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Parent Interview Paper

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Parent Interview The person this student interviewed was Fabiana, she is the mother of 3 boys, they live in a middle class Brazilian society, and she has been concerned with her middle child, a 4 year old, although he is 4 years old already, he cannot speak yet. Recently the educators at the daycare center he attends raised concerned with Fabiana about his inability to communicate verbally, most of the other children at his age are already communicating verbally, speaking words and full sentences, but he does not, and that is impacting his progress in the day care center. She explained to me that one of her frustrations is trying to schedule appointments with specialists to see him. She did schedule an appointment with a child psychologist, …show more content…
I did ask about his earlier years, and how did he do in for example learning how to walk. She explained that he also took a long time to learn how to walk, so much so, that she took him to a bone specialist because she was concerned that there might be something wrong with his legs. The specialist assured her that maybe he was taking longer in learning how to walk, but his legs was fine, and once he wanted to, he would learn to walk, and soon after that he learned, and once he learned he would not fall like most kids, once he learned, he was really good at it. So she is hoping that with his speech it would be the same …show more content…
As a school counselor, one of the implications of this interview is that schools counselors should have resources and recommendations to give to the children's parents, it is not enough to just inform the parents that their child might need special assistance, a school counselor should be able to offer resources for the parents and recommendations as to where to go from

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