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Pathogen Essay Nursing

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‘An infection is the entry and multiplication of an infectious agent in the tissues of a host. If the infectious agent fails to cause injury to cells or tissues, the infection is asymptomatic. If the pathogens multiply and cause clinical symptoms, the infection is symptomatic and once the infectious disease is transmitted directly from one person to another, it is a communicable or contagious disease. The presence of a pathogen does not mean that infection will begin. Development of an infection occurs in a cycle that depends on the presence of an infectious agent or pathogen, a reservoir or source for pathogen growth, a portal of exit from the reservoir, a mode of transmission, a portal of entry to a host and a susceptible host. Once all these are intact an infection will develop. Nurses follow infection prevention and control practices to break the chain so that infection will not develop’ (Perry, 2001 p.835). Many patients in the hospitals develop nosocomial infections which are “infections acquired during hospitalization or developed within a hospital setting” (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2010 …show more content…
Equally Florence Nightingale emphasized the importance of cleanliness and hygiene in preventing and controlling illness. However it was only 100 years later in 1858 that Florence Nightingale promoted the case for hospital reform (Forder, 2007). In late 1854, Nightingale received a letter from secretary of war Sydney Herbert, asking her to organize a corps of nurses to attend to the sick and fallen soldiers in Crimea, due to lack of sanitation and cholera outbreak she decided to buy hundreds of scrub brushes to scrub the hospital as an infection measure because more soldiers were dying from infectious

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