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Pasic Research Paper

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Pages 4
In the world there are many different fields of study and fields of work; accordingly, individuals come of ability to fill roles within them every day. Though the job of entertainment is often looked down upon for it is argued that it is an unnecessary task, it is no secret that it is an extremely competitive line of work. Entertainment, music to be more exact, can be one of the highest paying or lowest paying fields. Whether one is successful or not is dependent on many things, both in and out of an individual’s control. In the world of drum-set performance, the field is ever-changing. Making it to a professional level is a feat that even some of the most proficient never achieve. In the world of auditions and positions that may never be earned, there is never a shortage of able individuals to willing to make take the place. A professional position in percussion requires vast knowledge pertaining to equipment, stylistic repertoire, networking, and proper practice-rehearsal time management.
Pasic is the largest drum and percussion expo in the world. Held under the Percussive Arts Society, the names and brands connected are worth knowing. A total of 120 exhibitors - meaning brands and manufacturers make up the event. ( It is a musician's obligation to remain up to date on …show more content…
Definite tuned instruments are typically idiophones, for membranohpones are not constantly consistent between tuning points. Reasonably, there are idiophones and tuned idiophones. Examples of indefinite pitched idiophones are cymbals, shakers, and claves. Tuned idiophones are mainly made up of keyboard instruments such as vibraphones, marimbas and xylophones. Membranophones, however, are categorized as indefinitely pitched because they are typically not tuned to specific notes - relying on multiple tuning points such as lugs sometimes intentionally produces inconsistent head tensioning. (Lopez,

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