Premium Essay

Organisation Transformation


Submitted By darrenmath
Words 4828
Pages 20

This report seeks identify and evaluate key Organisational Development (OD) issues, suggest possible interventions and provide recommendations for a case study of traditional and nontraditional team-based patient care. The author opted to focus on the team-based operations as it initially proved to be more effective than the traditional method. Although the team based care was more effective, there were several key OD issues that were identified by using OD diagnosis tools and models. Some of the issues highlighted and is the focus of this analysis was HRM, Leadership and Culture.
From the case study, one can identify the lack of proper leadership and correlate this to other OD issues such as, no cooperate strategy, no vision or mission and cultural barriers within the organisation. Several known models and strategies were use to select the appropriate intervention and relevant methods for implementation. The intervention and implementation strategies are categorized to match appropriate management of change techniques such as, hard and soft, for a better transition of change within the organisation. The methods of communicating change were also systematically defined to channel only the appropriate contents to the organisation.
Strategic SMART recommendations were outlined as short, mid and long term goals to accomplish the objectives of the organisation. Additionally, as part of the recommendations and any OD strategy, there should be a measurement and monitoring system built into the strategy. This will provide continuous feedback for sustainable growth and improvements within the organisation, to match the external environment.


Schein (1965) used the concept of linking an organisation’s ability to cope with change and adapt effectively, to lock the relationship between Organisational Development (OD) practitioners and

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