...Organizational Change Plan - Part I Deluxe Fernandez HCS 587- Creating Change Within Organizations January 26, 2015 Professor Thomas Sloan Organizational Change Plan - Part I Health care is subject to numerous changes at any given time along with the organizations and their employees. In today's climate, organizations have to be adaptive to changes as it is a requirement to survive, thrive, and succeed (Rafferty et al., 2013). One important aspect for success is to promote job satisfaction. "Job satisfaction is closely related to the performance and quality of work performed by an employee and, consequently, translates into the success of any organization" (Sypniewska, 2014, p. 57, para. 1). Having "lift teams" and equipments for lifting can improve nursing satisfaction. This paper will closely examine why there is a need to propose the "no lift policy". Barriers and influencing factors to change will also be discussed. The influencing factors for readiness will be explored. The theoretical model used for the proposed change will also be discussed. Finally, internal and external resources to support the change will be examined. The Need For The Proposed Change Bedside employees particularly nurses and nursing assistants have higher incidence of back injuries (Weinel, 2008). Such injuries are caused by manual lifting and repositioning patients. For example, in our organization's current ICU department, there are nine nurses on leave due to back or bodily injuries. Lack...
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... MBA Program Course Outline Course Name: Managing Organizational Change Course Number: 44252 Instructor: Dr. Mahdieh Mahdavinia E-mail: mmahdavinia@alumni.utoronto.ca Semester: Fall term, 1389-1390 Class Time: Wednesdays: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm Room: 4 Meeting Hours: Before the class by appointment COURSE OBJECTIVES This course makes an enquiry into the field of organization change. Identifying the need for change, framing the problems/issues, influencing the choice of what to do, and implementing the changes with minimal negative reaction are key managerial skills, especially in these increasingly turbulent times. The course will provide: - An overview of change management processes and types of changes - A knowledge of the drivers of change - Models of improving and rebuilding organizations - A variety of factors which affect successful change management - Some live stories of organizational change efforts - An opportunity for the students to frame their own orientation to change management COURSE REQUIREMENTS The course grade will be based on: Group Assignment (30%) Individual Assignments (20%) Final Exam: Case + Test (40%) Participation (10%) Group Assignment A. Analyze and present the case study of organizational change that is assigned to your group. This assignment is intended to provide an opportunity to analyze an actual change process through a systematic and concrete application of...
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...SUCCESSFUL ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND CORPORATE EFFECTIVENES Tran Thi Thu Huong Columbia Southern University SUCCESSFUL ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND CORPORATE EFFECTIVENES Thesis: Four critical questions to ask in any boardroom of both large and small companies around the world in the 21st century are how to attract and keep talented people, how to increase profits and shareholder value, how to increase creativity and productivity, and how to ensure ethics permeate the corporate culture. These four points involve to organization management, particularly to manage organizational culture. After researching 207 companies within 22 industries between 1977 and 1988, John Kotter & James Heskett discovered that corporate culture affects economic performance (as cited in Journal of Management by Allen, 1992). I. Definition of organizational culture Organizational culture is the set of shared values and norms that control organizational members' interactions with each other and with people outside the organization. This element is the first element creating the competitive advantages for a firm (Jones, 2010). A. Define and differentiate between value and norm. B. What organizational values and how they affect behaviors 1. Terminal values Terminal value is a desired end state or outcome that people seek to achieve 2. Instrument values Instrumental value is a desired mode of behavior ...
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...MT&O 2 Organization Theory and Design - Richard L. Daft Organization Theory and Design Richard L. Daft LEESTOETS 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 2 PAGE 3 – 31: ORGANIZATIONS AND ORGANIZATION THEORY ............................................................... 2 PAGE 161 – 173: BUREAUCRACY AND AUTHORITY .............................................................................. 3 PAGE 201 – 220: ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ...................................................................................... 4 PAGE 441 – 461: POWER AND POLITICS ................................................................................................ 4 LEESTOETS 2 ....................................................................................................................................... 6 PAGE 58 – 69: EFFECTIVENESS ............................................................................................................. 6 PAGE 81 – 106: ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................ 7 PAGE 119 – 149: TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 7 PAGE 201 – 233: STRUCTURE (ZIE LEESTOETS 1).................................................................................. 8 PAGE 249 – 258: STRUCTURE ..................
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...Introduction Organizational behavior as a concept is broad and refers to the study of individual and group activities which take place in an organization setting and reflect the nature of that organization. The subject is becoming more and more popular as people with diverse backgrounds and cultural values have to work together effectively and efficiently. Organizational behavior seeks to emphasize the understanding of behavior competencies in order to have an insight into how people are likely to behave as this knowledge is essential in controlling these behaviors and ensuring they are befitting to the achievement of organizational objectives. Whenever people interact in an organization many factors come into play and in this write up¸ we would be looking at a lot of factors associated with organizational behavior like culture, motivation, attitude and personalities, leadership and so on. We would be using wings café as our case study in understanding this concept while trying to bring fresh suggestions and ideas on how we think it should be managed and operated. Literature review The introduction of the concept of organizational culture has generally been attributed to several individuals, including Hofstede (1980) and Schein (1985). Although organizational culture has been defined in various ways, the definitions share a common view that “culture consists of some combination of artifacts (also called practices, expressive symbols, or forms), values and beliefs, and underlying...
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...Chapter 11 Managing Change and Innovation True/False Questions 1. Organizational change refers to the adoption of a new idea or behavior by an organization. Answer: True Level: 1 Page: 392 Type: F 2. Redesign and renewal of the total organization is addressed by operational change. Answer: False Level: 1 Page: 393 Type: F 3. Given that external problems are beyond the control of management, when organizations are caught flat-footed, failing to anticipate or respond to new needs, no one can be blamed. Answer: False Level: 2 Page: 393 Type: F 4. Forces for organizational change exist both in the external environment and within the organization. Answer: True Level: 1 Page: 393 Type: F 5. After the need for change has been perceived, the next part of the change process is implementing change. Answer: False Level: 2 Page: 394 Type: F 6. New department technologies, demands by labor unions, and production inefficiencies are all examples of some external forces. Answer: False Level: 1 Page: 394 Type: F 7. A performance gap is a disparity between the performance of the company when compared with a competitor. Answer: False Level: 3 Page: 395 Type: F 8. The disparity between existing and desired performance levels is the performance gap. Answer: True Level: 1 Page: 395 Type: F 9. The process of learning about current developments inside and outside the organization that can be used to meet...
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...Studies – January 2008 Volume 4, Number 1 The Impact Of Organizational Change, Structure And Leadership On Employee Turnover: A Case Study Steven H. Appelbaum, Concordia University, Canada André Mitraud, MBA, Canada Jean-François Gailleur, MBA, Canada Marcello Iacovella, MBA, Canada Raffaele Gerbasi, MBA, Canada Victoria Ivanova, MBA, Canada ABSTRACT Purpose - To provide the management team at BTSA Ltd with a practical guideline in managing organizational change through a designated lead change agent. Design/Methodology/approach - This guideline was developed by analyzing various organizational behaviour variables which included organizational structure, leadership and organizational culture. The objective of the case study is to provide a pragmatic approach to dealing with transformational change, particularly the role and responsibility of leadership. Findings – This case identifies a distinct correlation between each above stated variables and productivity/citizenship factors among employees. As a result of the takeover by an international conglomerate, BTSA Ltd was facing major changes and sustained a high level of employee turnover within the company, including the abrupt departure of their lead change agent. This resulted in a sharp decrease in TQM initiatives and major slowdown in R&D projects. The key findings have determined the core elements which explained the turnover issue and the impact of organizational change (for a small Canadian based firm acquired by...
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...Cameron.ffirs 10/11/05 1:46 PM Page iii Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture Based on the Competing Values Framework REVISED EDITION The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series Cameron.ffirs 10/11/05 1:46 PM Page i Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture Cameron.ffirs 10/11/05 1:46 PM Page ii Kim S. Cameron Robert E. Quinn Cameron.ffirs 10/11/05 1:46 PM Page iii Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture Based on the Competing Values Framework REVISED EDITION The Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series Cameron.ffirs 10/11/05 1:46 PM Page iv Copyright © 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published by Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741 www.josseybass.com No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600, or on the Web at www.copyright.com. Requests to the publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department...
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...undergo many changes over the years to survive. In this paper the subject to discuss is the process of organizational development, many of the theories used in the processes, and the basics of the organization changes. Additionally, the paper will present what conditions are necessary for organizational development and changes. Process of Organizational Development The process of organizational development is simply an organization improving itself by setting plans and implementing them. The plans are usually set toward improvements in the performance of the organization and individual development in an effort to increase productivity, work satisfaction, and profit. This is done by changing the behavior of the individuals by addressing their communication methods and other factors that constitute them working together along with other issues needing resolution. Most organizations find themselves in the processes of organizational development to remain strong against their competition. According to the authors of Organizational Psychology “One of the most common motivating factors behind organizational development programs can best be described as survival” (Jex & Britt, 2008, p. 1). Lewin’s Three-Step Model Lewin’s model states that organizational change involves a move from one state to another. Step 1: Unfreezing – In this step there is recognition of change identity. Conditions from the resistance of change began to show, becomes undesirable, and a change must occur...
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...Academy of Management Journal 2009, Vol. 52, No. 3, 527–544. CHANGE IN NEWCOMERS’ SUPERVISOR SUPPORT AND SOCIALIZATION OUTCOMES AFTER ORGANIZATIONAL ENTRY MARKKU JOKISAARI Finnish Institute of Occupational Health JARI-ERIK NURMI University of Jyväskylä Using a four-wave longitudinal research design and a latent growth modeling approach, we modeled change in newcomers’ perceived supervisor support and socialization outcomes (role clarity, work mastery, job satisfaction, and salary). Further, the role of perceived supervisor support in socialization outcomes was examined. The results showed that, on average, newcomers’ perceived supervisor support declined during the period 6–21 months after organizational entry. The results showed further that the steeper the decline in perceived supervisor support, the greater the rate of decrease in role clarity and job satisfaction, and the slower the increase in salary over time. Organizational socialization is an important process for both newcomers and organizations. How newcomers “learn the ropes” and assimilate to an organization during this socialization process presumably has long-lasting effects on their job attitudes and behavior (e.g., Schein, 1978; Wanous, 1992). A pivotal assumption in the organizational socialization literature is that interaction between newcomers and organizational insiders, such as supervisors, plays an important role in newcomers’ socialization and related adjustment to work (e.g., Graen, 1976; Louis...
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...CHAPTER 1 * 1. 1- 1- Organizational Theory, Design, and Change Sixth Edition Gareth R. Jones Chapter 1 Organizations and Organizational Effectiveness * 2. What is an Organization? Organization: a tool used by people to coordinate their actions to obtain something they desire or value Organizations provide goods and services Organizations employ people Organizations bring together people and resources to produce products and services Basically, organizations exist to create value Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall * 3. How Does an Organization Create Value? Value creation takes place at three stages: input, conversion, and output Each stage is affected by the environment in which the organization operates Environment – the set of forces and conditions that operate beyond an organization’s boundaries but affect its ability to acquire and use resources to create value Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall * 4. Figure 1.1: How an Organization Creates Value Copyright 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall * 5. Why Do Organizations Exist? People working together to produce goods and services create more value than people working alone 5 major reasons why organizations exist: To increase specialization and the division of labor Division of labor allows specialization Specialization allows individuals to become experts at their job To use large-scale technology Economies of scale: cost...
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...Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Organizational Development University of Phoenix Organizational Development Organizational development and organizational psychology share a similar link. Both organizational development and organizational psychology entail delving into the realm human behavior in efforts to modify individual and group behavior to increase organizational efficiency and performance. The objective of this paper is to examine organizational development by providing an explanation of the process followed by identifying the theories associated with organizational development. In addition, the paper will illustrate which specific conditions are necessary for successful organizational change and development. Close assessment of the objective will lead to a clear understanding of the bond between organizational development and organizational psychology. Process of Organizational Development Organizational development is the systematic process to implement planned and effective change using technologies, research, theories, and behavioral science in effort to promote change that will “improve” the performance and overall health of an organization. More specifically, “organization development (OD) is a complex strategy intended to change the beliefs, attitudes, values, and structure of organizations so that they can better adapt to new technologies, markets, and challenges”(University of Virginia Leadership Development Center, n.d., ¶ 1). The primary...
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...Vol 4. No. 1 Mar 2009 Journal of Cambridge Studies 6 Why Do Change Management Strategies Fail? ---Illustrations with case studies Xiongwei SONG∗ Department of Politics, University of Sheffield ABSTRACT: Change management is crucial to the survival and development of organizations, the more effectively you deal with change, the more likely you are to thrive. However there are a large number of failures of change management. Organizational change itself is a considerably complex activity; any tiny mistake in change management could lead to the failure of organizational change. Consequently this paper is impossible to encompass all factors that could result in the failure of change management. This paper attempts to explain why change management strategies fail from four perspectives (leadership, culture, people issues and quick response) that are major factors to determine whether change management is successful or not. INTRODUCTION Change for organizations both large and small, whether in the private, public or voluntary sectors has been inevitable for the past decades or so. Such trends of organizational change are increasing in frequency, pace, complexity and turbulence under current situation, and there appears to be no sign of abatement. The concrete purposes of change management for different organizations are probably not the same, but the ethos of change management is the same, that is, making the organizations more effective, efficient, and responsive...
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...Final Proposal 1.Introduction The purpose of this Final Proposal is to analyze the situation around JSC «YXY», to identify the internal and external problems become the triggers of the organizational decision to implement the change. To provide the organization with the diagnosis of factors contributing to change implementation. To determine the groups of stakeholders involved in change process, their interests in relation of this process and predict their behaviour, fears and concerns. We should emphasize the role of leadership, to define the challenging aspects causing the resistance to change, and to offer the methods of its reduction and overcoming. Finally, we will provide the organization with transformation model and give recommendations in order to succeed the people buy-in during the change preparation and implementation process. 2.Background to the Situation of Change (A) Organizational internal problems JSC «YXY» , the regional retailing company and distributor whose results have been in decline for 2 years, needs for significant change. The organization has faced the following problems and issues: Main problems and issues: -High rate of personnel turnover. -Low material interest of stuff in sales results. The personnel has no clear sense of responsibility allocation within the company and does not understand for whom to appeal to settle the current issues. -Ongoing decline in profitability as a result of the existing management system which does...
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...ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR Faculty Member Details: Dr. Prageetha G Raju Room No. D-203 Ph: 8790794397 E-mail: dr.prageetha@gmail.com Consulting Hours: Students can visit my room any time between 9 a.m. and 5:45 p.m. (only if needed) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Course Description: The management of complex organizations requires an understanding of the nature of human behavior in corporate and other organizations, styles of motivations, personality and perceptions, company leadership, power and authority, strategies of organizational design and change, teamwork, conflict and collaboration, and culture. Organizational Behavior explores individual and group behavior within work organizations and helps students understand, describe, and explain human behavior at work. Course Objective: The course shall be completed in 33 sessions and after completing the course the student will be able to: * Apply and analyze different concepts related to organizational behavior * Define the purpose and nature of the field of organizational behavior * Understand and learn how to Manage individuals for high performance by developing your understanding of individual and interpersonal behavior * Understand and learn how to manage groups for high performance through an exposure to theories, concepts, and principles of OB Prescribed Textbook: Organizational Behavior, Stephen P Robbins,Timothy...
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