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Oskar Shindler

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My reflection on this film is heart-shattering. The way I feel towards this specific historical event is disgusted. My ethnic background is Polish and Russian; I feel like a good part of this movie involves characters that are the same ethnicity as myself. What is even more close to home for me is my grandmother, who is not Jewish, grew up in Poland around the same time as these wars were ending. The way that she described her life living in Poland around this time was unfortunate. She watched the world around her as she saw Jewish adolescents and adults liberated from the concentration camps. She also dreadfully observed their delicate, and sick bodies in newspapers. My opinion after watching this film still will never change, but it does give me hope for humanity. In the movie, I watched a Nazi supporter of war named Oskar Schindler develop into one of the most exceptional people to walk this earth.
Oskar Schindler was a Nazi and he was born in a small German village of Zwittau in Sudetenland. He was known for many things, both great and …show more content…
The Jews are being forced out of their ghetto and were to be sent to concentration camps. The Jews were transferred to the concentration camp called Plaszow. The conditions of these concentration camp were brutal, and it often ended in the many deaths from exhaustion, and poor nutrition. Schindler wanted to help these jews. In the movie, it shows Schindler wishing to rescue the jews that were transferred to the concentration camp. After some time this concentration camp was being shut down, and Schneider wanted to save these Jews. Schneider took of the chief of war equipment and commanded out drinking one night in Poland. Schindler had gotten the commander extremely drunk and convinced him to release the Jews to him. Schindler explains to the chief that he was going to put these prisoners to work in his factory making war

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