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Org. Behavior-the New Vice President


Submitted By acs73
Words 1239
Pages 5
Case Study: The New Vice President

Part A
1. At this point, what are your predictions about Jennifer as interim vice president?

Jennifer seems to be a qualified choice. She is familiar with the University, has good relationships, and appears to have the appropriate back round that qualifies her for the position. It is difficult to predict at this point due to several factors. 1) Will her relationships with her coworkers affect her decisions where they are concerned? 2) How will she work with the new President, who she barely knows. At this point, It appears Jennifer will have some transitioning, but there does not seem to be anything that would drastically keep her from growing into her new position.

2. What do you predict will be her management/leadership style?

Jennifer's leadership style looks like it will follow in the mold of consideration. She has strong interpersonal relationships with her now subordinates and will likely focus on maintaining those relationships as part of her style. While this can be a good thing, Jennifer will have to make sure that her new subordinates also accept her authority.

3. What are her strengths and weaknesses? What is the basis for this assessment?

Jennifer's strengths will be her familiarity with the University, the relationships she has developed, and her dedication she has demonstrated to the University. Her weaknesses will be the transition into her new position and how that may affect colleagues who are now subordinates. Her other weakness will be adjusting and meeting the expectations of the President as she has not yet developed any type of relationship with him and is not familiar with his particular style of leadership.

Part B

1.What is the major problem facing Jennifer?

Jennifer is having trouble transitioning into the new responsibilities that come with the job. She is still in the mode

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