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Submitted By linder
Words 953
Pages 4
Osteoporosis affects millions of people in the United States. The most affected age group is post menopausal women and the elderly. As many as 32% of women and 17% of men up to the age of 90 will suffer at least one fracture of the hip, spine, wrist, or other susceptible bone attributable to osteoporosis ( Pamela W McCoy, Dec 2001). Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bone tissue deteriorates to a point where the bone becomes fragile and may fracture with minimal trauma.
There are many risk factors for osteoporosis. These include; genetic, nutritional and behavioral. For many years there has been research to find treatment for osteoporosis. For postmenopausal women the drug that is preferred is estrogen. Bisphosphonates and calcitonin are useful for those who cannot take estrogen. For men bisphosphonates is the only treatment. Supplements of calcium and regular exercise help prevent or slow down the rate of bone loss.
Osteoporosis progresses for many years without causing symptoms. But some signs are decreased bone strength which result in deformities of the skeleton, lack of bone density which can cause loss of height and bone quality which makes bone more fragile and prone to fractures.
Many levels of the hierarchy are unmet with osteoporosis. There are the physiological needs which are the basic physical needs. A person with osteoporosis can have pain due to deformities and can also fall into the body integrity need. Rest is also a need because the person may not be comfortable in bed or while resting on a chair due to backaches resulting from kyphosis. Physiological needs are also unmet, because of limitations. Sex, exercise and activity are limited due to pain or risks of fracturing a bone.
Another unmet need would be the safety need. The need to avoid harm is diminished because they can easily fall or minimal trauma can cause a fracture, so safety,

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