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Organ Allocation Controversy

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There are people who will argue that wealthy, famous people receive perks when they need an organ. They criticize that because they are so well-know and have money, they are given an advantage. The fact is that the rich and famous are not given priority when it comes to allocating organs. It may seem that way because of the all of the publicity generated when a celebrity receives a transplant, but they are treated no differently than the rest. The reality is that celebrity and financial status are not considered in organ allocation (“Organ donation: Don't let these myths confuse you”).
The heart transplant surgery of former US vice president Dick Cheney in March of 2012 raised questions concerning his fame and age and their influence in his …show more content…
Contrary to what some chose to believe, the matching system is not racist. Organs are matched by factors that have the potential to vary by race. Patients are more likely to find matches among donors of their same race or ethnicity (Donate Life, “Myths and Misconceptions”). Certain blood types are also more prevalent in ethnic minority populations. Because matching blood type is necessary for transplants, the need for minority donor organs is especially high (“Organ donation: Don't let these myths confuse you”). Support for donation can also fluctuate by race. For example, African Americans are less likely to donate, sign donor cards, discuss donation with their families, and less likely to support the idea of organ donation in general than most (Healy 37). Because of the need for matching race or ethnicity among organs and recipients, when less of a certain people donates organs, less will receive, causing a false bias to …show more content…
In the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibits the discrimination of health care on the basis of disabilities. In some instances, certain types of disabilities hinder someone from receiving a transplant because the person may lack the ability to benefit from the procedure or to follow through with the aftercare required. Difficult decisions are made on a case-by-case basis to adhere to law while also fairly allocating organs (Abramovitz 42). Certain disabilities may come with other health concerns that could affect the overall success of the transplant. As with all members on the waiting list, disabled persons are looked at individually to determine whether they are a suitable candidate or not. It may seem like they are being denied because of their disability, but it is truly because of other health reasons. While it is unfortunate that in some instances, there has been evidence of a bias against a disabled person who wished to receive a transplant, they were specific cases, not the system as a whole. Transplant centers decide whom they will and will not admit as transplant candidates (Caplan 12). When someone is denied by a transplant center, they are not denied by UNOS as a whole. In the event that someone is denied by a transplant center, they should seek a second opinion at a different center, as sometimes their admission policies can vary from center to

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