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Oral Language Observation Paper

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The student, I did Student Oral Language Observation Matrix with was Julio Morillo. She is an 8th grader and Spanish is her first language. The classroom is a Transitional Bilingual class which consists of nine to ten students. All of the students speak Spanish except one whose first language is Russian. The teacher in the classroom speaks Spanish when the students don’t understand certain words. Also, there is an additional assistant teacher who is a Spanish speaker and she is there to help the students who struggle understanding English. The topic I choose to talk about with the student is subjects. She chose to talk about math because she likes it and it’s fun. Also, she said that math is less work than other subjects where you don’t have …show more content…
She has to talk so much and help others when they don’t understand a problem or theories. Because of her speech and speaking skill, she has a well developed fluency. I gave her 3 in Comprehension, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and Grammar. Even Though, she has a great level of fluency, but those are her weakness. I had to repeat and talk slowly during the conversation. It was hard to understand some of the words she pronounced. It felt like she was speaking in her own language. I know some Spanish because I am currently taking one Spanish class. I felt like she was pronouncing some of the words as they pronounce in Spanish. She still has the Spanish pronunciation accent in her. She has limited vocabulary where she doesn’t understand some hard or long words. She made some grammatical errors while talking. She is still learning and she will definitely improve as she moves forward. I think doing this SOLOM assignment has made me realize what difficulties I face as an ESL student. I can relate myself with the students I am observing. The reason, I have issues with learning English is because I don’t talk, which is why my pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary are undeveloped and just like Julio, I

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