Premium Essay

Organic Food


Submitted By yuyuyu
Words 308
Pages 2
In Hong Kong , it is infrequent to hear some news about poisonous food from restaurants however we almost listen different kinds of cases by the shopkeepers who use recycled oil for cooking. We think it is unbearable that food can be like this so we choose “ Food Safety ” as our theme. Our research is surrounding Mainland China because we know China has many news and information about food safety . Then go ahead for searching. Food is very essential for us. We need to know what we eat. Safety food can let us realize how to eat safety and do not cheat by unscrupulous shopkeepers Organic food as like as a mirror opposite for poisonous food. It do not use any chemical fertilizers, pesticides or gene method during the planting . Simply to say , unpolluted and natural food. On the other hand , people who eating poisonous food such as Eggs with Sudan dyes will get sick even the may lose their life. It is very serious to consider what we eat. Hence , choosing the right type of food for eating is quite important. Then organic food is your optimal choice. Nice nutrition for example vitamins , minerals & omega-3 inside those food , people who absorb those nutrition may become smartness and beauty. If you ask me this project is easy to do , sorry my answer is definitely not. It is difficult to find everyone’s free time for discussing the project , some members have to go to tutorial class and do their homework. Time become very limit. Also , we spend much time on searching information because we need to classify whether the information is useful or not , time as like as water for gone. Moreover , several teammates have different views on the topic so it is hard to follow our schedule but we’ve learnt so much on the

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