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Diminishing Addiction In Technology

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Technology Diminishing Addiction
There are millions of people in the United States that are addicted to smoking. There are more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States due to smoking (Smoking & Tobacco Use). This addictive passtime is due to one of the major components of cigarettes, nicotine. According to the Addiction Center, a website educating and offering the public help with addiction, explains, “Nicotine is a highly addictive substance found in tobacco products. There are approximately 50 million people in America who are addicted to some type of tobacco product, including cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco and snuff” (Addiction Center). As this becomes an increasing problem in the US, there needs to be a change in the methods …show more content…
Since technology is improving, there are different options that can be used to prevent these numbers from rising and have them start to decrease. As explained by Gershon Dublon and Joseph A. Paradiso, in their peer reviewed article, “Extra Sensory Perception”, “Researchers have long experimented with wearable sensors and actuators on the body as assistive devices, mapping electrical signals from sensors to a person’s existing senses” (Dublon). With technology, it can help the perception of addicts change by recreated triggers to help them progress in a healthier lifestyle that does not include smoking. So, how can the number of nicotine addicts in the US be reduced using technology? To decrease the amount of nicotine addicts in the US, if there is government support in providing the money to help people get access to the technology that exists to help them progress in withdrawing nicotine. With doctors, scientists, and the technicians, many possibilities become available to making this solution possible. With this solution, it can help get people on the …show more content…
According to Geoffrey Schoenbaum, Behavioral Neurophysiology Neuroscientist, “Neuronal activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain area thought to promote the ability to control behavior, according to likely outcomes or consequences, is altered in drug addicts.” He explains this by adding, “(This) leads to structural changes in OFC neurons, likely reflecting decreased plasticity in these neurons, as well as abnormal neuronal encoding in the OFC.” When there are structural changes, it affects the decision making process in all. This can have long lasting effects on the brain and the rest of the body. If there is continual use, if could be very dangerous to the rest of the body. As explained by Xinan Xiu,Divisions of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Biology, California Institute of Technology, “In contrast, the low affinity for nicotine at the muscle type ACh receptor is largely due to the fact that this key interaction is absent, even though the immediate binding site residues, including the key amino acid TrpB, are identical in the brain and muscle receptors” (Xiu). This receptor are very important, so when they are damaged by nicotine, it can be very dangerous and affecting the chemical compound of the brain that are important to the muscle function.This shows that there is a chemical change in the brain that changes their

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