circumstances, therefore it is an opening for the students to know about the practical environment of the real business world through this program. A student requires carrying out an extensive analysis of real world business problem and thereby preparing a report on the solution to the problem. In relation to that I chose the report on “Online Marketing Trends in Bangladesh”. 1.2 Problem Statement Internet marketing, or online marketing,...

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Premium Essay

Term Paper on Online Marketing

... Digital Marketing Plan for Shumi’s Hot Cake Term Paper On “Digital Marketing Plan on Shumi’s Hot Cake” COURSE:Marketing on the Internet [MSC 446] Section: 001 SUBMITTED TO: Syed Mahmudur Rahman (SMR) BRAC BUSINESS SCHOOL BRAC UNIVERSITY Prepared By: GROUP 6 Sl No ID Name Email ID 1 2 3 11104027 10204045 12104195 Muhib Khan Syeda Sarah Hussaini Md Omar Faruk Date of Submission: 6th April, 2015 1 April 06, 2015 Course Instructor Syed Mahmudur Rahman BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Letter of Transmittal Dear Sir, With great pleasure we submit our project that you have assigned to us as an important requirement of MSC-446 course. We have found the study to be quite interesting, beneficial & insightful. We have tried our level best to prepare an effective & creditable report. We honestly hope that our analysis will help to give idea of Shumis Hot Cake’s current position and condition on the market and about the future for their Internet marketing. We hope you will find this report worth all the labor we have put in it. We welcome your entire query & take pride to answer them. Yours sincerely, _______________________ MD. Omar Faruk_12104195 _______________________ Muhib Khan_11104027 _______________________ Syeda Sarah Hussaini_10204045 2 Executive Summary In this report our main task is to find out marketing process on...

Words: 5335 - Pages: 22

Premium Essay

Online Marketing at Big Skinny

...good market. Till now Big Skinny is selling wallets through trade fares and other physical outlets but Kiril, the CEO of Big Skinny, is contemplating the online medium to capture further market. Wallets: Wallets are generally preferred with lightweight and that can easily carry stuff like credit cards, cash and receipts along with other stuff. Thin wallets are considered better because it will always keep you safe from back pain and sciatica. Wallets are often in need of replacement and people buy them as impulse purchase or as gifts since it is not a costly item and also does not require much information processing. Big Skinny has just launched world’s thinnest wallet and got good response from the market during various trade fairs it participate in. The challenge is how to use online medium to build further sales and formulate an strategy for online retail and marketing. The key features of this wallet are:- 1. Size - Reduce Wallet size by 50 to 75% 2. Weight - Will weigh under an ounce. 3. Card Pocket size - Will feature extra wide pocket 4. Slipperiness of the interior - they are lined with rubber coating which Keep gravity. 5. Lack of versatility - They are water resistant and tough enough even for machine wash. What issues to be addressed by Big Skinny for online retail and marketing strategy? Wallet is not a kind of product that people have in mind while they go for shopping. It is impulse purchase. People see the product in physical...

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Premium Essay

Google Online Marketing Challenge

...Welcome to the Google Online Marketing Challenge The Google Online Marketing Challenge is an exciting opportunity for students to experience and create online marketing campaigns using Google AdWords and Google+. Over 50,000 students and professors from almost 100 countries have participated in the past 5 years. With a $250 budget provided by Google, students develop and run an online advertising campaign for a business or non-profit organization over a three week period. The teams that develop and communicate the most successful campaigns win awesome prizes, including a trip to Google for the students and their professor. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the optional Google+ Social Media Marketing Award by maintaining a Google+ Page for their clients over a six week period. The Challenge is open to student teams of three to six members, regardless of their majors. All students must register under a verified professor/instructor at a higher education institution. Visit Discover GOMC to learn more about the Challenge and how to participate. Be sure to follow us on our Google+ page for the latest updates and announcements throughout the year Competition Process For more details on each of the steps, please refer to the sections on the left side of this page. Step 1: Register for the Challenge. Professors register for the Challenge and are verified by Google. Students form teams of 3-6 members and appoint a team campaign. The team captain then registers...

Words: 2500 - Pages: 10

Premium Essay

Yd Online on-Line Marketing

...Company Report Hobin Song(2009120026) Korea University Company Introduction – YD online History established as ‘㈜트라이글로우픽쳐스’ in 1999  developed game ‘프리스톤테일’ in 2001  IPO on the KOSDAQ in 2002  Changed corporate name to ‘㈜프리스톤’ in 2003  Serviced publishing game ‘오디션’ in 2005  Merged with ‘㈜이모션’ in 2005  Changed corporate name to ‘㈜예당온라인’ in 2006  Changed corporate name to ‘㈜와이디온라인’ in 2009  developed and serviced game ‘갓 오브 하이스쿨’ in 2015.05  Serviced publishing game ‘이카루스, 미르의전설2&3’ in 2015.06  Terminated publishing game ‘오디션’ in 2015.10 (‘Audition’ occupies about half of its sales)  © 2015, Internet Marketing, Professor Janghyuk Lee 2 Company Introduction – YD online Main business units  Online(PC based) game ICARUS -  2014.04 launched Contracted with ‘wemade corporation’ to publish game in domestic market Supplement of loss on existing Audition revenue Mobile game GOD OF HIGHSCHOOL - 2015.05.21 launched Main source of income(estimated daily revenue 100 million won) First mega-hit mobile game in company history Based on Naver Webtoon IP © 2015, Internet Marketing, Professor Janghyuk Lee 3 Company Introduction – YD online Sales/Profit (recent 3 years) (unit: million won) 35,000 2012 30,000 25,000 2013 2014 2015 1H Revenue 33025 29174 24341 14216 Gross Profit 12332 16905 12989 7700 43 5593 -3004 -944 20,000 15,000 10...

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Premium Essay

Online Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

...Combining Online Marketing with Traditional Marketing Marketing—the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising—is a powerful tool for attracting customers and promoting a business. (Chapman/Businessballs) There are many types of marketing strategies and mediums through which different companies implement the practice of marketing. This paper will shed a light on traditional and online marketing, highlighting the very concepts along with the pros and cons of each type of marketing. The history of marketing is divided into two phases; the development of marketing theory, and the development of marketing practice. The history of marketing theory deals with the evolution of different...

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