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Organizational Communication: Groups and Teams


Submitted By TridentGrad2015
Words 695
Pages 3
Organizational Communication – Groups and Teams
Karen Walters
Jones International University
BC345 Organizational Communication
Assignment 4.2

Organizational Communication – Groups and Teams
Describing the Group The school board of Redeemer Community Christian School (RCCS) is a formally structured group that fulfills a particular need of the overall organization. It meets Shockley-Zalabak’s definition of a “directional group”, or one that “establishes policy and is generally responsible for both the oversight and the performance of the organization (2012, p. 187)”. The school board is co-located group of six individuals who set school policies, make financial decisions, and provide overall guidance about the direction and mission of the school. The school board has the final word of authority in all matters related to the running of the school.
Communication within the Group Group communication roles tend to fall into three important classifications: task roles, maintenance roles, and self-centered roles (Shockley-Zalabak, 2012). The RCCS school board exhibits two of these: task roles that help them accomplish goals, and maintenance roles which facilitate social support among members. Fortunately, self-centered roles, which tend to exhibit negative behavior and slow down the work of the group, are not normally experienced within Redeemer’s school board. Specific communications within the school board primarily take place during their semi-monthly meetings. The group meets for 2-3 hours every other Tuesday evening to discuss the business of the school and make decisions. The school board members also communicate via phone or email between meetings to update one another or to suggest agenda items for the next meeting.
Communication between the Group and the Organization Communication between the school board and

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