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Patrick Hoover Case Study In Healthcare

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It’s never easy being the new employee at work. It’s especially difficult when you’re a new manager and are trying to develop a reputation as being the fair but firm boss. It would be nice if one could warm up to this position of authority; unfortunately, we are not often granted this luxury of time. In Patrick McCain’s case, he has found himself in a position where he must take control of a situation lest it go terribly wrong. Failure on his part to gain control of this situation could result in increased down time at work, poor performance on behalf of employees both during and after the software upgrade, and a decrease in coordination and quality of patient care. The first thing that Patrick needs to achieve is cohesion among the members …show more content…
Proper use of an EHR can achieve many goals including patient safety and satisfaction, efficiency in the care provided to patients, and increased protection of protected health information (PHI). (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012). Furthermore, proper use of an EHR can help drive revenue by ensuring compliance with federal incentive programs. (McBride, 2012). Based on Delmar Orthopedics’ recent decrease in reimbursement, there is good reason for all members of staff to get on board with a smooth and successful upgrade of the …show more content…
Additionally, the team can come up with a plan to continue to provide patient care during the few hours that the system will be down on the go-live date. Once a practice has become used to working with EHR technology, it can be difficult to remember what life was like prior – during the years of paper and pen. However, it will most likely be necessary to resort to these old methods if only for a few hours during the upgrade. In addition to the training that is taking place with regard to the EHR changes, staff will need to be properly instructed on the most efficient methods to handle patient check-in and care during down time. For any and all patients that are scheduled for the day of the upgrade, necessary medical records will need to be accessible by the appropriate staff. Similarly, physicians, nurses and clerks will need to ensure they are prepared to provide services and to properly document all pertinent information. Once the electronic system is back up and running, these notes can either be entered into the EHR or scanned in as a separate but complete

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