Premium Essay

Paper #2


Submitted By melissaDU
Words 1507
Pages 7
Art History 101 – Ancient to Medieval

Handout 4

Greek Art: Geometric & Orientalizing (9th-7th BC), Archaic (7th-6th BC),
(5th c. BC), Late Classical (4th century BC) and Hellenistic Periods (3rd - 1st c. BC)


800 BC: Prosperity comes again to Greece after the fall of the Mycenaeans.
Trade and important ceramic traditions look Eastward for sources.


1. Late Geometric belly-handled amphora by the Dypilon master, 8th c. BCE, fig.5.2, use of registers, primarily geometric designs, krater= used to mix wine and water, miander pattern, representations of humans very abstract, focus on living rather than dead. !

Life size human sculpture, funerary, influenced by Egyptian technique.
Kouros (youth) sculptures were used as grave markers. male body idealized, broad shoulders, narrow waste, and deeply carved joints (athletic ideal).
Kore/Korai is the female version of the Kouros.
Archaic smile, heavy cloth draped over them=peplos, curling/stylized hair, round face. Painted pure white, marble, symmetrical face, body not symmetrical, “Business in the front, party in the back”


Architecture: Sculpture and architecture are integrated in the pediments of the first
Greek temples
Temple of Artemis at Corfu (600 BC): Doric order, limestone, story of Medusa being slayed by Perseus on the pediment of the temple, central figure on pediment= medusa, situated in the traditional Archaic pose: bent leg, bent arm, and pinwheel posture to show running or flying. One of medusas children located on either side of her, Pegasus on the left, Chrysaor on the right (this might be because in the archaic period, one distinguished the central figure of the story by displaying his offspring). Perseus shown looking through his shield at medusa, protectors of the temple, Perseus slays two felines located on

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